Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Road By Cormac Mccarthy - 1317 Words
The novel, The Road, by Cormac McCarthy follows the journey of a father and son through an almost entirely desolated and post-apocalyptic United States. After an unexplained, catastrophic event takes place, the world is left in ruins. Very few people are still surviving; however, the ways in which these people attempt to survive are very different. The Road highlights the varying extremes that people will go to in order to keep their lives. Also, The Road portrays the main characters’ varying motivations to survive and hints at which character is more disposed to surviving in this cruel, new world. Throughout the novel, the characters go to varying extremes to survive. Some characters aim to survive while still keeping their morals intact while others abandon all human decency and do absolutely anything that is required for their survival. The father and the son are the characters who survive while not doing anything that they feel will diminish or jeopardize their goodness. M any times in the novel, the father and son come across supplies that seemingly do not belong to anyone anymore. However, each time of their fortuitous fortune, the boy always needs reassurance that whoever the supplies had belonged to will not need them again. Also, when the father and son come across a supply-deficient old man traveling on the road, the son begs his father to share some of their supplies with him. Because of their own dismal supplies and the ongoing uncertainty of acquiring new ones,Show MoreRelatedThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy1531 Words  | 7 Pagesof punishment that anyone could be faced with. Cormac McCarthy shows the reaction isolation had on the characters in The Road. The Road, by Cormac McCarthy, follows an unnamed father and son as they travel towards the coast in search of safety after the world has been destroyed by a catastrophe. As they travel the road, the father has to protect his son from the threat of strangers, starvation, exposure and harsh weat her. In The Road, Cormac McCarthy shows how humans react to isolation by when theRead MoreThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy1009 Words  | 5 PagesL’Heureux II, John Lang and Lit Year 2 2/10/2017 Written Task 2 Title of the text for analysis: The Road by Cormac McCarthy,2006 Part of the course to which the task refers: Part 4- Literature, a critical study Prescribed question: How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions of a particular genre, and for what purpose? My critical response will: ââ€" Show how the text conforms to the post-apocalyptic genre. ââ€" Show how resources, including basics such as food and water, are a scarcityRead MoreThe Road by Cormac McCarthy1708 Words  | 7 PagesThe Road by Cormac McCarthy is set in an apocalyptic world filled with hopelessness, mental fatigue, and few instances of happiness. Throughout the story, the man and the boy are looking for hope in anything and everything. Unfortunately every turn they take they continue to fall further into despair until they find a Coca-Cola. This soda has a unique meaning to the boy and the man. The Coca-Cola in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road symbolizes the world’s regression and gives hope to the man and boy byRead MoreThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy1584 Words  | 7 Pagestime can be unbearable if one is stripped of the most basic necessities. Such an event can greatly affect the behaviour of a person, as well as the ability to distinguish right from wrong. But like the boy and his father in the novel The Road by Cormac McCarthy they stuck to their morals to overcome the hardships they face. The novels recurring themes such as companionship, survival, and good versus evil, prove that a persons moral standards could change in a time of need. Companionship plays anRead MoreThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy2405 Words  | 10 PagesNovember 26, 2016 The Road by Cormac McCarthy and its View of Parental Love and Hope in a Post-Apocalyptic World The boy s father tells him My job is to take care of you. I was appointed to do that by God. I will kill anyone who touches you. Do you understand? (McCarthy The Road) this sends such a powerful message about instinct, hope, and paternal love. These words so passionately from the lips of the father perfectly describes Cormac McCarthy s story of The Road and the power a father sRead MoreThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy968 Words  | 4 Pagescompassion in the toughest of situations, and leads us toward paths of peace. In this essay, examples will be drawn from Zak Ibrahim s keynote presentation, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, Beautiful Boy; a film directed by Shawn Ku, and Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut. The loss of a loved one can help us find compassion. In The Road by Cormac McCarthy, the boy is the most compassionate person in the whole novel. At the end of the novel, when the boy s father dies, the boy is not thinking about hisselfRead MoreThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy1310 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å" The Road†written by Cormac McCarthy is a novel which uses a large variety of different language features to shape the reader s reaction and leading the readers into thinking the idea that our current world really is fallible.â€Å"The road†is about a strong loving relationship between the father and son. Which is shown on every page of the novel. They are fighting for survival in this apocalyptic world of humanity which is heading to an end. For anyone realising that our world is fallible is quiteRead MoreThe Road by Cormac McCarthy1281 Words  | 5 PagesTitle of the Work: The Road Author: Cormac McCarthy Date of Publication: September 26, 2006 (September 26, 2006) Genre: Novel Historical information about the Setting: The novel takes place in the Southeastern part of United States. The characters take a journey, passing Texas, the post-apocalyptic landscape. During this time the novel is taken place, the country was experiencing depression and poverty. When McCarthy was writing this book, he was thinking about the future environment ofRead MoreThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy2062 Words  | 9 PagesReid Norberg Period 3 3/18/16 2016 AP Lodestar 1. Title: The Road Author: Cormac McCarthy Date of Publication: 2006 Genre: Post- apocalyptic fiction 2. The Road is a novel written by American author Cormac McCarthy. Although born in the North East, McCarthy was driven to the South West later in his life where he has since based most of his novels, including The Road. The Road tells a story of a man and his son in post apocalyptic America where the weather is winter-like and the ground isRead MoreThe Road By Cormac Mccarthy2128 Words  | 9 PagesEverything is suddenly amplified and survival automatically becoming a key component to most. So what else can actually matters? Relationships are lost, but some may grow stronger. Ethics are tested, and beliefs suddenly change. In the novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, begins with America - or assuming the whole world- had gone through a unpredictable apocalypse. Combining what is left of the society and the world falling dangerously apart, it has caused them to go through many dangers to survive. Through
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Capital Punishment Essay - 1032 Words
Capital Punishment During the past three decades capital punishment has been a very controversial issue in the United States. 1972 the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Furman v. Georgia that the death penalty was unconstitutional because it was a form of cruel and unusual punishment. However, this decision did not last long; in July 1975 the Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment did not violate any parts of the Constitution. Executions as they had before 1972 resumed again. Since then 180 prisoners have been executed. The United States Supreme Court should abolish the death penalty because it is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. One of the major arguments of the anti-capital punishment movement is that it goes†¦show more content†¦Evans was given three charges of electrocution over a period of fourteen minutes. After the first and second charges Mr. Evans was still conscious and smoke was coming from all over his body as a result of his flesh burning. An official there even tried to stop the execution on account of it being cruel and unusual punishment, but was unsuccessful. Witnesses later called the whole incident a barbaric ritual. Another method of execution is the gas chamber; with this procedure a prisoner is put in a closed chamber and forced to inhale lethal fumes from a sulfuric acid and cyanide chemical reaction. According to a dissent by U.S. Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens concerning the 1992 execution of Don Harding, there did not seem to be any civilized aspect of the gas chamber method of executing prisoners. According to the report at first Harding tried to hold his breath in side the chamber, but was unsuccessful; when he finally inhaled some of the fumes his body started convulsing and the muscles and veins under his skin were twitching in a wavelike motion. This execution took over eight minutes to complete and Mr. Harding was writhing in pain for most of that time. According to officials at the scene Harding did not fall unconscious until right before his death (Bedau). The latest method of executing prisoners on death roll has been lethal injection. It is deemed not barbaric by many people because of the fact that it does not cause struggles or maim theShow MoreRelated Capital Punishment1099 Words  | 5 Pages Capital Punishment Murder, a common occurrence in American society, is thought of as a horrible, reprehensible atrocity. Why then, is it thought of differently when the state government arranges and executes a human being, the very definition of premeditated murder? Capital punishment has been reviewed and studied for many years, exposing several inequities and weaknesses, showing the need for the death penalty to be abolished. Upon examination, one finds capital punishment to be economically weakRead MoreCapital Punishment1137 Words  | 5 Pagescorresponding punishments. Among all penalties, capital punishment is considered to be the most severe and cruelest one which takes away criminal’s most valuable right in the world, that is, right to live. It is a heated debate for centuries whether capital punishment should be completely abolished world widely. The world seems to have mixed opinion regarding this issue. According to Amnesty International (2010), currently, 97 countries in the world have already abolished capital punishment while onlyRead MoreCapital Punishment1786 Words  | 8 PagesCapital Punishment Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the toughest form of punishment enforced today in the United States. According to the online Webster dictionary, capital punishment is defined as â€Å"the judicially ordered execution of a prisoner as a punishment for a serious crime, often called a capital offence or a capital crime†(1). In those jurisdictions that practice capital punishment, its use is usually restricted to a small number of criminal offences, principallyRead MoreCapital Punishment1276 Words  | 6 Pagesbroken to get the death penalty, increased murder rates and wrongful accusations. There are many different views of the death penalty. Many different religions have their own views of the death penalty. In Hinduism, if the king does not inflict punishment on those worthy to be punished the stronger would roast the weaker like fish on a spit. In the religion of Jainism, mostly all of their followers are abolitionists of the death penalty which means that they oppose of it. Infact, this religionRead More Capital Punishment1898 Words  | 8 PagesCapital Punishment Imagine your heart suddenly beginning to race as you hear a judge give you a death sentence and then you’re quickly carried away in chains as your family sobs as they realize that they will no longer be able to see you. As you sit in your cell you begin to look back at your life and try to see where you went wrong to end up in jail waiting to carry out a death sentence, and at the same time know that you are an innocent waiting to be heard. This same scenario repeatsRead More Capital Punishment Essay: Retain Capital Punishment?696 Words  | 3 PagesCapital Punishment - Retain or Not?       This essay tangles with the question of whether or not we should retain the death penalty within the American code of penal law.  There is a feeling of frustration and horror that we experience at the senseless and brutal crimes that too frequently disrupt the harmony of society. There is pain which accompanies the heartfelt sympathy that we extend to the victims families who, in their time of suffering, are in need of the support and compassionRead MoreCapital Punishment2506 Words  | 11 PagesCapital Punishment and the Death Penalty Capital punishment exist in today’s society as citizens of the United States should we have the right to take an individual life. As illustrated throughout numerous of studies the death penalty is an unfair process seven out of ten deaths handed down by the state courts from 1973 to 1995 were overturned when appeal and the seven percent were later found to be innocent. Such as the Dobie Williams case which took place July 8, 1984. DobieRead MoreCapital Punishment Is A Legal Punishment1116 Words  | 5 Pageswhat the big deal about Capital Punishment is? According to free dictionary, Capital Punishment is to put to death as a legal punishment (Farlax). Capital Punishment is used worldwide, and is guaranteed to prevent future crime. Capital Punishment is a large controversy in the U.S. but before a personal opinion can be formed, some facts need to be known, such as what it is, where it is used and why it could be good or bad. Well, what is Capital Punishment? Capital Punishment is where a person is executedRead MoreCapital Punishment Is The Ultimate Punishment1704 Words  | 7 Pageswhat would you want from the government if he had killed someone you know? He should receive the capital punishment. The capital punishment is the ultimate punishment given to the precarious crimes. It is the last stage of capital punishment. There are different methods of like hanging, electric chair, lethal injection, firing squad, gas chamber. Murderers and rapist should be given extreme punishment, and they have to pay for their wrongdoing. We can observe crime rates are accelerating day-by-dayRead MoreCapital Punishment And Juvenile Punishment1631 Words  | 7 Pages Capital punishment is the term used when an individual is put to death by the state or government for the commission of a crime. Until recently, juveniles were not exempt from this punishment, however they would generally need to commit a more serious offense compared to their adult counterpart. Then there was the decision ruling the execution of mentally handicapped individuals was unconstitutional, using the 8th amendment as their authority, while taking into account the diminished capacity of
Monday, December 9, 2019
Dubai mall free essay sample
I-Introduction Good afternoon everyone, today I am going to take on a tour around the most visited places inside Dubai mall. But first let me introduce you to the mall so you have a little more knowledge about it. The road you take to get to the mall is the Financial Center road also known as Doha Street. Dubai mall opened on the 4th of November with 1200 shops making it the biggest mall in the world. It is 12million square ft. which is equivalent to more than 50 football fields. It is 4 floors over 1400 parking spaces in 3 car parks and is part of the 20 billion downtown Dubai complex. In 2012, it attracted 65 million visitors from all over the world which is more visitors than New York City, 52 million, and LA, 41 million. Now, let’s begin with the tour around the main amusement attractions, the aquarium and underwater zoo and the dancing fountain. II-The first stop on our tour is the aquarium and the underwater zoo which is located inside the aquarium and are the main center of attraction for visitors and tourists from around the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Dubai mall or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A-it’s unbelievable dimensions earned it a spot in the Guinness book for breaking the record of the largest acrylic panel in the world and having a zoo inside. 1-the aquarium starts on the ground floortaking you to the first and second floor from the inside of it. It is reached by going straight from the main gate and it has a very clear view from the first floor. The acrylic panel is actually 32. 88m wide, 8. 3 m high, and 750mm thick weighing 245 tons. It can bear the pressure of 10 million liters of water. It is larger than Japan’s Okinawa Churaumi aquarium, which was the largest acrylic panel, with 22. 5m wide, 8. 2m high and 600 mm thick. B-The real experience begins when entering the inside of the aquarium, not just viewing it from the outside. 1-the aquarium is home to more than 33,000 animals of 85 different kinds of species and 400 rays and sharks combined and you can go inside the tunnel so you see the animals swimming all around you. There are many activities to be done in the aquarium like glass bottom boat rides that take you on a ride on the surface of the aquarium, cage snorkeling experience which allows you to dive into the aquarium and play with the fishes while you are in a cage so you don’t end up being the lunch of the sharks, and for adventurous people you can dive into the aquarium without the cage to have the ultimate experience and you can even sign up for a 2 day scuba diving lesson and get a certificate. On top of that, there’s the ocean school which teaches people of all ages everything about the sea and its creatures. The aquarium sold over 60000 tickets on the first 5 days of opening. An accident happened on the 25th of February 2010; the aquarium had a leak that forced shoppers to immediately leave the mall and many shops to temporarily close down causing a part of the mall to close. The cause of the leak is unknown 2-after you finish walking through the tunnel; you will pass by a themed restaurant and souvenirs, next to that you will find the entrance to the underwater zoo which is on the second floor, from inside the aquarium. It is divided into 3 parts, the rainforest, the rocky shore and the living ocean that brings you face to face with giant catfish, dangerous piranhas, a penguin colony and playful otters. II-The second and final stop is going to be on the fountain that is located outside. A-The view from the outside of the mall is amazing that is reached by going down 2 levels from the zoo to get to the ground floor and going straight till you see the outside. 1-The first view is the fountain which is the most famous feature of the mall. It is set in the Burj Khalifa lake right outside the mall on the ground floor. It can be seen from anywhere outside, whether you’re sitting in any cafe or walking around. It shoots water up to 150 meters which is equivalent to a 50 story building and is 275m long and has 5 circles that vary in size and 2 central arcs. It has 25color projectors that perform a show of over 1000 attractions. It dances to famous Arabic and Italian music. The afternoon show is at 1:00 pm and 1:30 pmand the night show begins at 6pm every day and goes on every 30 minutes till 11:30 pm and each show lasts about 3-5 minutes. 2- 2-The second is burj Khalifa; the tallest tower in the world. It is located right behind the fountain in the middle of Downtown Dubai. Be careful though because your neck will start to hurt from bending backwards to the see the whole tower. It is visited by tourists everywhere not only for being the tallest tower but also from the many times it has been mentioned in the Guinness book for winning several awards and breaking many records. B-There are a few places where you can get the best view of the fountain show 1-The fountain can be seen from anywhere outside but sometimes it’s hard to see it because of all the people standing in front of you. There are a few places where you can have the best view like Joe’s cafe which has a balcony and is located on the 1st floor, cafe Havana located on the ground floor also has a balcony, cafe mandaline on the ground floor too and is located outside on the Dubai mall promenade. So if you ever want to go there and can’t see the fountain properly, make sure to visit these places to get the best view. III-conclusion In conclusion, tourists from all over the world always visit Dubai mall when they are in Dubai to see the 33000 sea creatures in the aquarium, visit the rainforest, rocky shore and the living oceans that are located inside the aquarium and enjoy a beautiful show by the dancing fountain all in one place so whenever you are in Dubai, make sure to go there. I hope this tour was beneficial and will help you know your way through the mall whenever you are there, Thank you.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Tension Between King and Parliament free essay sample
Which was the most important reason for the outbreak of the English Civil war: -Religious issues -Tension between King and Parliament In 1625, Charles I became King of England and Scotland at the age of 25. 17 years later, 1642, Civil war broke out in England between Charles I and members of Parliament. When Charles I became King there was already tension because his father James I had lots of arguments with parliament even suspending them in 1611. When James I next recalled parliament in 1621 it was to discuss the marriage between Charles I and a Spanish Princess but parliament were annoyed because they didnt want the children to be brought catholic. James I believed in the divine rights of kings so he did not like to be argued with and the therefore there was a damaged relationship between King and parliament. Consequently when Charles I became King neither parliament or Charles were happy. Charles who had not expected or prepared to be King had grown up seeing the arguments between his father ad parliament and thought that it was all parliaments fault. We will write a custom essay sample on Tension Between King and Parliament or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Like his father, Charles firmly believed in the divine rights of kings so he found it hard to believe that his father was wrong. Members of Parliament did not want the same thing that James did to happen to them again so they made it harder for Charles to rule without them. With both sides already seeing each other in the wrong there was already increased tension between both sides. In 1625 Charles I married a French catholic, Henrietta Maria which outraged the MPs because they had not been consulted and because the country was protestant many people disliked the idea of having a catholic for Queen however this was not a main cause for civil war because most people just accepted it but it arose a lot of suspicious in the future that some people argue was the cause of civil war. If he had married a good wholesome English Protestant then his relationship with parliament may not have got off to such a bad start and therefore decrease the amount of tension that was already there because of Charles father and also people may not have thought Charles was turning the country catholic when he introduced the prayer book so puritans in parliament may not have been so strongly against him. In 1626, his main advisor Buckingham and best friend had wasted lots of money on a failed naval attack against Spain, therefore parliament want him sacked however Charles let his emotions get to him he would have realised that parliament didnt have strong evidence against Buckingham so therefore he could have saved Buckingham and still had a good relationship with parliament, instead he got his reign off to a worse start and the tension was increasing in parliament. As he stopped parliament to prevent The Duke of Buckingham to be impeached he made parliament much less likely to approve of future advisors including Archbishop Laud who caused a lot of religious issues in the future. Consequently because of his actions here he now had to resort to other means of finance. Parliament had been growing in power since Henry VIII reign and in 1629 when Charles I dissolved them they were consequently not happy so they tried to make it harder for Charles to earn money. After running out of money Charles introduced the ship money where he collected money from the coastal towns to help the navy. However at this time the navy was not in use so people in the country were quite annoyed with the decision. A source shows the statistics for the collection of ship money in England, in 1634 and 1635 when the tax was first introduced high percentages where collected showing that although people did not think it was right for them to pay they still thought that he was King so they should. However, when the tax was introduced inland a man called John Hampden refused to pay the money showing resistance against the king and this gained Charles bad publicity resulting in 1639 only 20% was collected. Although the ship money earned Charles plenty of money showing he could rule with parliament it offend every class in the country and people where annoyed with paying the tax. This was mainly a result of tension between parliament and the king because parliament where trying to force Charles into listening to parliament but it was making the opposite affect by angering him that he did not want to isten to parliament. On the other hand religious issues also caused a lot of problems there is still religious unrest but mostly the country is protestant and Charles honestly believed that people needed to be closer to god so he and Archbishop Laud began to make changes to the Church of England. However people took this the wrong way thinking that he was changing the country catholic and so it upset a lot of people especially puritans who were very against it. ong term issues also affected how parliament reacted to it because of the tension caused due to Buckingham they were unwilling to approve of Charles main advisor in this, Archbishop Laud and also suspicions arose about him secretly catholic. This religious issue resulted in more tension between parliament and Charles because parliament who could see that the people where not happy with these decisions and were trying to change it but Charles believes he shouldnt be argued with so is also no happy. Charles was both King of England and Scotland however the Scottish were very strict puritans so Charles introduces the new prayer book to Scotland (which is in some peoples opinion a very big mistake) he made them obey the prayer book but it was so close to Catholicism that the scots rebelled. Charles made the English pay the â€Å"Coat and Conduct Money†tax to pay for the army’s uniforms, training and transport. Coming on top of Ship Money, it produced a taxpayers strike in 1639-1640-The gentry refused to pay or collect the tax. After 11 years, April 1640, Charles I recalls parliament to help get money to fight the war because of the tax payers strike. The parliament will only grant the money if he stops his ‘unpopular taxes’ and religious reforms. The religious issues are therefore casing more tension in parliament because the puritans think the changes are too catholic but Charles thinks they are good causing a conflict between the issues. After 3 weeks of parliament open Charles closed them again. More tension has come because of the ‘short parliament’ as Charles has not got he wants making him therefore angry at parliament and parliament are angry at Charles because they are only called when Charles needs help and all other methods haven’t worked. Charles is army then gets defeated and invade more of England so he pays them to stay away. Parliament says they will help with money if they have more power and agree to demands despite the damaged relationship between the crown and parliament Charles agreed to most of their demands, including punishing some of his advisors. However, Charles did not change his religious reforms so parliament felt this wasn’t good enough. Even though there was increased tension between parliament and king, some MP’s began to think that parliament was going too far, because he was there king. This is when sides started taking place however it did not trigger civil war. A year later in 1642, there were increased arguments between parliament and king so Charles goes to parliament and tries to arrest 5 MP’s who he thinks are the main troublemakers. However, they had already been alerted and have escaped. As a King many people say that tis over steps his mark because he thinks some people are making trouble he can just go and arrest him. This gains a lot of publicity and the MP’s are said to be heroes which just angers Charles further because although he has done wrong he has been humiliated and parliament have made him look bad so because of his stubborn attitude he isn’t going to agree to much of what parliament tells him. Later in the year, a rebellion in Ireland causes lots of trouble and tension. An army is needed to deal with it the rebellion but Parliament does not want Charles to have control of the army because they think that Charles may use the army against them as when he had tried to arrest the MP’s. So fearing that Charles will attack them instead because of the arguments they have had they don’t let him have control even though he has asked. As a result this just angers Charles even more because he believes he should have control because they have always had control. Parliament takes control of the army without Charles’ permission which in some ways is just like Charles raising money without their permission. This causes a lot of annoyance for Charles and it is against the law. Some people say that this rebellion says that is one of the main causes of the civil war because parliament don’t want to give Charles the army because it will give him a lot of power and lots of citizens thought that Charles should have had control of the army because that is a Kings job and that parliament were wrong just to disobey like that so they could have more power. These results in people taking sides on who they thought were right because of tension between the two sides. In June 1642, parliament demands more of the King in the 19 propositions. Parliament demands a lot of things of the King that are unnecessary including having control of the king’s children and if he agreed to it would give parliament practically all the power so Charles didn’t agree to it. It also split the MPs in Parliament many felt they had gone too far and declared their support for the King. Both sides started to organise armies and consequently civil war. In 1642, relations between Parliament and Charles had become very bad. Charles had to do as Parliament wished as they had the ability to raise the money that Charles needed. However, as a firm believer in the divine right of kings, such a relationship was unacceptable to Charles People argue that it was tension between parliament and King that caused civil war because the tension had risen so much that both parliament and King had stepped to far on what they demanded from each other that the relationship was so damaged that people in the country started taking sides because they thought the other side was wrong. For example in 1628 Charles was forced to acknowledge the petition of rights’ giving parliament certain rights and liberties caused tension between parliament and king because parliament wanted more power as they had not had power in James’ reign. As a result of Charles’ beliefs the tension between parliaments rose every time one side did the slightest thing the other side didn’t like. However, a lot of religious issues caused tension between parliament and king like when Charles agreed with parliament’s demands except the religious reforms this caused tension because they didn’t think Charles had agreed to enough demands. If there were no religious issues there may not have been enough tension between the two sides that it resulted in civil war because many people who agreed with parliament were puritans who thought Charles was too catholic then maybe if there were no religious reforms or puritans then there would have been a lot less tension between the two sides. If Charles had not made the religious reforms then puritans would have been happy and not sided against him, they would not have been so demanding on the 19 propositions like the education of his children that Charles may have agreed and the tension wouldn’t have resulted in Civil war. Also some sources say that despite some unpopular taxes the country was ruled for over 11 years without parliament and any major problems and most people were happy until the religious reforms that made a lot of people unhappy and the scots didn’t ave rebelled making him bring back parliament and the tension. If this hadn’t happened then he may have ruled peacefully without parliament for much longer. I personally think that it was a mixture of both reasons that English Civil war broke although it was mainly tension between parliament and king that resulted in the outbreak of the war a lot of the tension was increased by religious issues and without them many of the things that cau sed the tension between the two sides wouldn’t have happened. I think that there would have still been tension between parliament and king if there was no religious issues but I don’t think that it would have resulted in English civil because too much of the tension was caused by religious issues because Charles eventually did agree to most of parliaments demands except the religious ones making it a religious reason why there was increased tension. On the other hand if there was no tension between king and parliament then the religious issues may have been sorted out so therefore they wouldn’t have taken up war between the sides.
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