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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Static Voltage Stability Analysis In Power Systems Engineering Essay
Static Voltage Stability Analysis In Power Systems Engineering Essay Voltage steadiness, one of the important parts of intensity framework solidness, has been the primary purpose behind a considerable lot of significant force framework power outage episodes in the course of the most recent couple of decades. It is recognized all around that voltage dependability is and will stay a test in the 21st century, even liable to increment in significance. In this way a superior comprehension of voltage steadiness in power frameworks is important for power engineers, who may partake in the arranging, structuring, and activity of current force frameworks. This report discusses an important building postulation venture: Static Voltage Stability Analysis in Power Systems, which is done for 2 semesters from July 2009 to June 2010. The point of this proposition venture is to lead an increasingly extensive examination into the hypothesis of static voltage solidness, and research another methodology for power stream investigation: 3-measurement P-Q-V bend. Above all else, the essential information on static voltage soundness is explored, and examination on a rudimentary force framework, outspread framework, is done including power stream study, P-V and Q-V bend investigation. In light of the 2-measurement P-V and Q-V plotting, the relationship of P, Q, and V is examined and another strategy for static voltage dependability examination is attempted: P-Q-V bend. The second piece of this task centers around the investigation of WSCC three-generator-nine-transport framework. Reproduction of the framework is brought through by methods for UWPFLOW and POWERWORLD. Direct force stream strategy and continuation power stream technique are applied and the most vulnerable transport is considered. To wrap things up, bends are gotten and results are talked about. Watchwords: Static Voltage Stability; Radial System; Power Flow Method; Continuation Power Flow Method; P-V Curve; Q-V Curve; P-Q-V Curve. Substance à ¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ«Å" à ¨Ã¢ ¦Ã¢ I Dynamic ii Substance iv Part 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Part 2 POWER SYSTEM VOLTAGE STABILITY 8 Part 3 STATIC VOLTAGE STABILITY ANALYSIS OF ELEMENTARY POWER SYSTEM 11 Part 4 STATIC VOLTAGE STABILITY ANALYSIS OF WSCC NINE-BUS SYSTEM 26 Part 5 CONCLUSION 39 REFERENCES 41 Affirmations 43 Informative supplement A MATLAB CODES FOR FIGURE 3.8 44 Supplement B MATLAB CODES FOR FIGURE 4.2 46 Supplement C MATLAB CODES FOR FIGURE 4.3 47 Supplement D MATLAB CODES FOR FIGURE 4.4 48 Supplement E MATLAB CODES FOR FIGURE 4.5 49 Supplement F MATLAB CODES FOR FIGURE 4.6 50 Supplement G MATLAB CODES FOR FIGURE 4.7 51 Supplement H DATA OF WSCC NINE-BUS SYSTEM 52 Section 1 INTRODUCTION An Overview of Modern Power System A force framework is a system of conduits and gadgets which permits electrical vitality to be moved from the creating power stations to stack focuses through transmission arrange. Since the main electric system in the United States was built up at the Pearl Street Station in New York City by Thomas Edison in 1882 [1], power frameworks have been encountering over 100 years advancement and improvement. These days, current force framework has created to be a complex interconnected system, which can be partitioned into four sections: Age Private and freely claimed generators produce the power that takes care of into high voltage frameworks. Transmission High voltage transmission networks transport power from creating units at different areas to dissemination frameworks which at last gracefully the heap. Conveyance Conveyance frameworks convey the force from nearby mass flexibly focuses to the purchasers administration entrance types of gear. Burdens Heaps of intensity frameworks are made out of modern, business, and private burden. Figure 1.1 Modern Power System [2] Force System Stability A force framework is supposed to be steady on the off chance that it has the property that it holds a condition of balance under ordinary working conditions and recaptures a satisfactory condition of balance in the wake of being exposed to an unsettling influence. Of all the mind boggling wonders on power framework, power framework soundness is the most unpredictable to comprehend and testing to break down [3]. Harm to control framework soundness may make the framework power outage or breakdown just as other disastrous episodes, prompting huge social and financial misfortunes. Grouping of Power System Stability In view of the frameworks various properties, arrange structures and activity modes, the framework shakiness can carry on from various perspectives. As needs be power framework dependability study is separated mostly into three fields: point steadiness, recurrence soundness and voltage solidness. The outline beneath shows outwardly the characterization of intensity framework strength. Figure 1.2 Classification of Power System Stability History of Study on Power System Stability At first, precise strength was initially focused on and concentrated since power transmission capacity had generally been restricted by either rotor edge (simultaneous) solidness or by warm stacking ability. What's more, the power outage issues had been related with transient security, which were decreased by quick short out clearing, ground-breaking excitation frameworks and fluctuates extraordinary soundness controls [3]. At the end of the day, these days the hypothesis and strategies on precise soundness are moderately progressively complete. In the interim, concentrate on voltage steadiness had been very moderate, which principally ascribed to two reasons: Occurrences brought about by voltage insecurity or voltage breakdown happened moderately late, not until which peopled focused on voltage flimsiness issues. Comprehension of voltage precariousness was not all that significant as different sorts of shakiness issues in the good 'ol days. Fluctuates of issues emerged during the investigation on voltage dependability, for example, load-based demonstrating, dynamic practices of various parts just as their collaboration, etc. Diagram of Power System Voltage Stability Voltage Instability Incidents in the World Force framework voltage steadiness was initially presented in 1940s, however neglected to draw people groups consideration until 1970s, since which voltage shakiness and breakdown had brought about a few significant framework disappointments or power outages all through the world, as recorded beneath [4, 5, 22]: August 22, 1970, Japan, 30 minutes; September 22, 1970, New York, a few hours; September 22, 1977, Jacksonville, Florida, few moments; December 19, 1978, France, 26 minutes; August 4, 1982, Northern Belgium, 4.5 minutes; September 2, November 26, December 28 30, 1982, Florida, 1-3 minutes; May 21, 1983, Northern California, 2 minutes; December 27, 1983, Sweden, 55 seconds; June 11, 1984, Northeastern USA, a few hours; May 17, 1985, South Florida, 4 seconds; April 1986, Winnipeg, Canada Nelson River HVDC joins, 1 second; May 20, 1986, England, 5 minutes; November 1986, SE Brazil, Paraguay, 2 seconds; January 12, 1987, Western France, 6-7 minutes; July 20, 1987, Illinoisand India, a few hours; July 23, 1987, Tokyo Japan, 20 minutes; August 22, 1987, Western Tennessee, 10 seconds; July 2, 1996, Western System Coordination Council (WSCC), Northern USA; August 1996, Malaysia; August 14, 2003, USA Canada; September 28, 2003, Italy. Progress of Study on Voltage Stability The huge quantities of overall voltage breakdown episodes caused it to turn into the focal point of universes regard for study voltage strength of intensity framework. During the 1982s exploring rundown of Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in USA, voltage strength was considered as the most critical issue. In the course of the most recent thirty years, and particularly over about the most recent twenty years, utility designers, experts, and college specialists have strongly considered voltage strength. Several specialized papers have come about, alongside gatherings, discussions, and courses. Utilities have created useful investigation methods, and are currently arranging and working force frameworks to forestall voltage shakiness for dependable unsettling influences [6]. Significance of Voltage Stability in Future In a not so distant, the worldwide quickly developing force utilization will require increasingly escalated utilization of accessible transmission offices, which implies an activity of intensity frameworks closer to their voltage dependability limits. The expanded utilization of existing transmission is made conceivable, to some extent, by responsive force pay [6]. Without a doubt, voltage steadiness is and will stay a test in the 21st century, even prone to increment in significance. In this way a superior comprehension of voltage strength in power frameworks is essential for power engineers, who may take part in the arranging, structuring, and activity of current force frameworks. Subject Definition and Scope The subject of this undertaking is Static Voltage Stability Analysis in Power Systems, which essentially centers around the accompanying: Outline of the marvels of static voltage dependability; Examination related with the marvels; Reasons why voltage breakdown occurs; Measures to improve static voltage dependability. Regarding limitations on the recreation, a three-generator-nine-transport case is utilized all through the entire task while a regular two-transport (one-generator-one-load) case is utilized for the P-Q-V bend investigation. Points and Objectives The primary goal of this task is to get a more extensive and more profound comprehension of static voltage steadiness in power frameworks, which can be diminished into sub-destinations: To lead an increasingly exhaustive examination into the hypothesis of static voltage soundness; To search for reasons why voltage breakdown occurs; To research another methodology for power stream investigation: 3-measurement P-Q-V plotting; To propose legitimate proportions of improving static voltage security in power frameworks; To finish up age course and burden heading for the broke down force framework. Section 2 POWER SYSTEM VOLTAGE STABILITY Essential Concepts of Voltage Stability IEEE Definitions IEEE [7] gave a proper meaning of voltage solidness and relative ideas as given beneath: Voltage Stability: Voltage solidness is the capacity of a framework to keep up voltage with the goal that when load permission is expanded, loa
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Shutdown At Eastland Essays
Shutdown At Eastland Essays Shutdown At Eastland Essay Shutdown At Eastland Essay A city-wide declaration of the plant’s bringing because of bombing deals to a close, stock decrease, and irregularity with the economy’s change. A business recharging agreement can be given to more seasoned laborers whom wish to migrate to different plants inside the country. This could introduce the organization as a tender and moral association that is worried of Northland’s wellbeing (Bowie Beauchamp,1993, p.98).The re-interest in the town or a representative advantage program could help dislodged laborers with money related helplessness once MG closes. Public interview Addressing Issue Then again, MG should have a question and answer session or city meeting to hear the voices of the network. Our company’s nearness has helped Northland become what it is today.â The residents merit an option to contend their situation of what the organization could do to their town. We, MG, may run into issues of petitions, a financial move inside the city, and perhaps an abandoned town once positions are lost (Bowie Beauchamp, 1993, p.99). On the off chance that we are not to stay working, I accept the town’s individuals ought to get an opportunity to vindicate themselves. Northland’s Economic Climate The city of Northland may experience the ill effects of the end of the assembling plant. The monetary atmosphere changes with the advancement of the plant; negative effects of lost income could hurt the city. With more than 3,700 workers, Northland’s 26,000 city populace hazards a town losing its substance (Bowie Beauchamp,1993, p.98). By and large, the city of Northland created with the procedure of MG’s execution throughout the years. Our thought of their endeavors to build income, gracefully occupations, and harbor the functions of a framework exceeds cut benefits. Northland’s city won't have the option to do the trick a colossal lost as 3,000+ positions are taken from its residents (Bowie Beauchamp, 1993, p.99). As an association of trustworthiness, would mg be able to deal with such an impression put on a network because of benefit misfortune? The numbers or a group of architects should come into to reconsider the present tasks to make sure about all the mor e subsidizing for remodel. MG and Northland Response MG should enroll the laid off representatives into a joblessness advantages to suit their lost compensation. City authorities may propose an answer too through question and answer sessions and friends occasions inside the network. Compose gatherings for each move of laborers to talk about the present situation of the organization in its industry. Their info could be significant in finding the correct answer for increment deals, get ready venture methodologies, or proclaim farfetched by reports. Declaration to corporate office of the choice to close the plant may set aside the organization cash. Its different issues include finding a business to supplant its ability inside the Northland people group. Leave With Dignity Host a goodbye network occasion where laborers can have a chance to talk about their interpretation of the issue so the choice to close might be settled. A speculation of $9.6 million could spare the network and numerous occupations for the present representatives (Bowie Beauchamp, 1993, p.99).MG’s position as a little van producer may keep it in the inclining benefits on the off chance that it keeps on making item. A yearly report on the company’s change or expanded deals could influence the public’s assessment of shutting the plant.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
9 Famous People Who Will Inspire You to Never Give Up
9 Famous People Who Will Inspire You to Never Give Up All of us have our own goals, dreams and ambitions. We know what we want and we have a plan on how to get it. Unfortunately, most of us forget one crucial thing.The path to success is not a straight one. It is a treacherous path filled with challenges and obstacles and failure.The key difference between successful people and mediocre people is their reaction to failure.When faced with failure, mediocre people curl themselves up in defeat and tell themselves that they were not cut out for it.Successful people, on the other hand, know that getting what you want will never be easy. Regardless of the number of times they fail, they don’t give up.Instead, they pick themselves up from their failure, dust themselves up and give it another try.If you want to achieve your dreams, you should adopt this spirit of persistence. Like Winston Churchill once said, success is the ability to move from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.Focus on your goals and keep going, no matter what li fe throws at you.Since seeing is believing, we have compiled for you a list of 9 famous and successful people who will inspire you to never give up.These people faced numerous challenges, they failed several times, but they did not let their challenges or failure define them.Instead, they continued pushing on until they eventually struck gold. ALBERT EINSTEINToday, the name Einstein is synonymous with genius. Ask a random person to name one genius they know and I am willing to bet that they will mention Albert Einstein. However, Einstein had not always been a genius.During his childhood, no one would have nominated him for the most-likely-to-be-a-genius award. In fact, it was the complete opposite. People, including his teachers, thought Einstein was mentally handicapped.In his early childhood, it seemed that Einstein had developmental problems. Einstein did not learn how to speak until he was four years old, and did not learn how to read until he was seven years old.In Elementary s chool, his teachers thought he was mentally challenged and even claimed that he would not amount to anything in life. Due to his rebellious nature, Einstein was expelled out of high school.However, this is not stop him from continuing his education. He continued educating himself with the guidance of his uncle.At the age of 16, Einstein took an entrance exam at the Zurich University and failed. Instead of giving up, he went and received the requisite training and retook the entrance exam again. This time round he was admitted to the university.After graduating from university near the bottom of his class, he tried to find work as a professor’s assistant but no professor wanted to work with him. He was the only one from his class with no job offer, and remained jobless for two years until some friends got him a job as a clerk in a patent office.Despite all these challenges, Einstein never gave up. He continued furthering his education and ended up revolutionizing the world’s appr oach to physics. He developed the Theory of General Relativity and went on to win the Nobel Prize for physics.Today, six decades after his death, Einstein is still considered one of the best minds ever.THOMAS EDISONThomas Edison is one of the world’s best known inventors, but he is also widely known for his persistence, especially with the creation of the light bulb. Starting out, Edison was not a child prodigy.A few years after joining elementary school, Edison was sent away from school with a note that said that he was too stupid to learn anything. Fortunately for him, he did not read the note. He took it to his mother and asked her what it said. With teary eyes, his mother told him that his teachers thought he was too gifted to be at school, and she started homeschooling him.Not having schooled like a typical child, Edison went into the job market a bit early. Unfortunately for him, he was fired from his first two jobs because his employers thought he was not very productive at work. Edison, however, did not let this stop him. He left employment to focus on being an inventor, something he had a passion for ever since his childhood.Edison’s greatest show of his persistence was displayed during his attempts to make the electric light bulb. Edison did over 10,000 experiments trying to make the light bulb work.Asked by a journalist why he had not given up after 10,000 failed attempts, Edison simply stated that he had found 10,000 ways that did not work, which meant that he was a lot closer to finding a solution that worked.And true to his words, it did not take him much longer to find one that worked.Thanks to his persistence, we can now enjoy the convenience brought about by the light bulb. Despite his early failures, Edison’s persistence turned him into a household name.By the time of his death, he held over 1,000 patents, and GE, the company he founded, remains one of the largest companies in the world to-date.WALT DISNEYThe Walt Disney Company is the largest independent mass media and entertainment conglomerate. Disneyland is the world’s most popular theme park, while the Character Mickey Mouse, developed by the Walt Disney Company, is one of the most recognizable TV characters.Many Disney productions defined childhood for so many of us. However, all this would not have happened if Walt Disney, the man behind the Walt Disney Company, had listened to his naysayers or given in to failure.Before achieving his success, Walt Disney went through a number of failures. Walt Disney career woes began when he was fired from a newspaper. Ironically, Disney was fired because his editor at the newspaper thought that he was not creative enough. Out of a job, Disney decide to go into business. He started his own company, an animation studio known as Laugh-O-Gram. Unfortunately, the company went bankrupt within a few years.Undeterred, Disney created an animated series around Oswald The Rabbit, a character he had created himself. Things were go ing pretty well for him until he lost his rights to the character to the series distributors, Universal Studios.From there, Disney created the Mickey Mouse character, but the character was rejected by MGM studios because the folks at MGM thought that a giant mouse on the screen would scare women. He came up with animated series ‘The Three Little Pigs’, but this was rejected by distributors because they thought it had very few characters.Fortunately, all these failures and rejections did not discourage Disney. He went on to create the iconic company that bears his name and one that brought happiness to generations upon generations. Even the characters and animated series that were initially rejected ended up becoming wildly popular and successful.DWAYNE JOHNSONAlmost everyone Dwayne “The Rock†Johnson, a retired professional wrestler and a Hollywood star. Dwayne Johnson was voted the World’s Sexiest Man Alive in 2016 and was ranked by Forbes as Hollywood’s highest paid ac tor in 2017.Despite the massive success he has achieved, Dwayne Johnson’s journey to success was not easy. He only got there through sheer persistence and determination. There were several instances that could have derailed Johnson off his path, but they didn’t.As a teenager, Johnson got interested in football and joined his high school football team. Being from a family that was not very well off financially, Johnson saw football as the vehicle that would get him and his family out of poverty.He focused on football, and even got a football scholarship to the University of Miami. All was going well and he was primed to get drafted into the NFL. However, an injury saw him replaced from his college football time by Warren Sapp, who ended becoming an NFL star. The injury killed all his dreams of playing in the NFL.Still determined to make it as a pro footballer, Johnson was drafted by the Calgary Stampeders in Canada. Unfortunately, his career as a pro footballer was not meant to b e.A few months later, he was let go by the Stampeders, and his dream of being a professional footballer was crushed. The pain of seeing his dream get crushed almost got Johnson into depression.After thinking hard about his life, he decided that the end of a football career was not the end of his life. He left the gridiron and decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather by becoming a pro wrestler.Through a lot of hard work and determination, his efforts finally paid off, and he saw massive success in the ring. He then leveraged his success in the ring to catapult himself to the big screen.The rest, as they say, is history. Despite failing and seeing his dreams shattered, Johnson never gave up. Instead, he simply rethought his plan and continued chasing the success he so much wanted.KATY PERRYKaty Perry is a world renowned singer, songwriter and TV personality. She has won five American Music Awards, won the People’s Choice awards fourteen times, won the Guinnes s World Records four times and a ton of other awards, alongside being named as Billboard’s woman of the year in 2010-2011. She is currently worth over $280 million. Despite her stardom, her journey to success and fame was not an easy affair.Having been born in a strictly Christian family, Katy Perry’s first foray into the music industry was through gospel music. She released her first gospel album in 2001, but it was commercially unsuccessful, selling a mere 200 copies.After achieving no success with this album, the record label she was signed to dropped her. Having tried and failed at gospel music, Katy Perry switched to popular music. She got into a collaboration with producer Glen Ballard, but no deals came from the collaboration.Still trying to realize her dream, she got signed to Island Def Jam, but the contract was short lived. After a few months, she was dropped again. After leaving Island Def Jam, she signed with Columbia Records, but once again, she was dropped when her project was about 80% complete.Having been dropped by record labels three times, most people would be convinced that the music industry was not for them.Not Katy Perry.She worked odd jobs to survive while still chasing her dream of making it as a singer. In 2006, she signed with Capitol Music Group and released another album.The album was a hit, and I Kissed A Girl, one of her singles from the album topped the charts in several countries, springing her to stardom. Had she decided to give up after being dropped by three record labels, Katy Perry would not be the star she is today.STEVE JOBSSteve Jobs is America’s most iconic tech entrepreneur. He built Apple Inc. one of the most successful tech companies and brought us great products like the MacBook, the iPhone and the iPod. Jobs is the poster boy of the startup culture of Silicon Valley.What many might not know is that jobs also had to surmount numerous challenges to achieve this success, and there is a thing or two we can learn from him about persistence.Growing up, Jobs family was not particularly rich. After attending Reed College for about six months, Jobs dropped out from school because he felt it was too expensive for his parents. After spending some time trying to find himself and his purpose in life, Jobs decided to focus on building computers and he founded the Apple Company.He started the company from his parent’s garage and built it into a billion dollar company.Things were going well until Jobs was kicked out of Apple by the board in favor of John Sculley. Imagine being ousted from the company you built from the ground up, starting in your parent’s garage, and the reigns of the company being handed over to someone you hired yourself. This was a devastating moment for Jobs, and he even contemplated leaving Silicon Valley altogether.After lots of thought and considerations, he decided to stick it out in Silicon Valley. He acquired an animation studio named Pixar and built another computer com pany named NeXT. After achieving some success with NeXT, the company was bought by Apple, in a deal that saw Jobs come back to Apple.At the time, Apple had started failing, but when Jobs took the reigns as CEO for the second time, he saved the company, which was doing bad and seemed to be beyond salvage, and built it into the iconic brand it is today.JACK MAJack Ma is the founder of the Alibaba Group, a Chinese multinational conglomerate that specializes in Retail, ecommerce, technology, internet and Artificial Intelligence. Jack Ma is also China’s richest man, with a net worth of $34.2 billion.What many may not know is that Jack Ma’s success is a story of persistence and the determination to never give up.Jack Ma is no stranger to failure. He was not a particularly good student. He had to retake the entrance test two times in order to get into middle school. Getting into college wasn’t easy for him either.He failed the college entrance exam two times.In fact, he actually got a score of 1 out of 120 points in the math paper of his first college entrance exam. School examinations and tests are not Jack Ma’s only encounters with failure. Jack Ma was also rejected from Harvard University a record ten times. Talk of persistence! How many of you would bother applying the third time after getting two rejections?Once he got into the job market after graduating from college, he sent applications to 30 different jobs, only to be rejected by every single one of them. He even tried to be a policeman, but they thought he was not up for it.Afterwards, he managed to get an interview at KFC, but of all the 24 interviewees, he was the only one that got rejected, owing to his short height and unappealing looks.Once he decided to start Alibaba, success did not come easy either. The company did not make any profit in its first three years, but Jack Ma did not give up. He tried to convince Silicon Valley investors to fund the company but was rejected by all Silicon Valley investors he talked to.At one point, the company was almost going bankrupt. Jack Ma still did not give up on the company, and eventually, his persistence paid off. Jack Ma’s story is the perfect example of going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.HENRY FORDToday, Henry Ford is a household name. He is known as a great entrepreneur and the man that revolutionized the automobile industry in the United States, making the automobile ubiquitous in every American home.He also pioneered the use of the assembly line in manufacturing, leading to reduced production costs, while at the same time championing for proper treatment of workers. Before hitting his massive success, Ford had to overcome two key failures.At the age of 23, Henry Ford was simply a young man with a dream to build a vehicle for the common man. Armed with nothing but his dream and ideas, he approached a lumber baron named William H. Murphy for funding in order to produce an automobile he had named the Quadricycle. This led to the formation of his first company, the Detroit Automobile Company. Unfortunately, after delayed productions, Murphy grew jittery and pulled out, leading to dissolution of the company.After thinking through his first failure, Ford once again convinced Murphy to back him a second time, leading to the creation of the Henry Ford Company.Having failed the first time, Murphy backed Ford on condition that Ford would work under a supervisor of Murphy’s choice. Ford found it difficult working under a supervisor who knew nothing about engineering and he ended up leaving the company without anything, not even the rights to his designs.With two failures, a tarnished reputation and no money, one would have thought Ford would give up. For him, however, giving up was not an option. He tried once more, convincing a coal magnate by the name Alexander Malcomson to finance him. This led to the creation of the Ford Motor Company.After a while, Ford released the Model A, but it was wrought with so many problems. It would take him another five years before he launched the Model T, which became an instant success, revolutionizing the automobile industry and catapulting Ford to the top of the industry.Despite his early failures and setbacks, giving up never crossed the mind of Henry Ford. For him, failure was just an opportunity to try again, this time more intelligently.COLONEL SANDERSMost of us are familiar with the logo of the popular food franchise known as KFC. The logo depicts the face of Colonel Sanders, the man who founded KFC. Today, KFC is the world’s second largest restaurant franchise, with over 20,000 restaurants spread out over more than 23 countries. Almost everyone knows KFC, but not everyone knows the story of Colonel Sanders, its founder.Colonel Sanders’ life did not start off easy. After his father died and his mom remarried, Sanders fled away from home at the age of 15 to escape abuse by his stepfather.He worked as a farmhand and th en lied about his age so he could be drafted into the army. Unfortunately, he did not stay in the army for long. He was discharged after just four months.From there, he was hired and fired from several jobs. Seeing that he could not hold down a job, his wife and the mother of his three kids sold all their belongings when Sanders was on a business trip and left with the kids.After working several jobs, Sanders, then aged 40, started selling chicken at a service station. A few years later, he bought a motel, but the motel and his restaurant was razed to the ground a short while later. Not one to give up, he rebuilt the motel and run it for a while, but was forced to sell it when a newly completed interstate took traffic away from his location. While working at his restaurant, he had developed a secret chicken recipe that customers really loved.Having sold his restaurant, he decided to market his franchise-model chicken restaurant. He was 65 years at the time. With only a social securi ty check of $105 and his killer chicken recipe, he hit the road trying to convince restaurants to buy into his franchise model. It wasn’t easy. Sanders and his recipe was rejected a record 1009 times, before making his first sale.Once he made his first sale, however, the company grew faster than even he had anticipated. Eventually, he ended up selling the company for $2 million, which is about $15 million today.WRAPPING UPSuccess does not come easy, and only the most persistent are able to achieve their dreams. The 9 people covered in this article all faced challenges that would have prevented them from becoming successful, but giving up was not in their DNA.They took their failures gracefully, learnt any lessons they could from their failures and then bounced back with even more determination.Their stories should serve as an inspiration to you. Any time you are faced with challenges and feel like giving up, remind yourself that challenges and failure are a part of success. Whenev er life deals you a blow, pick yourself up, dust yourself up and give it another try.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Learn More About How Communication Media Has Evolved
Smart newspapermen of the time paid attention when the telegraph was invented. The New York Herald, the Sun and the Tribune had been founded recently. The proprietors of these newspapers saw that the telegraph was bound to affect all newspapers profoundly. How were the newspapers to cope with the situation and make use of the news that was coming in and would be coming in more and faster over the wires? Improved Newspaper Presses For one thing, the newspapers now needed better printing machinery. Steam-powered printing in America had begun. New printing presses were introduced in the United States by Robert Hoe at the same time as Samuel Morse was struggling to perfect the telegraph. Before steam power, newspapers printed in the United States used presses operated by hand. The New York Sun, the pioneer of cheap modern newspapers, was printed by hand in 1833, and four hundred papers an hour was the highest speed of one press. Robert Hoes double-cylinder, steam-driven printing press was an improvement, however, it was Hoes son that invented the modern newspaper press. In 1845, Richard March Hoe invented the revolving or rotary press letting newspapers print at rates of a hundred thousand copies an hour. Newspaper publishers now had the fast Hoe presses, cheap paper, could type cast by machinery, had stereotyping and the new process of making pictures by photoengraving replacing engraving on wood. However, the newspapers of 1885, still set up their type by the same method that Benjamin Franklin used to set up the type for The Pennsylvania Gazette. The compositor stood or sat at his case, with his copy before him, and picked the type up letter by letter until he had filled and correctly spaced a line. Then he would set another line, and so on, all with his hands. After the job was completed, the type had to be distributed again, letter by letter. Typesetting was slow and expensive. Linotype and Monotype This labor of manual typesetting was done away with by the invention of two intricate and ingenious machines. The linotype, invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler of Baltimore, and the monotype of Tolbert Lanston, a native of Ohio. However, the linotype became the favorite composing machine for newspapers. The Invention of the Typewriter While new technology for printing newspapers was being developed, another instrument for journalists was coming into existence, the typewriter. Early Typewriters Alfred Ely Beach made a sort of typewriter as early as 1847, but he neglected it for other things. His typewriter had many of the features of the modern typewriter, however, it lacked a satisfactory method of inking the types. In 1857, S. W. Francis of New York invented a typewriter with a ribbon that was saturated with ink. Neither of these typewriters were a commercial success. They were regarded merely as the toys of ingenious men. Christopher Latham Sholes The accredited father of the typewriter was Wisconsin newspaperman, Christopher Latham Sholes. After his printers went on strike, Sholes made a few unsuccessful attempts to invent a typesetting machine. He then, in collaboration with another printer, Samuel Soule, invented a numbering machine. A friend, Carlos Glidden saw this ingenious device and suggested that they should try to invent a machine that print letters. The three men, Sholes, Soule, and Glidden agreed to try to invent such a machine. None of them had studied the efforts of previous experimenters, and they made many errors which might have been avoided. Gradually, however, the invention took form and the inventors were granted patents in June and July of 1868. However, their typewriter was easily broken and made mistakes. Investor, James Densmore bought a share in the machine buying out Soule and Glidden. Densmore furnished the funds to build about thirty models in succession, each a little better than the preceding. The improved machine was patented in 1871, and the partners felt that they were ready to begin manufacturing. Sholes Offers the Typewriter to Remington In 1873, James Densmore and Christopher Sholes offered their machine to Eliphalet Remington and Sons, manufacturers of firearms and sewing machines. In Remingtons well-equipped machine shops the typewriter was tested, strengthened, and improved. The Remingtons believed there would be a demand for the typewriter and offered to buy the patents, paying either a lump sum, or a royalty. Sholes preferred the ready cash and received twelve thousand dollars, while Densmore chose the royalty and received a million and a half. The Invention of the Phonograph The telegraph, the press, and the typewriter were agents of communication for the written word. The telephone was an agent for the spoken word. Another instrument for recording sound and reproducing it was the phonograph (record player). In 1877, Thomas Alva Edison completed his first phonograph. The phonograph worked by translating the air vibrations created by the human voice into minute indentations on a sheet of tinfoil placed over a metallic cylinder, and the machine could then reproduce the sounds which had caused the indentations. The record wore out after a few reproductions, however, and Edison was too busy to develop his idea further until later. Other did. Phonograph machines were invented under a variety of different names, however, all reproduced with wonderful fidelity the human voice, in speech or song, and the tones of either a single instrument or a whole orchestra. Through these machines, good music was brought to those who could hear it in no other way. The Camera and Photography The last half century of the 1800s saw great advances in photography and photoengraving. While the first experiments in photography happened in Europe, Samuel Morse, introduced photography to America, in particular to his friend John Draper. Draper had a part in the perfection of the dry plate (the first negatives) and was one of the first photographers to do portrait photography. George Eastman A great inventor in photographic technology was George Eastman from Rochester, New York. In 1888, George Eastman introduced a new camera, which he called Kodak, and with it the sales slogan: You press the button, we do the rest. The first Kodak camera was pre-loaded with a roll of sensitized paper (film) that could take a hundred pictures. A film roll that could be sent away for developing and printing (at first the entire camera was sent). Eastman had been an amateur photographer when the hobby was both expensive and tedious. After inventing a method of making dry plates, he began to manufacture them as early as 1880 before invented roll film. After the first Kodak, there came other cameras filled with rolls of sensitized nitro-cellulose film. The invention of cellulose film (that replaced the glass dry plate) revolutionized photography. Both Reverend Hannibal Goodwin and George Eastman patented nitro-cellulose film, however, after a court battle Goodwins patent was upheld as being first. The Eastman Kodak Company introduced the first film cartridge which could be inserted or removed without the need of a dark room, that created a boom in the market for amateur photographers. The Birth of Motion Pictures In the development of Thomas Alva Edison played a large part. Edison had seen a crude system made of Henry Heyl of Philadelphia. Heyl used glass plates fixed to the circumference of a wheel, each plate rotated in front of a lens. This method of pictures in motions was slow and expensive. Edison after seeing the Heyl show, and after experimenting with other methods decided that a continuous tape-like strip of film needed to be used. He invented the first practical motion picture camera and with the cooperation of George Eastman started producing the new tape-like film, giving birth to the modern motion picture industry. The motion picture projector was invented to show what the new camera and film captured. Other inventors, such as Paul in England and Lumiere in France, produced other types of projecting machines, which differed in some mechanical details. Public Reaction to Motion Pictures When the motion picture was shown in the United States, the audiences were amazed. Popular actors moved from stage into the movies. In the small town, early movie theaters were often converted storeroom, and in the cities, some of the largest and most attractive theaters converted into movie theaters, and new theaters were specially built. The Eastman Company soon manufactured about ten thousand miles of film every month. Besides offering amusement, the new moving pictures were used for important news events, historical events could now be visually preserved for posterity.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Oath of Office and Code of Ethics Essay - 1301 Words
Abstract In today’s world there are many issues facing the criminal justice system. Some of these issues include police corruption, use of excessive and deadly force, pursuits, and deviance. The media influences public opinion and there is concern over the morality, and ethics of our public leaders. (DeShon, 2000) The criminal justice system has two neglected and important issues of integrity and truth; the oath of office and the code of ethics. (DeShon, 2000) In many agencies the impact these two issues have on our communities are not fully understood. Public distrust for many criminal justice professions is prevalent. (DeShon, 2000) Perhaps, the problem of public cynicism can be corrected if criminal justice professionals received†¦show more content†¦An oath that is false is also known as perjury. (DeShon, 2000) When taking an oath, the right hand is raised and the left hand is usually placed upon a copy of the Bible or Gospels. (DeShon 2000)Ethics Ethic s have been defined in many ways by many individuals. (DeShon 2000) The issue of police ethics is behavior. The oath is taken as a sworn commitment to act in a manner that is ethical. When one is affected so is the other. (Deshon, 2000) It is the requirement of a professional to adhere to a code of ethics. Many professions adopt these, including lawyers and doctors. Law enforcement officers and other individuals working in the criminal justice system must also follow a code of ethics. (Deshon, 2000) These ethics are usually taught during academic training and certification of office. Often once the code of ethics is brought forth and read it is not reviewed again throughout their careers. (Deshon, 2000) A signed copy is simply placed in the individual’s personal file. (OConnor, 2010) Most police departments do not conduct extensive ethics training and it is devastating to the entire profession of policing when scandals, unethical behavior and misconduct of officers are uncovered. (International Department of, 2011) Most police officers receive four or less classroom hours of ethicsShow MoreRelatedThe Army Profession986 Words  | 4 Pagespossess a guiding ethic that controls the effective application of their expertise.1 The Army constitutes a profession because it possesses an ethical framework that is intrinsically present within the institution. As it relates to a professional ethic, all professions possess a code that governs the moral, ethical and legal activities of their members. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Brand Management Free Essays
string(40) " legal suit for keeping a similar name\." A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON MARKETING BRAND MANAGEMENT This proposal is about one particular aspect of marketing, â€Å"Brand Management†. Marketing is a vast discipline so as a part of writing this proposal; I chose one particular aspect of it, which will provide information about several aspects of brands in global scenario. The main objectives of writing this proposal are: 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Brand Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now Understanding the concept of brand and brand management 2. How brand names get evolved 3. Relationship of brand management and marketing 4. Different issues regarding brands in global scenario 5. Branding challenges This is the age of marketing. Today the success of any organization depends on the level of its marketing ability. Marketing has gained a great deal of importance in modern organizations to achieve its goals. However the concept of marketing continue to change along with the changes in nature of competition and consumer demands. According to Kotler and Armstrong –â€Å" Marketing is a process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating and exchanging products and value with each other†. Marketing is like giving medicine to a patient. You can read also Portfolio Management Quizzes Patient identifies a problem within them and then the health personnel delivers specific medicine to cure the problem. Marketing is also the same. Customer has certain problems or feels some deficiency and marketing delivers them with the right product to deal with. Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers. Marketing might sometimes be interpreted, as the art of selling products, but sales is only one part of marketing. Actually â€Å"selling†is traditional of marketing and â€Å"marketing†is a modern form of selling. As the term â€Å"Marketing†may replace â€Å"Advertising†it is the overall strategy and function of promoting a product or service to the customer. The concept of marketing has changed over time. Previously, people preferred only production and selling as a part of marketing. But as the competition rose, they started valuing product quality, customer relationship, societal responsibilities as well as other supply chain participants. From a societal point of view, marketing is the link between a society’s material requirements and its economic patterns of response. Marketing satisfies these needs and wants through exchange processes and building long-term relationships. . Marketing can be looked at as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, delivering and communicating value to customers, and managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organisation and its shareholders Major concepts related with marketing can be outlined as: a. Studying consumer behavior b. Brand management c. Selling and sales management d. Managing market intermediaries e. Service marketing f. Identifying customer needs, wants, market segment and product positioning g. Distribution logistics and supply chain relationships h. Responsibilities towards society and customer In this proposal, we focus on one of the major aspect of marketing, Brand management. Branding has been around for centuries. The word â€Å"brand†is derived from the Old Norse brandr meaning â€Å"to burn. †Initially, branding was adopted to differentiate one person’s cattle from another’s by means of a distinctive symbol burned into the animal’s skin with a hot iron stamp, and was subsequently used in business, marketing and advertising. A brand is the most valuable fixed asset of a Corporation. For any organization to make its identity in the market requires a specific domain name. It helps to get recognized in the market. Brand name gives identity and helps it get recognized differently in the market. A modern example of a brand is Coca Cola, which belongs to the Coca-Cola Company. Similarly, Harley Davidson, Apple, Samsung, Adidas, Nike, Britannia etc. are other examples of brand. According to American Marketing Association (AMA) –â€Å" A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a ombination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition. †BusinessDictionary. com describes brand management as the process of maintaining, improving, and upholding a brand so that the name is associated with positive results. Brand Management is actually the process of maintaining the value of brand and revising any as sociated entities as per the need of situation. It plays a crucial role in the success and failure of the organization. Why is brand an important aspect of modern marketing? The reasons are: 1. Means of identification as a unique name in the market 2. Means of legally protecting the unique features 3. Signal of quality level to customers 4. Base for competitive advantage 5. Increases level of awareness of the brand 6. Customers feel safe to negotiate with registered brands 7. Gives idea about product association 8. Brand is a promise made by the company to customer 9. It serves as a means of advertising 10. It explains what the product is associated with Several companies put their brand names based on different variables. Some name their product on the basis of their owners. Honda motors were named after Soichiro Honda, Harley Davidson motors was found by combined efforts of William S. Harley, Arthur Davidson and Walter Davidson. TATA motors was named after Jamsedji Tata(JRD Tata), Adidas sports wear was named after Adi Dasler and Bajaj auto was named after Jamnalal Bajaj. Some have named the products after the name of places like Chevrolet Tahoe SUV, British Airways, Sanmiguel beer, hamburger named after â€Å"hamburg†, a place in Germany, Hindustan petroleums named after â€Å"Hindustan†meaning India and others. Brand names named after names of animals and birds are Dove soap, Mustang automobiles, Greuhound buses, Panther condoms and others. Brand names has always been an important aspect of marketing strategy. Organizations spend millions searching for a valid name for the organization. They make sure that the names suit to the product or service the company is offering. They too ensure that those names do not collide with brand of other organization. Eg: World Wide Fund (WWF) filed World Wrestling Federation (WWF) a legal suit for keeping a similar name. You read "Brand Management" in category "Papers" Due to this world wrestling federation had to change its name. Therefore choosing brand name is a very sensitive decision. For choosing a brand name, an organization has to follow given procedures: 1. Define objectives 2. Generate possible names 3. Screen initial candidates 4. Study the candidate names 5. Properly research final candidate 6. Select the final name Therefore to establish a strong brand, it has to take in consideration the following blocks of brand building: Resonance Resonance Imagery Imagery Feelings Feelings Salience Salience Performance Performance Judgements Judgements Fig: Brand Building Blocks Fig: Brand Building Blocks Salience is the level of awareness regarding the brand to the customers. It checks the ability of a customer to recall and recognize a particular brand or its logo, symbol, name. After the customer’s awareness is identified, it checks the performance of the brand regarding how reliable and durable the brand is. It also checks the serviceability i. e. ease of repairing the product if needed. After the performance is identified, it views the imagery aspect i. e. who uses the brand, conditions of use of the product, brand personality, values etc. It is the way the people think about a brand and is more concerned with intangible aspect. Brand judgments are customer’s personal opinions about the evaluations about the brand that consumers form by combining brand performance and imagery blocks. Customers judge the brand on the basis of quality, credibility and superiority. Another building block is feelings with the brand. They are customer’s emotional responses and reactions towards the brand. It checks what type of feeling they get by the use of the brand like feeling of warmth, fun, security, self respect, excitement status etc. Final brand building is resonance. It is the ultimate relationship with the brand. Resonance is measured in terms of intensity of psychological bond with the brand and the degree of loyalty towards the brand. Positioning aspect of brand In marketing, positioning is the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. Brand positioning is at the heart of marketing strategy. It is the act of designing the company’s offers and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the minds of target customers. As the name implies, positioning means finding proper location in the minds of customer. Any company cannot formulate its marketing strategy without positioning its brand in certain aspects. Positioning explains what the brand intends to provide to the customer. It reveals what the product is related to. Brand positioning describes how a brand is different from its competitors and where, or how, it sits in a particular market. The company has to keep in mind that positioning should be clear, distinct and relevant. For example, Apple and Windows both are well known brand. Consumers are aware that they both are computer brands dealing in entertainment, but Apple stands for style, cool quotient, iPod etc. here as Windows stands for world class operating system, quality etc. Consumer can easily identify point of similarities and points of difference between the two brands. This process of creating point of similarities and points of difference in consumer’s mind is called Brand Positioning. Companies position their brands in different ways so as to create a distinct i mage in the market. They may position it on different bases like low price, high price, size, package, quality, gender, endurance, substitution and many others. Positioning of different brands: 1. Low price brand: Wal-Mart retail store . High price brand: Rolex, Mercedes Benz 3. Quality brand: IBM, Toyota, Motorola 4. Endurance: CEAT tyres, Land rover, Honda 5. Size: Nano car, Slim Motorola mobile 6. Gender: Gillette Razor, Axe perfumes, Fair ; Handsome for men Femine magazine, Avon cosmetics, Fair ; Lovely for women 7. Substitution: Sugar free Natura has placed itself as substitution for sugar and Eveready milk powder for liquid milk Similarly Coca-Cola has positioned as a cold drink useful in summer and there are many feelings associated with it and not only as a mere drink. On the other hand Pepsi has positioned as a cold drink for the young generations and Mountain Dew has presented its image as a drink for adventure loving customers. Sometimes, same positioning does not work out for the company in long run. It has to reposition and revitalize its brand over times either to revive or strengthen its brand. Different marketing strategies, several research plans has to be worked out and sometimes-even management structure has to be changed in order to revalue the brand. There are several Brand reinforcement strategies that the organization can adopt overtime to cope with the changing situations. Some of them are: 1. Maintaining brand consistency: Brands should be able to provide a consistent image to occupy a shelf in the mind of customers. If not, it may fail in the market situation. For example Gateway computers applied various strategies and themes to extend the brand with mergers and portfolios. Due to this, customers confused with its positioning and its stock price reduced from USD100 to USD 3 in 2005. 2. Protecting sources of brand equity: Any organization should know its strength factor. It should identify its major source of brand equity to sustain in the market. At certain times, brand have to revitalize itself since there many forces acting in the market to rule out other brands. Companies might have to adapt to following Brand Revitalization strategies to resurrect itself: 1. Expanding brand awareness: Brand awareness can be expanded through: a) Identify new usage opportunities Charles Revlon introduced nail polish not only as a matter of covering nails but as a match for dress, style sense and beauty. b) Identify completely new ways to use the brand Wrigley’s chewing gum introduced itself as not only a gum but as an alternative for smoking. 2. Improving brand image: Different ways of improving brand images are: a) Repositioning the brand Harley Davidson’s motorbikes were previously believed to be used by rowdies. The riders who rode Harley had some rough like character like long hairs, big muscular arms, and tattoos painted on their bodies and moustache and beards. Those made people perceive that only rowdies rode those motors. Later Harley Davidson relaunched itself as a bike for gentlemen leaving apart its previous image. Similarly Harley encouraged lady riders to take the riders edge by introducing a poster of a lady rider with a tagline –â€Å"I am not a back rest†. b) Changing brand elements Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name (brand element) to KFC (although, it is only short version of the full name) to perceive a healthier image. Also, Federal Express (a courier company) changed its name to FedEx to sound more professional. c) Entering new markets Brunswick Billiards introduced new strategy to pool market to enforce its sales targeting female customers. Initially wives would not approve the purchase of billiard board in their home as it was called a male type of game. Later it introduced elegant designs targeting design conscious women who would now purchase a pool table on aesthetics ground and a showpiece to room. Lets take an example of a company who adopted Brand revitalization strategy to resurrect its brand position after being at height at its low: Lacoste sportswear, founded in France, 1933 became a style icon by selling polo shirt featuring a crocodile logo in it. In 1980, when it was owned by General Mills (cereal makers), it failed to keep up with fashion trends and sales began to drop. Company cut prices and started to sell it to discounter’s like Kmart and Wal-Mart that further damaged brands image. Then in 2002, Robert Siegel, former Levi’s executive was appointed to oversee the brand in United States. He withdrew Lacoste products from all non-luxury stores and discounters. It regenerated its fashion trends by introducing tight fitting shirts for women that raised revenues of women wear from 7% to 33%. It opened own brand boutiques in fashionable shopping areas. Due to this, Lacoste’s US revenues rose more than 280% between 2003 and 2005. There are several challenges to products today sometimes because of the competition and sometimes due to the implementation of wrong product strategy. An organization has to keep in mind the nature of product and suitable marketing strategy. Marketing campaigns has to be launched depending upon what class of customer it is intending to serve, gender of customer, objectives of campaign whether it is market penetration or improving market share or survival mode. Appropriate strategy at the right time invites fortunes and mistimed marketing strategy might backfire the organization. Therefore right plan for the right brand is always critical. Marketing strategies for effective brand building 1. Selecting brand elements like name, logo, symbols, slogans, and packaging. 2. Adopting proper product strategy like achieving a satisfactory level of customers perception towards the quality of the product and relationship marketing 3. Adopting pricing strategy like improving consumers price perception towards the brand and relevant price setting 4. Promotion through marketing communication options and integrating marketing communication programs like advertising, direct selling, public relation, and trade promotion etc. 5. Leveraging secondary associations: brands may be linked to other entities that have their own knowledge structures in the mind of customers. When brands are linked to these entities customers assume that those characteristics that they hold about those entities also may be true with the brand. For example when Adidas brand was endorsed by tennis star Roger Federer (then No. 1 rank), then people who knew Federer as best tennis player also developed similar attitude towards the features of Adidas brand. There are certain strategies for building a strong brand. Some of them are: Licensing: Licensing creates contractual arrangements whereby firms can use names, logos, and characters of other brands to market their brands for some fixed fee. People pay fees to use popular names such as Harry potter, Spider-Man, SpongeBob, Angry Birds or any famous celebrity in their products so that they too gain popularity easily. For example, when you buy a copy of Microsoft Office you are not actually purchasing Office–you are entering into a license agreement that allows you to use the product under the specified terms and conditions they have outlined in the license agreement. Similarly designer such as Calvin Klein command large royalties for the right to use his name in variety of merchandise. Franchising: A franchise is a license issued to someone to operate a business using a common brand name, a common operating support system and involving the payment of initial and/or ongoing fees. A franchise also offers the franchisee with the ability to capitalize on the know-how and systems that have been proven to be successful. . Small-business owners pay companies for the rights to use their trademarks, services and products in return for support and company guidelines on how to run their particular businesses. Many industries have companies using the franchise model, including food, lodging and business services. For example McDonalds has over 75 percent of its worldwide restaurants independently owned. Business owners can purchase a new or existing restaurant. An initial down payment is required, and the rest of the cost can be financed for up to seven years. During the terms of the franchise agreement, ongoing fees include rent and service fees. It is one of the world’s famous franchises. Some challenges in Brand Management: 1. Brand switching customers 2. Media fragmentation i. e. introduction of several medias for promotion that may lead to increase cost and cluttering of information 3. Increased competition 4. Growing need for customer concern . Sometimes socio-cultural issues also leads to create problems in brand management. For example nudity in advertising are strictly banned in South Asia. Due to this, advertisements of brands of apparels, innerwear, and lingerie may not produce the desired response. 6. Sometimes the brand name themselves may imply different meanings in sever al countries. Some of the global branding Mishaps are presented below: a. When Braniff translated a slogan touting its upholstery, â€Å"Fly Leather†, it came out in Spanish as â€Å"Fly Naked†. b. Coors put its slogan, â€Å"Turn it Loose†, into Spanish, where it was read as â€Å"Suffer from Diarrhea†. c. Chicken magnate Frank Perdue’s line, â€Å"It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken†, sounds much more interesting in Spanish: â€Å"It takes a sexually stimulated man to make a chicken affectionate†. d. Why Chevy Nova never sold well in Spanish-speaking countries: No Va means â€Å"It doesn’t go†in Spanish. e. When Pepsi started marketing its product in China, they translated their slogan, â€Å"Pepsi brings you back to life†, pretty literally. The slogan in Chinese meant â€Å"Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back From The Grave†. f. When Coca-Cola first shipped to China, they named the product something that when pronounced sounded like, â€Å"Coca-Cola†. The only problem was that the characters used meant, â€Å"Bite the wax tadpole†. They later changed to set of characters that mean â€Å"Happiness in the mouth†. g. A hair products company, Clairol introduced the â€Å"Mist Stick†, a curling iron, into Germany only to find out that Mist is slang for manure in German. h. When Gerber first started selling baby food in Africa, they used the same packaging as in the United States, with the cute baby on the label. Later they found out that in Africa, companies routinely put pictures on the label of what is inside because most people cant read. i. Japan’s Mitsubishi Motors had to rename its Pajero in Spanish-speaking countries because the term related to masturbation. j. Toyota Motor’s MR2 model dropped the number in France because the combination sounded like a French swearword. Here is a list of Top ten Brands in year 2012 1. Coca-Cola : It’s brand value raised by 9% than last year. Last year too it was Ranked as number one. 2. Apple : Despite Steve Jobs passed by, its brand value rose by 129% from last year. Last year it was at number eight. 3. IBM : It’s brand value rose by 8%. Last year it was at number two. 4. Google : It’s brand value rose by 26%. 5. Microsoft : It’s market value went down by 2%. Last year it was No. 3. 6. GE : General Electric’s brand value rose by 2%. last year, it was No. 5. 7. McDonald : It’s brand value rose by 13% than last year. 8. Intel : It’s brand value increased by 12%. 9. Samsung : It’s brand value rose to 40% from last year. 10. Toyota : It’s brand value rose to 9% from last year. Source: International Business Times. Conclusion In the above-mentioned information, we have seen that brand management is really an essential element in marketing. No company can thrive towards success if it is not able to choose the right branding strategy according to the market situation. Global competition has made it even more complex. Brand name is the one that identifies the company in the market and if not careful, brand name may be solely responsible for causing downfall of the company. I chose this topic, â€Å"Brand Management†, because in my Bachelors Degree, I studied Marketing as my course of specialization in last two semesters. I am very interested in studying marketing because it a dynamic subject and I like studying more about Companies, their Branding Strategies and the easons why they succeded or failed. I am very much interested to do the marketing course in my Masters Degree. This will give me more exposure to the complex business structure and as well as help me guide my career in this field. References Websites www. wikipedia. com www. google. com www. BusinessDictionary. com www. managementstudyguide. com www. wh atis. com www. slideshare. com www. entreprenuer. com www. bigkerbang. com www. internationalbusinesstimes. com Books Strategic Brand Management, Keller, Kevin Lane Fundamentals of Marketing, Agrawal, Dr. Govind Ram How to cite Brand Management, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Successful Strategies Deployed In the Pastâ€
Question: Discuss About The Successful Strategies Deployed In The Past? Answer: Introduction The aim of this study is to conduct an analysis on the company CSL limited which a global company is dealing in biotechnology. The company develops manufactures and markets the products and services related to the patients treatment and also to prevent any serious human medical conditions the purpose of conducting this research is to discuss about the development and growth that takes place in the company by implementing applications of the corporate policies and technologies (Nag, Hambrick, Chen, 2007). There are various types of strategies that would be discussed in this report. The company has faced many types of criticisms over the years related to its business practices that will also be discussed. The process of strategic development plays a vital role in the prominent growth of the company like CSL. It is a procedure that provides guidelines to the members of the organization related to its future and also help in development of necessary operations and procedures. That can be achieved in the future. The formation of strategies is related to the various types of things that are interconnected to each other. Strategies are just different types of tactics. The company uses them to achieve the goals and objectives of the company. About the company CSL is a global company that is a specialty firm of Biotherapists Company. The company develops, manufactures and delivers new and innovative biotherapies that helps in saving life, and also help the people who are going through with life- threatening medical situations throughout their lives. The company is working in more than 30 countries. The major facilities of this company is in Australia, Switzerland, Germany, united kingdom and US and employ more than 17,000 employees (Eisenhardt, Graebner, 2007). The CSL group has developed a range of highly-specialized products and services to treat the serious humans. A brief trace of the development and growth of the organisation from its beginnings to the present through the application of corporate strategies and types of strategies The development and growth in the company take place on a continuous and constant basis. Contingency approach Growth strategy Porters generic strategies Emergent strategies Strategic partnership Mission, vision, core competences The CSL vision and values concentrates on quality, safety and wants of the customer. The types of extensive ranges of products and support services provided by the company define the ongoing process and commitment of the company towards the customers. There are five major values of the company that contribute to the commitment and best possible therapies and services (Newbert, 2007). These are considered as core competencies of the company too as they helps to achieve competitive advantage. The mission, vision and core competencies of the companies comprise of Customer focus The company tries to understand and analyse the demand and wants of the customers and try to address their problems and issues. In order to achieve this, they conduct medical research, sponsor various types of events, medical aid, expand and improve educational programs, etc. (Bascle, 2008). They also try to advocate the governmental bodies and authorities so that they can access for the patient care. They are very passionate in meeting and fulfilling the needs of the customers Innovation In order to develop new products, they invest in new and emerging technologies. They also try to improve the existing therapies. The company focus on the research and development of various types of therapies related to the plasma proteins for most of the time and innovative biotherapies (Short, Moss, Lumpkin, 2009). The company is very much committed to continuous improvement in all the business. Integrity The company is deeply committee to the heritage of their company and to serve the patients who lives are directly or indirectly dependent on the products manufactured by the company. CSL Company also believes to be ethical and honest for most of the ties. Collaboration The CSL collaborate with the various types of groups, like plasma groups, investigators, plasma donors, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and home health care companies (Furrer, Thomas, Goussevskaia, 2008). The company collectively work with the other members to achieve the targets and better results. Superior performance The company is a customer focused and also the performance driven company as they thrive in a business environment hat try to fosters changes and innovation (Cohen, 2007). The aim of the company is to be the best at what they do and will do in the future. Successful Strategies deployed in the past The most successful strategy are relate to the customers and their needs and want of the customers. CSL Company always tries to analyse the real demand of their customers and according to that demand they use to produce their products (Nerur, Rasheed, Natarajan, 2008). The company has always tries hard to earn the loyalty of the customers. Current strategies of CSL The current strategies of the company says that they have bring lots of changes in the current strategies related to the markets , shares, customer, customers care, production of the medicines, corporate social responsibility etc. in this way, by bringing changes the company is trying to focus on the achievement related to the leading company. There have been many criticisms of the business practices that company has pursued over the years Past strategies and the criticism to the strategies The criticisms of the company may start from various stake holders such as competitors, employees, customers, suppliers, communities and others such as, media journalist, industry experts, academic professionals etc. these are the individual or parties who are directly or indirectly related to the company. They can criticize as they were not happy with the management of the company before. Performance of an environmental analysis for the involvement of the organisation in the context of the industry Pestle analysis Political factors- these are related to the government of the country Environmental factors- these are related to the environment and climate factors. Social factors- these are related to the culture, people, society, values, morale, ethics etc. Technological factors- these are related to the latest technology, Legal factors- laws and regulation imposed by the government Economic factors- income off the country, GDP, etc. Swot analysis Strength The industry of biotechnology is one of the fasting developing and growing industry in the world. CSL Company is one of the reliable brand under this industry in Australia The company has a capacity to extend the capacity venom, cell cellular reagents, vaccines, etc. Weaknesses There are diseconomies to the scale There are various types of ethical issues related to the field of genetics Here is a requirement of huge investments both in time and money to generate and develop a new technology. Opportunities There is an increase in the awareness related to the use of stem cells, enzymes, etc. The company can develop and grow their business in future in such areas There are invention so new technology for example nano technology that can be used with the bio technology so that the company can develop medicines and technology for the next generation (Seelos, Mair, 2007). In future, they can tie up with large hospitals to promote the products and usage of stem cells Threats There are various types of regulation and rules imposed by the government There is skilled labor that is required in the manufacturing and production of medicines and other products related to medicine line. There are many other bio tech companies that have already started off shoring number of activities. The major activities related to the medical chemistry, contract workers with a good volume of the products range has now begin in the china market. Competition is also the biggest threat for the company CSL as there are various companies like life therapeutics, peptech, and pharmasynth. Five forces model Competition in the industry This force is very important for the company as it let know the company about the kind of competition present in the industry and the market. The CSL Companys biggest competition is the other biotech companies like life therapeutics, peptech, and pharmasynth. If there are larger number of competitors present in the market that they provide a huge risk and threat for the company (Chiang, Hung, 2010). Many times, the suppliers and the buyers seek out form the companys deal if there is huge amount of competition present in the industry. Potential of the new entrants into the industry A new and potential companys power to enter in to the industry also affects the working of the company and its industry (Tenopir, King, Edwards, Wu, 2009). It is the fact that the less money and item taken by a new entrant to enter into the industry, the more pain and competition than firm provide to the company CSL. Powers of suppliers This is affected by the number of suppliers present in the industry. This force of porters addresses the easiness that a supplier can drive by good price, goods and services. There are companies that change the suppliers to low down the cost of the production (Jacob, Ulaga, 2008). The less number of suppliers holds more power than the more number of suppliers with the company. Power of customers This is the force which is directly related to the bargaining power of the customers or low down the prices of the goods and services. Such situation poses threats and weakness to the company like CSL. It is also affected by the fact that how many numbers of customers that a company likes CSL can hold (Kuratko, Audretsch, 2009). It is also affected by the number of the customers who switch for the other companies due to some benefits and do not remain as the loyal customers. The smallest and a very much powerful base of the company help them to hold more power as compared to the customers (Alvesson, Sandberg, 2013). Threat of the substitutes There are various companies and competitor substitutions hat can be used by the customers in place of the products and services of the company can also act as a big threat to the company. There are companies who can provide other items like substitutes of medicines they can provide syrup or injections to the customers that are termed as perfect substitute of the products and services of CSL (Wirtz, Schilke, Ullrich, 2010). If the products and services provided are ore cheap and good quality, that it is a big threat to the company CSL. The organization culture, leadership style and CEO strategic planning The organisational culture or leadership style within the organisation is related to the values that the leaders and the mangers of the company share with their employees and the other work force working with i the company. The culture of the company is defined by the core values, ethics, morale and motivation of the employees provided by the effective leaders and the managers who are the source of inspiration to the employees. The CSL Company is a company who believe that to achieve the goals of the company it is relevant to keep the internal management strong and motivated (Emrouznejad, Parker, Tavares, 2008). It will help to have better management within the organisation. The CEO of the company, Paul Perrault, says that the inspiration of the company is the employees and the customers who always remain the first priority to the company. The company will always take care for both of them. The developmental and implementation of all the policies and strategies is also done by analysing that they do not affect the customers and employees. The company and its CEO aim are to achieve the goals and objectives of the business organisation by effective making and implementation of the strategies (Verhoef, Lemon, Parasuraman, Roggeveen, Tsiros, and Schlesinger, 2009). They inspire and motivate the employees to work in the same direction that not only benefit the company but also the employees working with the company. Conclusion The conclusion of the present studies says that it is very relevant for the companies to have effective management of the market and industry. It will provide exposure to the company and results in ultimate growth and development. 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