Saturday, August 31, 2019
African Reaction to Colonialism Through Resistance and Collaboration Essay
By the end of World War I, most of Africa had been effectively colonized. European colonialists had managed to quell the efforts by Africans to resist the establishment of colonial rule. The next two decades, the period historians call the inter-war years, were relatively quiet years in colonial Africa. This relative quiet, however, did not indicate that the colonized people of Africa were happy with colonial rule-that there was no opposition to colonialism. During the inter-war years opposition to colonialism was expressed in one of the following forms: Demands for opportunity and inclusion: Many Africans at this time accepted the reality of colonial rule but they did not accept the harsh discrimination and the lack of opportunity that was a central part of the colonial experience. Opposition to these aspects of colonialism was particularly strong among educated Africans. Educated Africans believed that â€Å"all humans are created equal. Discriminatory colonial policies and practice restricted economic opportunities and participation in the political process. During this period, educated Africans formed organizations to promote their interest for an end to discriminatory policies and for an increase in opportunities. However, these organizations had limited membership, and they did not make radical demands for the end of colonial rule. The South African National Congress and the West African National Congress (Nigeria/Ghana) are examples of elite African organizations. Religious opposition: A number of the early anti-colonial up-risings featured in the last section were led by religious leaders. The Chimurenga (Zimbabwe) and Maji-Maji (Tanganyika) uprisings were led by African priests who were strongly opposed to colonial rule. This tradition of religious opposition to colonialism continued throughout the 20th century. However, unlike the earlier acts of religious resistance, the new opposition was led by African Christians. African Christians took seriously the Christian teachings on equality and fairness-values that were not practiced by colonial regimes. By the 1920s, some African Christian leaders were forming their own churches, sometimes called African Independent Churches. These churches that were formed in Southern, Eastern, Central and West Africa, provided a strong voice for justice. One of many examples is the Kimbaguist Christian Church formed in the Congo by Simon Kimbangu in the 1920s. In spite of Kimbangu’s imprisonment for many years by the Belgians, the Kimbanguist church grew rapidly. When the Congo became independent in 1960, the church had a membership of over one million. Economic opposition: During this time period economic opposition was often not well organized. However, there were attempts in the 1920s and 1930s by mine workers in southern Africa and port workers in West and East Africa to organize into unions. While important, these activities had little impact on the majority of African peoples. Of greater impact were the less organized but more widespread efforts of African farmers to resist colonial demands on their labor and their land. Module Nine: African Economies provides an example of how small scale African farmers in Mali quietly, but effectively, resisted the attempts by colonial officials to control the production of cotton. Mass protests: During the inter-war era, there were few mass protests against colonial policies. One of the most important and interesting exceptions was the Aba Women’s War that took place in southeastern Nigeria in 1929. Ibo market women were upset with a number of colonial policies that threatened their economic and social position. In 1929, the women staged a series of protests. The largest protest included more than 10,000 women who had covered their faces with blue paint and carried fern-covered sticks. The women were able to destroy a number of colonial buildings before soldiers stopped the protest, killing more than fifty women in the process. Not surprisingly in contemporary Nigeria, the Aba Women are considered to be national heroes!
Friday, August 30, 2019
Leading Through Self Awareness Education Essay
IntroductionHow do great leaders become cognizant of their organisations, themselves and others? All when turning up we were under a attention of person at a certain topographic point, this began a relationship of cognizing person and cognizing environment before cognizing ourselves. This lead to a state of affairs of cognizing other people as told who they are and cognizing things as told what they are. More over it makes us to cognize ourselves as told who we are and how should we be. It is in the establishments, schools and tribunals of these formative old ages where we are instituted, educated, prosecuted and judged of what we can be in the universe. This appears to hold been created by a stereotype of what and how the human species must be from a infinite coevalss before us. In this papers an reply to interrupt from this stereotypic barrier is sought through admiting my apprehension of ego and others related to larning penchants. It will be in the same context of looking into my function of how the construct can be applied in my section.Section AHow do I larn?First and far most I am really matter-of-fact person who believes in the attack of making first at and understand it subsequently. I get bored in following rhetoric manuals, theories and research methodological analysiss. All what I take involvement in is to cognize what must be done, how it is done and what application is needed to acquire it done. At work I ever teach my squad to be custodies on and larn to understand by making things themselvesFocus on attendingI ever focus my attending on the state of affairs I am confronting and seek to understand myself and my function in the state of affairs. I tend to look for different sort assortment and wide of involvement before I settle down to work through something. It seems easy for me to acquire a solution when I talk and walkthrough a job ; I portion it with people and state them what I think of the job . I find it easy for me to suit in a subject even if it is discussed by people I am run intoing for the first clip and in most instances I would set in my sentiment even before I introduce myself. I a really much opinionated single and ever present my statements really energetically. I have found that the fond of showing thoughts appeal to much battle as in most instances it either accommodates or challenges people. I have found though that when taking a different frame of attack, listen to more gregarious and chatty people it feels like thorn to person who thinks more of what is being said.Acquiring of informationIt seems that the first thing that captures my head is what is at manus and occurrence now, I ever want to see than to hear about it. At work when there is clocking failure of a merchandise I believe in imitating it and see it go oning to acquire a better apprehension of the cause. I appear to be really much comfortable with the existent and practical state of affairs or job because I get the exhilaration to prosecute in it. I hold an sentiment that everything has a point of truth which could be found if much energy is devoted in it. When working with machines I believe in preciseness that if a machine can bring forth one good unit is possible to be accurate systematically. I hold the same position with people that they can execute to a changeless and accurate degree given that they working with a good calculate rate. This goes for the same with behavoiurs that a good and disciplined behavior is possible for all persons. When required to train members for hapless public presentation and incompatibility, I refer to the experience where good was achieved. I have besides found that when listening to grudges in my section, I tend to tend to a fact like when people are stating they working in bad conditions. I would press them to be factual and individual out a status under which they would non hold taken the occupation if they knew it prior and a status under which they believe that the occupation is non worthy any more. This I have found that it eliminates impossible demands and makes everybody to believe existent even with future possibilities. To me it becomes mind bogging to make a hereafter someplace and still be able to change it even before is being realized. I do believe nevertheless in advanced state of affairss chiefly where the present is discontinued, altered or adapted. In one state of affairs I had to brief my squad about a new maestro production planning theoretical account concentrating on three month period where merely care and one-year leave were considered for proviso for doomed of production. This sparked a immense dissatisfaction from the store stewards about the non-consideration of ill leave and other un-avoidable absences including possible work stoppages and deceases. For me it ne'er came to be a factor because in world there was no 1 who was ill, there was no 1 who was on work stoppage and there was no dead cadaver in the meeting. However in believing it loosely there could be one sick, there could be a work stoppage and there could be somebody dead in the hereafter universe even within the three month period. The larning penchant of other people in the state of affairs forced me to reframe the state of affairs by inquiring the work force to determine the planning theoretical account from the position of our rivals. The theoretical account from the angle of the labor force showed for more willingness to better productiveness by: Acknowledging operators who keep a clean attending record for the three months Train and buttocks operators on repairing minor dislocations on the machine and pay those who pass the asDecision devising penchantWhen required to do a determination I tend to follow the nonsubjective logic position with analysis of the cause and consequence of both the job at manus and the solution that is sought. This I have found to be really much inclusive because it looks further than where the rock falls. I prefer to do determination based on what leading aspires to i.e. justness and consistent rule. I am of the position that consistent rule is good for pull offing a section construction than puting case in points continuously because it is easy to keep policies by using organisation rule than using case in points. To me repute is build by consistence where there is an unfastened door policy for exceeding fortunes than exceeding people. By definition exceeding circumstance to me are all fortunes beyond a human control where the abilities of a responsible individual fail or disabled in such that they can non move in a manner a sensible individual would move. I believe that reasonability is governed by acceptable Torahs, criterions and justifiable Acts of the Apostless. When keeping safety meetings in my section I would ever show the policy of zero tolerance to insecure patterns. What I have found is that though everybody is capable of following the safety patterns and cognize the effects of insecure patterns, people would nevertheless still dispute the policy of zero tolerance. It appears that other people are of the position that the circumstance and virtue of the actions of an person are of import. I ever persuade people to look at safety demand from a position of a household who have lost a bread-winner through a deficiency of safety policy and subject by the company. Largely when their relation died through carelessness by another employee but the company condones it by maintaining that employee in its employ. Asking them to conceive of how the policy would look like if that household was asked to compose the safety policy of this company. With that frame of head everybody tends to hold with me that the best manner of maintaining zero tolerance is to follow military manner of subject to everyone who disregards safety patterns.Preferable life styleIt appears that self-generated and flexible working manner entreaties much to me because I take things instantly as they come and in most cases I leave them opened. I like the tentative approached where a infinite to maneuver is large plenty for me to follow things and to accommodate to things. This has helped me to ever look for some thing new on the manner and would in most instances discover new constructs and new people that can be developed. In my section I ever encourage people to flux in things before doing serious picks because I believe that experience is an unfastened ended teacher. My position is that if have learned and experienced many things you probably to win with easy even in really hostile state of affairss. I seems to be challenged by a state of affairs where I am bound by structural dogmas and modus operandi, which need to be adhered to as checklist of activities however I do believe in broad range of cheques and balances to guarantee that ends are achieved.Section BLearning and development program for my sectionAfter deriving apprehension of ego and others larning penchant I am required to use my acquisition by planing a acquisition and development program for my section. The program is based onExpectationsThe nucleus of leading map is to develop way and aim for all activities required to make a coveted fate. The fate must be good defined from the oncoming and as the leader I am required to use the accomplishments of interpersonal acquisition in placing and tackling all the available and different energies in the section. A leader is good advised to hold the position of the fate at all times to be able to move above opportunism. A leader must walk the journey to the fate through planning, taking, forming and commanding. Once at the fate and holding tasted the goodness of the fate it would look easy for the leader to work convincingly and indefatigably to acquire everyone on board to work towards the fate. This can trip the passion of drawing and developing the people a leader is working with. A leader must be really much generous with cognition and ever want to portion with the people. Leaderships who spend clip with their people tend to develop good wonts of larning from each character under their leading. This normally makes the leader to be a really strong and able to take with freedom of understanding his people. It appears that of such great incarnation the construction gets formed and strengthens since all the people occupy places where they fits. This leads us to the following degree where acquisition is critical i.e. the construction.Learning the constructionThe first acquisition needed is the acquisition of the construction and how it functions to present the needed consequences. In most instances a construction can be cumbersome particularly when used as a commanding and a superior tool of people nevertheless if good understood it is the right tool to accomplish a intent and making fates. It is of import to avoid the pattern of utilizing the section construction as hierarchy of ranks in order to enable self look in full of all members in the section. Learning takes topographic point easy where people relates structurally because the construction gives a good counsel of what must be learned and how the work is inter-linked between people. This seems to be helpful in presenting the different functions each person in the section plays. Since larning will affect larning penchants of ego and others, it is hence advisable to associate to one another with the outlooks of different characters that fit the different functions Sharing is about playing a prima function and pass oning with others in the section. As leader will be required to run into and portion with the people in the section and such meeting must help in steering the section to run into its outlooks. My function as leader in the meeting will be to portion valuable information of the concern, schemes and demands. Progress study and update meetings where different functions take part in presenting and sharing their studies in their several capacities. This meeting could be a critical tool for a leader to pull larning curves and experience from the from the section members. This could besides assist to maintain all members posted about developments in the organisation and learn from one another within the section As leader I must be careful of non going a commanding officer in head by strong-arming squad members but to enable all stakeholders play their meaningful functions in the meetings. It looks likes when people follow on free will they work hard than people who are coerced in following the way of the leading. The chief occupation of a leader in meeting is to steer, inform, warn and urge members to draw together. A function is ever associated with a individual or people, and so when playing my function as leader it would supply a manner of larning about the acquisition penchants of the other people in the section. Another country of acquisition is larning the best manner of pass oning to the members in the squad Depending on the acquisition preferences most people respond otherwise in one signifier of communicating and hence as leader will necessitate to larn a diverse signifier of communicating. Another point to bear in head is that information can be really much unsafe to other people depending how it is communicated. A leader must guarantee understand people good in the section as others are unable to manage sensitive information therefore a great attention and diligence is required when communication.HarmonyHarmony emanates from credence of other people with their penchants and character which when achieved it enables the squad to work like a well oiled machine. It is a good known fact that the people we know and meet with everyday now were one time aliens when we met them for the first clip. Meeting people for the first clip generates perceptual experiences that can either be cemented or alteration at ulterior phases when a individual is good known or understood. Percepts are believed to be developed from our old acquisition and experiences and they usually form the first feeling of our new experiences. Arguably in general life most people attest to the fact that perceptual experience and feeling about other people tend to alter or confirmed at after disbursement clip and larning a batch about them. It is really much of import to command perceptual experience and feelings because though they are non enemies of harmoniousness but they can develop the worst enemy of harmoniousness which is stereotype. Stereotypic thought will ensue to the malfunctioning of the squad because the people keeping such a position will be a job in working with others Harnessing the alone and different energies becomes hard if the leader or other members hold a stereotyped position towards others. This is where interpersonal acquisition get downing from the leader becomes critical to spread this clip bomb of stereotype in organisation. I believe that the best manner of get the better ofing stereotype in the section is to use oneself more on reframing state of affairs because it ever gives you the position of the intent of your being. Stereotype appears to be encouraged by a comfort zone, success of the yesteryear, personal beliefs and conservative thoughts of the good yesteryear. To me it all appears to be a complacence and failure to research oneself, others and the environment more. To get the better of stereotype and comfort zone leaders need to be ever advanced and be ready to venture out of their conform thoughts. Success should be used to dispute one ego and others to continuously excite the competitory thoughts of taking the organisation farther. One of the greatest tools in disputing stereotype is utilizing success as a acquisition where the behavoiurs and larning thoughts of successful people is studied, challenged or adopted. When stereotype is overcome the squad can be able to play to strength by using all the energies and tackle them to the strength of the section. Great coherency will enable all squad members to enthusiastically lend positively to the success of the concern. This will amount to ownership and pride from squad members.Acknowledgment, Reflection and struggle directionPeoples like recognition and experience ignored if feed dorsum is non given after they have done something. Acknowledgement and feed back promote more acquisition and place spreads needed to be closed in acquisition. It helps people to reflect on what they have done and look for more room of betterment. It will be of import besides to let people to give provender back on leading to assist stretching the leader in suiting all the different acquisition penchants in the squad. A leader who is good capacitated in different countries of acquisition will be able to manage and pull off struggle in the squad without destructing the spirit of the squad but by capturing all the differences into a unit.DecisionGreat leading is the art that stems from the roots of acquisition and understanding ego consciousness. Great leaders have learned about themselves, about others and about their environment.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Internet a Tool of Modern Age
Mass Media Society Abstract This paper shows the problems of mass media. Mass media is absolutely important for our life. However, as much as mass media plays an important role in our society, it causes some serious problems. Mass media makes citizens recognize misjudgments by distorting the truth. Most serious problem mass media can affect extreme power to our society. Mass media has been developed more and more as society has grown, becoming centralized authority in our society. Exaggerated contents of mass media affect bad sides to people-especially teenagers.Some people tend to believe mass media absolutely, so it is also becomes a problem. Television, internet, and advertising, nowadays, the most important medium of mass media brings some problems to each other, so these are issue in society which people have to solve. Mass Media Power The more society has grown, the bigger the market of mass media has been developed. Hibbert (2006) defined in the book the power of media t hat mass media is all part of television, radio, Web sites, newspapers, magazines and books. They deliver information to the public (p. 6).People can meet and understand their society through mass media. Before 1960s, mass media was not public. Some citizens could know how their society and economy were moved according to newspaper. Since 1970s when television was invented, the market of mass media has been developed. Now, most fields of mass media were created, so we can meet mass media really easily not only on the streets but also at home. We are living under the effects of mass media. However, this development of mass media brings some problems in our society as two sides of the same coins.Mass media crisis has rear up secretly because most media organizations do not want to be revealed to their problems frankly. Problems Mass media affects all fields such as politic, economy, government, culture and society. Almost all countries have their own problems of media. The most seriou s problem of that media is mass media can bring confusion of people value. For example, mass media is to make people agree their ideas or thoughts in terms of propaganda. The meaning of propaganda is â€Å"a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of large umbers of people†(Propaganda, 2008). Find out how our expert essay writers can help you with your work†¦ Actually, this word was meaning of the things to be spread. However, now most people may know the word of propaganda is some information which is false or emphasizes one part of a situation, normally used by a government or political group according to Nazi propaganda (Bytwerk, 2005). Taylor (2001) revealed how Hitler implanted his ideology in their citizens: In 1933, Adolf Hitler appointed Minister for Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels.Goebbels had spread a lot of propagandas, contained the ideology of Hitler and Nazi. All journalists, writers, and ar tists were needed to register with one of the Ministry's subsidiary chambers for the press, fine arts, music, theater, film, literature, or radio. The Nazis believed in propaganda as a vital tool in achieving their goals. Adolf Hitler was impressed by the power of Allied propaganda during World War I and believed that it had been a primary cause of the collapse of morale and revolts in the German home front and Navy in 1918. Broadcasters and journalists required prior approval before their works were disseminated.Along with posters, the Nazis produced a number of films and books to spread their beliefs. (pp. 162-163) In the U. S. and South Korean government also by emphasizing red complex to their citizens through mass media like radio or newspapers, the governments make their citizens recognize the hostile attitude about all policies of socialism while they justifies their policies (Kang, 1997). These things are absolute examples of mass media’s problem. In addition, as mark et of mass media has been developed much, the authority of mass media has grown also.The power of mass media has been centralized too much, so it exercises extreme influence over any government. The contents of mass media have been contained exaggeration and violence more and more. This mass media makes people tend to believe absolutely. Mass media has strong authority in our society. Mass media became one most important way for people to deliver information since mass media has been developed. We can get a lot of information and knowledge easily through mass media like newspaper, magazines and books. Actually, there is no way for us to take new information except through mass media.Therefore, mass media could have great authority among our society. You can get expert help with your essays right now. Find out more†¦ Television Television is one of the most important media of mass communication. Common people may watch television at least one hour every day. Some people usually meet news through television and others may want to watch dramas or variety shows. We can watch a lot of programs according to our tastes through television. Nielsen media research (1998) reported: â€Å"Television was introduced to the U. S. A. t the 1939 World’s Fair in New York. After two years, the Federal communications Commission licensed and approved the first commercially available television stations. In 1950, about 9% of American homes had TV sets. Since 1985, television ownership has been about 98%†(cited in Bushman, 2001, p. 477). Since television was invented, media became very popular in our life. Now almost all families have television at least one at home. Television has developed since 1930th as amazing invention can give people a lot of information and enjoyment visually and audially both.Most Americans watch television for 3 to 5 hours per day (Horvath, 2004, p. 378). As much as television has become famous to people, it causes many problems too. The violence of television’s programs has very serious effects. In television programs, we can easily see a recurrence of a case. It causes imitative crimes. Brandon Centerwall (1993), a professor at the University of Washington reported that from 1945 to 1974, 93% of the murder rate has been increased. It shows that television teaches violence, and it also makes people be unconcerned about violence.It can also cause antisocial actions. Television can bring addiction, which is one problem appeared since mass media was developed. TV addiction is similar with other addictions like drugs addiction or gambling. Especially TV addiction is bad for children. â€Å"A child who watched two hours of television a day before age three would be 20 percent more likely to have attention problems at age seven compared with a child who did not watch television†(Christakis, 2004). Television programs are contained to the violent acts and sensational contents more and more by pursuing commercial value.Moreover, they also maintain that television is forcing simple thoughts. Television gives us a lot of information but they can just give that. Viewers just can accept television’s information we cannot communicate with television. It is sure that the invention of television brought great development in our society. However, as the market of broadcast has been bigger, programs in television has been contained more violence and exaggerated. These things give children and teenagers bad effects, so all broadcast need to adjust their program contents. Internet Thatcher and Goolam (2005) said in their journal:The number of people using the internet has grown exponentially since the emergence of World Wide Web about ten years ago. No one is exactly sure how many people have online access. According to NUA Internet Survey (2002), it was estimated the number of internet users is approximately 600 million people in 2002 (Nua Internet survey, cited in Thatcher ; Goolam, 2002, p. 767). The popularity of the WWW, combined with the pervasiveness of computer technology in general, means that people are becoming increasingly reliant on technology and the Internet to conduct their day-to-day and work activities. p. 767) Although internet appeared as a new medium of media and it formed new society, internet is not mixed with society where we live, so it caused many problems. We can accept tremendous information via internet because people in all over the world could share their information on network. However, as much as there is a lot of knowledge, in internet there is also information not true and useless. Also, since internet was popularized, many illegal crimes have been happened through internet. These crimes committed through the use of computer are called cybercrime.Cybercrime is â€Å"a real and growing problem that costs governments, businesses, and individual computer users millions of dollars annually and that facilitates many of the same cri mes committed in real space, such as identity theft and the trafficking of child pornography, only on a larger scale†(Jones, 2007). The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) revealed the U. S. A. lost about 240 million dollars from online crime during 2007: Find out how our expert essay writers can help you with your work†¦ Financial losses from online crime reported to U. S. uthorities reached a record high last year, topping nearly 240 million dollar. Taking into account unreported crimes the real figure is likely to be much higher. Auction fraud and other forms of cybercrime reported to the Internet Crime Complaint Center were up 40 million or 20 per cent from those reported in 2006. The IC3 received 206,884 complaints about internet crimes last year, more than 90,000 of which were referred to law enforcement agencies across the U. S. IC3, which serves as a clearing house for cybercrime, is a joint operation between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center.A lthough internet auction fraud was the most widely reported complaint to the IC3, other problem areas included non-delivery of purchases and credit card fraud. Computer hacking attacks spam and child abuse on the net formed the subject of other complaints. Commonly reported scams involved the purchase or sale of pets, cheque fraud, email spam, and online dating fraud. The report provides evidence that the U. K. is fast catching up with the U. S. in being a hotbed of cybercrime. Despite the fact that the IC3 study is supposedly a national US annual report, the UK is the source of 15. per cent of the crime reports, significantly ahead of other cybercrime hotspots such as Nigeria (Leyden, 2008). It is also commonly happened to be invaded person’s privacy and personal information on network. According to a survey of 1,000 U. S. adults conducted by TNS Sofres on behalf of digital-security company Gemalto (2008), about 60% of Americans are concerned about stealing their account pas swords when they bank online, and 38% do not believe online payments (cited in Swartz, 2008). Advertising Advertising is a part of mass media.Market of advertisement has been developed as much as we can see an advertisement per one minute. Nowadays most products make up of advertisement because each product has to be sold in infinity competition society. Now customers live in the flood of advertising. From the moment of opening eyes to going to bed, people are connected with advertising through television, radio, newspapers, magazines and catalogs. Human Communication research (1998) shows one adult can contact to 3,000 advertising during one day and he or she can memorize just 10 out of 3,000 (cited in Kim, 2000, p. 4). The market of advertisements has been developed. However, the problem of advertisements are inherent in function of information, entertain and persuasion, so they may not only make people’s life style changed but also promote decadent culture like alcohol, ci garette and sex. You can get expert help with your essays right now. Find out more†¦ Ellickson et al (2005) studied about how much advertising will affect to adolescents: Ellickson and other authors examine the relationship exposure to different forms of alcohol advertisingand subsequent drinking among U.S. adolescents and assess whether exposure to an alcohol and drug prevention program mitigates any such relationship. The sample includes 3111 seventh-graders drawn from 41 South Dakota middle schools, and they are exposed to television beer advertising, variables were constructed for four types of alcohol advertising – television, in – store displays, magazines and concession stands. The result of this experience is several forms of alcohol advertising predict adolescent drinking; which sources dominate depends on the child's prior experience with alcohol.Forty-eight percent of the non-drinkers in grade 7 qualified as past-year drinkers by the spring of ninth gra de, indicating a substantial amount of initiation over the period examined. (pp. 235-246). Like this, advertising affects to people, especially adolescents a lot. Actually advertising has a great of influence on customers and society. For example, there is a study that skinny models in advertising cause eating disorder of women and girl, so some countries took measures to ban ultra-skinny models from their catwalks (Diderich, 2007).People can meet the extreme number of advertising everyday, so advertising has to be made without exaggeration and fiction. Janese Heavin (2007) who is the Tribune’s staff, wrote the article about a study: University of Missouri-Columbia research said that looking at pictures of flawless models in fashion magazines can make even the prettiest women feel downright crummy. Laurie Mintz, associate professor of education, school and counseling psychology in the MU College of Education said most women know intuitively or subconsciously that when they lo ok at magazines they will feel badly about themselves.The study validates what women know in their own experiences but assume it is just theirs to deal with. Spearheaded by graduate student Emily Hamilton, who used the project to earn her master’s degree, the study asked 81 college women to rate how they feel about their appearance, from facial features to chest size. Some of the women were then asked to view magazine advertisements that used fashion models to sell products. Others looked at ads that showed products with no models.Those who saw the images of fashion models later reported having a more negative body image, regardless of their own attractiveness. This study shows women were equally affected by the images. It is been commonly believed that larger women or women struggling with eating disorders feel worse after seeing pictures of models, but the latest study indicates the images are bad for everyone. In conclusion, people have to be careful when accepting mass me dia’s information.There are not simple solutions to solve the problem of media. These problems of mass media like television, internet and advertising have bad effects on people especially the perfection of self during childhood. People should try to accept right information through mass media. Therefore, they need to improve critical thoughts for filtering correct acknowledge. Critical thinking might be helpful to accept which information is needed to us. Critical thinking is â€Å"mental processes of distinguish, analysis and evaluation.Critical thinking is a form of judgment, specifically meaningful and reflective judgment. Using critical thinking one makes a decision or solves the problem of judging what to believe or what to do, but does so in a reflective way†(Critical thinking, 2008). People have the right to criticize and punish media which is to destroy our emotion and ethics. People have to improve power of judgment. If people have ability to control informa tion in this information-oriented society, they may have precedence over other people who do not have.Need an essay? You can buy essay help from us today! Custom essay QUOTE ORDER a custom essay Please rate the quality of this essay: Good Neutral Poor Struggling with your essay? You can get your essay custom written by an expert in your subject area. Fully researched and referenced, the perfect model answer†¦ Get a quote here Share & download: Print Download Email Request the removal of this essay. Find out how UK Read more: http://www. ukessays. com/essays/media/mass-media-society. php#ixzz2QiFaMPxA
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Third World sub-region Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Third World sub-region - Research Paper Example Despite having abundant natural resources, the West African sub region still slugs behind the rest of the world in terms of economic development. The following report presents an analysis of the West African region, based on the elements of development and dependency and the effects that they have had on the region’s development. This report will first identify the main elements that have been key hindrances to the development in the sub region. The report will conclude by providing a prediction of the future development in the region as well as the factors that will be key in sustaining its long term development. Different regions in the world have varying economies. These variations are based on the GDP per capita of the countries in the region and extend to extreme ends. The West African sub region is comprised of seven countries, most of which have the lowest GDP per capita in the world. Handelman’s definition of a third world country is one that is underdeveloped politically, economically and socially. Countries in this sub region fit this description perfectly. These countries have a variety of ethnic tribes and are currently marked by civil war. This sub region is also highly populated, with over 290 million people as at 2012, with half of this population living in Nigeria. In this region, most of the countries are low income countries. These countries top the list of the World’s poorest countries as shown in the following table. For instance, as at 2011, Liberia had a GDP per capita of $ 440.66, Sierra Leone had $820, Malawi $906.65 (World Bank, 2012). Countries in the West African Sub region are shown in bold. The slow growth and poor GDP among these West African countries have been triggered wars and political turmoil that has been experienced in the region for decades. According to Feed the Future, the GDP in this region has grown at an annual rate of 5.8%
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Business skills - Interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business skills - Interpretation - Essay Example The United States segment is the least contributor to the company’s profits as its best performance is operation at break even point (Mowen, Hansen, & Heitger 2015, p. 122). All of the segments, however, reported volatile trends that also declined over the period. The following chart shows average profit contribution of all the segments over the considered years. The UK contributed an average of 61 percent of the company’s profits over the years and can be projected to continue being the main source of profits in the short run while The United States operates under losses and is likely to continue in the trend. The UK is the significant revenue generating segment and this explains its profit significance. In addition, revenues from the UK has the same trend as that of total revenue and this means that it is core to the company’s income. The trend in revenue is also less volatile and increasing, and an indicator of sustainable growth. The difference shows that expenses that the group incurs in its activities are more volatile than are revenues because profit is a factor of expenses (Porter & Norton 2012, p. 70). The existence of the UK as the source of revenue and the trend that suggest profitability in the other segments also means that the company can expand its operations in the UK and in the other segments, as an optimization strategy. The United States, unlike other segments, however, is not promising to the group as the following chart shows for average revenues.
Exploring and learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Exploring and learning - Essay Example There are also some students who take a strategic approach, where they intend to maximize their chances of getting high marks. In today’s intellectual world, the three approaches of learning namely; deep, surface and strategic have become very popular. The surfacing issue therefore emerges on which of the three learning approaches is the most effective. This raises a very highly debatable issue. While some learners adopt a deep approach as noted by Morgan (1993), others prefer a surface approach when engaging in their studies. This paper seeks to critically analyze the three approaches of learning; deep, surface and strategic. Further, it will seek to examine how the chosen approach of learning affects the performance of a student. Marton and Saljo are the scholars behind the theory of deep and surface approaches to learning. They wrote a scholarly paper describing the varied manner in which learners approached learning in the academic sector. This studied was in the psycholog y department which at that time was quite unusual. This is because by default, they would have set up an artificial laboratory experiment for purposes of isolating one element from the other. Instead, Marton and Saljo sought to engage university students and their habitual behavior during learning. The students were required to read an article and thereafter answer questions based on the same. The study revealed that to some learners, the text was perceived as information with such discrete units meant to be memorized (Stanger-Hall, 2012, 294). The memorization was meant to help to answer the questions that would follow. The two scholars referred to this as the surface approach. On the other hand, some students perceived the text as one containing structured meaning. They were eager to discover the meaning of the article, its implications and the impact it had on them. They termed this as the deep approach. It follows that learners who engage in the deep approach had a better unders tanding of the article and were therefore able to answer a variety of question deciphered from it. In addition, they were in a better position to remember the content effectively compared to the others. Subsequent researches after this study have shown that there are different approaches to learning that students engage in while undertaking their academic tasks. A surface approach to learning can be defined as the result of low cognitive level engagement which yields to fragmented outcomes that do not translate to understanding or meaning. This process takes place when the learner takes in information ‘by heart’, but is in the least interested in engaging with the meaning of what s/he has taken. When taking this approach, the learner’s motive lies in only carrying out the task (Lauriland, 2003,47). This is due to some either positive or negative pressure/consequence. Negative in that if s/he fails, it is bound to affect his life in a not so pleasant way and posit ive in that if s/he passes, he will be favored by the teacher/instructor. Rote learning is a surface strategy whereby the learner focuses on what s/he perceives as the most important information and embarks on memorization of the same. Since the intention is as earlier noted to pass a test or exam, the learner finds not interconnections found in what is being learnt between meanings implications of the same. Surface learning is
Monday, August 26, 2019
Osama bin Laden Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Osama bin Laden - Research Paper Example However, many people believe that America is responsible for the making of Osama as a hard core criminal. America has given training to Osama and his allies to fight against the former Soviet communist regime in Afghanistan. They educated Osama that communism is the enemy of Islam and expelling communism form the soil of Afghanistan is necessary for sustaining Islamic beliefs in Afghanistan. America did succeed in exploiting the in depth belief of Osama in Islamic beliefs and the Soviet Union forced to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan as a result of the efforts of Osama and Taliban groups. When America was giving training to Osama on terrorist activities, they never thought about the possibilities that one day Osama may use his power against them also. In other words, America’s efforts to attack communism through Osama, hit them back just like a boomerang. This paper analyses the development of Osama Bin Laden as the most wanted criminal in the world most wanted criminal i n the world. Osama Bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on March 10, 1957. His father was a close friend of the ruling royal family which helped him to establish the Bin Laden group of companies. Immediately after the birth of Osama, his parents got divorced and brought up under the single parent control. During his childhood, he was a normal child who has shown immense interests in religious activities. In Saudi Arabia, it was allowed to the Muslims to marry as much as girls. Osama’s father had ten wives while Osama started his multi marriage activities at the age of 17 by marrying Najwa Ghanem. He has completed his schooling from Al Thanger model school, and graduated in economics and business administration from King Abdul Aziz University. There are some reports which show that he has taken a civil engineering degree also. In any case, it is agreed by all the people who know Osama that he was a hard working person who has shown many interests in religious beliefs and also in interpreting teachings of Quran and jihad. According to Osama Bin Laden, â€Å"Jihad gives licence to indulge in all sorts of aggravated sins†1. He was succeeded in giving different interpretations to the word Jihad. He thought that jihad is the licence given to human or Muslims by God or Allah to fight against all kinds of evil acts, taught by Islam. The struggles Muslim people suffered, at different parts of the world were considered by Osama as the result of evil acts committed against Islam. He started to view all the political activities and religious clashes happening at different parts of the world against Islam as convincing reasons for conducting jihad. According to Osama’s wife Najwa Bin Laden, â€Å"No one in Osama’s family took umbrage at Osama’s political awareness and religiosity. Osama was highly praised for his keen interest in supporting Islam†2. In other words, nobody in Osama’s family though that Osama’s be liefs, views and opinions may one day shape in its present forms. Everybody thought that like most of the other Saudi people, Osama is also preaching something about jihad; but nobody thought that Osama may practice it in real life in future. Osama was adamant in his beliefs in Sharia laws. He was of the view that the destruction of Sharia laws is the major reason for the problems in Muslim world. Osama started talk consistently about the necessities of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Enterprise infrastructure Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Enterprise infrastructure - Article Example The deal will give AT&T an opportunity to reorganize the video entertainment industry. It will have the capacity to offer new data bundles and provide content to customers using different screens such as laptops, mobile devices, and TVs. The company’s preference on DirecTV is because of its premier brand in television subscription, content relationships, and its fast growth rate. DirecTV has more than 20 million subscribers compared to the 5 million subscribers of AT&T’s U-verse television service. The satellite provider owns the NFL Sunday Ticket package for out of market football games that will also add value to AT&T. AT&T is eager in experimenting new methods of video distribution. It will satisfy the customers who want to enjoy television on big screens, have TV on their smartphones on a Netflix style, or any other way possible. The approval of the deal will provide AT&T with growth opportunities due to the increased television revenues. Upon the deal’s approval by the regulators, it will be part of the continued wave consolidation in the telecommunication and television industries. Comcast, the country’s largest cable provider, also awaits a regulatory approval to merge with TWC. The parent wireless company provider Sprint Softbank is in efforts to acquire T-Mobile. Paul Gallant, a Guggenheim Partners analyst describes the situation as an arms race. The acquisition will create a content distribution leader in video, mobile, and broadband platforms. The companies would have to face competitive disadvantages and to merge them as a single entity will increase their competitiveness. To demonstrate the acquisition advantage, DirecTV satellites cannot provide the high internet speed connections that many customers prefer, of which AT&T can. In an attempt to lure the Washington regulators to approve the deal, their Sunday presentation asserts that the hybrid company will provide internet connections to areas that lack. The statement will
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Situation Analysis and Marketing Objectives Assignment
Situation Analysis and Marketing Objectives - Assignment Example The report ends with a concise statement of marketing objectives for Subway that it needs to follow in order to achieve its goals. Table of Contents Situation Analysis and Marketing Objectives 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Situation Analysis 5 Internal Environment 5 â€Å"Product, Pricing, Promotion, and Placement†: 5 Target Market: 6 Value-addition: 6 External Environment: 7 Competitors: 7 Technology: 7 SWOT Analysis: 8 Strengths: 8 Weaknesses: 8 Opportunities 9 Threats: 9 Marketing Objectives 9 References 11 Situation Analysis and Marketing Objectives 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 5 Situation Analysis 6 Internal Environment 6 â€Å"Product, Pricing, Promotion, and Placement†: 6 Target Market: 7 Value-addition: 7 External Environment: 8 Competitors: 8 Technology: 8 SWOT Analysis: 9 Strengths: 9 Weaknesses: 9 Opportunities 10 Threats: 10 Marketing Objectives 10 References 12 Introduction Subway, the world’s number one sub-marine sandwich franchise of 2011, was started by Fred DeLuca in 1965 to make money for being able to pay his medical college’s tuition fee. Fred borrowed $1000 from Dr. Peter Buck, a family friend who later on became his partner, to open his first sub-marine sandwich shop in Bridgeport, Connecticut. ... The menus of Subway franchises vary from location to location as it adapts to the cultural differences and preferences of its target consumers. The report presents a situational analysis of both the internal and external environments of Subway to highlight the company’s target market, its objectives, competitive advantages, overall market analysis and its marketing strategies. It also presents a competitor analysis followed by a SWOT analysis of the company that indicates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats presented by the internal and external environments of Subway. Marketing objectives will follow the SWOT analysis, laying the foundation for helping the company meet its objectives (Solomon et al, 2011). Situation Analysis Internal Environment Subway’s main objective is to provide its customers with fresh and high quality sandwiches at all times. It also aims at establishing itself as a fresh and healthy sandwich maker in the fast-food industry. â₠¬Å"Product, Pricing, Promotion, and Placement†: Subway mainly deals in submarine sandwiches that are promoted like healthy and fresh sub-sandwiches. This was what Fred DeLuca started initially when he opened his first sandwich shop in Bridgeport. The company, however, expanded its product offerings with the passage of time and thus increased its menu from only sandwiches and salads to breakfast, sandwiches, salads, catering services, coffee, cookies and Kids’ meals. Subway has always targeted the upper and upper-middle class segments of the market; therefore, their sandwiches do not come cheap. One of the franchisees, however, set out to increase his franchise’s sales and popularity by offering $5 Foot-long sandwiches which was later adopted by the company as a
Friday, August 23, 2019
Rising to the Call with Sound Political Leadership Research Paper
Rising to the Call with Sound Political Leadership - Research Paper Example Through wise decisions, meaningful and sincere rhetoric, and the ability to assert his authority as needed, President Abraham Lincoln was an example of a true leader within the American political landscape. Leadership in the political arena requires a certain amount of detachment from sentimentality so that decision making can be done without the burdens of emotions that will cause too long of hesitation in action. This doesn’t mean that emotions are not present, but that they can be controlled in order to act within a larger framework of the greater good. Vivian Holliday, professor of history from the College of Wooster, discusses the nature of leadership as it is presented through both Machiavelli and Socratic/Platonic principles. She states that: Machiavelli is the principal founder of a ‘realist’ theory of leadership that portrays politics as a pure struggle for power in which all moral considerations are set aside, and that focuses the theory and practice of leadership on success as measured solely in terms of the acquisition and maintenance of power and the protection and promotion of the interests of the nation-state or some other political collectivity†(Holliday 51). ... Holliday also includes in her discussion the more idealistic Socratic/Platonic concept of political leadership suggesting that it should be tempered with the Machiavellian concepts. Through this interpretation of political leadership, the leader is integrally connected to followers and to morals, his or her platform, and idealism defining a virtue with which he or she leads. Holliday states that â€Å"The rhetorical strategy of this image of the ideal philosopher-leader is again most visible when we consider critically the image of new leadership that is vested with Socratic/Platonic knowledge and virtue and that leads through dialogue and education†(63). This also suggests that beyond the connectivity to followers and morals, a good leader uses communication and academically founded intelligent consideration in leading his people through whatever conflict that arises.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Golden Age of Poverty Reduction Essay Example for Free
Golden Age of Poverty Reduction Essay The presentation of the article related to poverty reduction does not seem too optimistic whether the global aim was actually achieved. Basically, the main argument is that poverty reduction provides only the rate of presented resolutions to alleviate the problem. However, the real figures of people under poverty are not really reflected. As time forwarded from the late 19th century up to the present, there was an actual development of social welfare services especially in the health care sector. This prompted world populations to increase and obtain extended life expectancies. But the issue of disparity between the rich and the poor was not really reduced but worsened. The main factor to blame is the capitalists’ attitude towards profitability. They fuel growth in economies but also become the catalyst for the social inequalities to expand. To summarize the main argument, general poverty incidences could have been reduced more if economic inequality had not worsened (The Free Library, 2006). References The Free Library. 2006. Todays golden age of poverty reduction: the story the World Bank and other agencies dont want you to know. International Economic Publications. Retrieved January 27, 2008 from
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Home Furnishings bedding Essay Example for Free
Home Furnishings bedding Essay Home furnishing has many areas that furnish bedrooms with frames, comforters, sheets and dressers and much more. A home furnishing is a way to personalize the house whether it’s with the help of professionals or simple your own ideas. The company Polo Ralph Lauren founded in 1967 and their main headquarter is currently in New York. Ralph Lauren was the one who founded the company which he is the CEO, Chairman, and chief designer for the company. The company also sells products for men, women, and children, accessories, fragrances, and home furnishings. It operates in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Ralph Lauren first launch his home collection in 1985 including bedding, including bedding, towels, area rugs and much more. Home furnishings include bedding and with the bedding department it has mattress size, pillows, sheets and blanket, and quilts. The mattress size is important because it depend the size of the sleeper and the dimensions of the bedroom. The smallest size of the bedding dimensions is the twin size which has a dimension of 39 by 76 inches. The next size is the full size mattresses measure 54 by 75 inches and â€Å"queens add an extra 6 inches to the full-size width and 5 inches to the length. Standard king mattresses have ample room with a 78 inch width and 80 inches in length. †(ProQuest) The pillows come in different size to match the bed and all the pillows are 20 inches in width and in length it varieties. Pillow cases and sheets are sold in pairs or separately. They are sold separately because it allows the customers to pick their own design, how they want their sleeping environment to look like. They sell separately because something consumers does not like the designs so they rather buy the design that they are comfortable. The construction of pillowcases, sheets and shams varieties and the most popular fabric use in this is woven. The next fabric is â€Å"Cotton and cotton/poly dominates the market. Cotton gives absorbency while polyester gives durability and wrinkle resistance. Most sheets are made with spun yarns. †(Hoovers) Muslin and percale sheets are the most common. Muslin sheets are made from carded yarns while Percale is made out from combed yarns. Other type of fabrics is sateen, satin, flannel, or knitted jersey or tricot. It’s important to pay attention the caring part because there are some sheets, pillowcases that can easily get damaged. The white sheets should be machine was only and dry according to manufacturer’s instructions. Do not combine dark colors with beach and only apply beach on white sheets. It’s good to rotated and avoid using the same set also using a mattress pad or covers to protect the sheets will extend the life of the bottom sheets. â€Å"Ralph Lauren has grown from being a mono-brand US centric menswear wholesaler to designer manufacturer and wholesaler of global luxury lifestyle brands for men, women and children. †(Business source Swot analysis). Ralph Lauren has many products that can offer to their customers because it’s a growing industry. Some of the brands and names of Ralph Lauren include Polo by Ralph, Lauren, Purple Label, Club Monaco, Rugby, Ralph Lauren Womens Collection, Black Label, Blue Label and Lauren by Ralph Lauren, among others. The successes of the brands are due to the official outfitter of the 2008 US Olympic and Paralympics teams by the United States Olympic Committee in 2008. It has sign a five year contract with RA to outfit all the members staffing and all the officials in the Open Championship up to 2016. Ralph Lauren distributes their products through and foreign and domestic network. It has a successful global distribution network which allows â€Å"its merchandises to be sold in a total of nearly 9,000 retailers worldwide, ranging from high-end department stores such as Neiman Marcus to discount retailers such as TJ Maxx. †(Business source). Ralph Lauren is divided into three segments the first one is wholesales, the second one is retail, and the third one is licensing. Licensing is very important because any product whether in-house produced or licensed, have to be designed by Mr. Lauren and his design staff. All of his home furnishings products are produce by his licensing partners who has the right to sell them whether it’s internationally or domestic. It has multiple channels where they distribute their products. Ralph Lauren has 201 factory stores worldwide and 178 full-price retail stores. It also has â€Å"474 concessions-based shop-within-shops, and six e -commerce websites. The full-price retail stores range in the size of approximately 800 to 38,000 square feet and are situated in major upscale street locations and upscale regional malls in large urban markets. (Business Source). Most of these factory stores are located in outlet malls. Some of the factories have a length of 2500 to 20,000 feet in the Americans 1,400 to 19,700 square feet in Europe and from 2,800 to 11,800 square feet in Asia. It also operates a concessions-based shop-within-shops that has around 209 retail locations dedicated to Ralph Lauren-branded products. Most of the shops-within shops are located in Asia and the size of this concessions-base is approximately 180 to 4,300 square feet. The company has a successful globe distribution that allows merchandise to be in 9,000 retails worldwide. Home furnishings by Ralph Lauren afford their customers a feature that has a â€Å"contemporary, creative style and also employs ticking-striped patterns, industrial accents and flea-market-inspired finds to create an unexpected rustic look. †(Ralph Lauren). The company wants their customers to be happy with their product and that’s way they offer the best quality with the best material so that their customers can come back to the company and purchase more. Polo Ralph Lauren’s status as a premier lifestyle brand supports higher product margins, product extensions, and consumer loyalty. The company long-term annually grow is 20% to 30 % on their distribution. This company has a price range to be higher because Ralph Lauren is one of the premier consumer lifestyle brands with considerable brand equity. The company has strong brand equity because it has â€Å"capitalized on its strong fashion design and effective marketing to build a premier lifestyle brand with global revenue exceeding an estimated $5 billion, including licensees. (Business Source). It also states that the company is one of the few†brands capable of developing a portfolio of products and brands ranging from the moderately priced Chaps by Ralph Lauren to the luxury priced Purple and Black Labels. †(Business Source). The company has many ways to merchandises their products which include websites, outlet malls, factories and much more. In addition to these, the company sells its products through three websites in the US, including ralphLauren. com, rugby. com and clubmonaco. com, the company has more websites in the European part. Only the Unites States the company has acquire new customers about 600,000 customers. Only selling from website in helps the company to reach wider customers and faster than any other companies. Not only do they sell their merchandise over the internet they sell it through catalogs, retail stores for example Macys and high ended department store. Not any department store can sell Ralph Lauren products because they must have a license with the company itself. The company chose high end department stores because they know their customers and also because they have loyal customers who love to shop in this high-end department stores. Also because the brand of the product will distinguish how the material is made and how good of a quality it is. There are many rules and regulations when it comes to â€Å"all products categorized as linens must be labeled in accordance with the laws that relate to the consumption of textile products. The Textile Fiber Products Act (TFPIA) requires that generic fiber names and fiber content be listed on the label and flammability standards for mattress†. (Hoovers). The company’s name is build around the highest ethical and legal standards. Ralph Lauren is guided by the â€Å"California Transparent Act which states that all of its suppliers to prohibit the hiring of slave labor and prevent practices that could contribute to human trafficking. 1. verify product supply chains using third party auditors to ensure that our product supply chains are compliant with our Operating Guidelines and all applicable laws and regulations prohibiting slave labor and human trafficking; 2. conduct independent audits of our suppliers to evaluate their compliance with our Operating Guidelines and all applicable laws and regulations prohibiting slave labor and human trafficking; 3. equire certification by our suppliers that materials incorporated into our products comply with our Operating Guidelines and all applicable laws and regulations prohibiting slave labor and human trafficking in countries where our suppliers are doing business; 4. maintain internal accountability standards and procedures for employees and contractors failing to meet our Operating Guidelines prohibiting slave labor and human trafficking; 5. provide training for our supply chain executives and employees on the prevention of human trafficking and slave labor. †(RalphLauren. om) The company is always doing things to change the product and to promote new products to their loyal customers. Ralph Lauren will launch new lines and maintain brand strength. The company views the internet as the number one source of future growth that will increase very fast. They are advertising and marketing in a unique form associate with distinct design, luxury and quality. Retail stores are still very important because it’s the foundation and the growth of the company and it has given the â€Å"confidence to apply its expertise to wholesale business, including erchandise mix, visual presentation and excellent customer service. †(Valuation Reports). Ralph Lauren wants to expand to new products with new categories in different parts of the world. In conclusion the company has many things to offer to their loyal customers and expanding everything to new places and expanding new product will definitely have new customers. It’s important for the company to keep the good quality and good merchandise because it’s a way to stay in business for much longer.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Advertising Subscription Mixed Revenue Models
Advertising Subscription Mixed Revenue Models A revenue model is the business plan for a company or website to make money. It is also known as business model. It is the amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions for returned merchandise. It is the top line or gross income figure from which costs are subtracted to determine net income. Revenue is calculated by multiplying the price at which goods or services are sold by the number of units or amount sold. There are many different types of revenue models but because of the importance of an Internet presence for any viable company, the below will discuss different revenue models which can be used on the Internet. It describes how the firm will earn revenue, generate profits, and produce a superior return on invested capital. It specifically describes different techniques or skills used in generating income from the publishers websites and the way a business, typically an online business, to convert its services. Common e-commerce revenue models: Web catalog revenue models Digital content revenue models Advertising-supported revenue models Advertising-subscription mixed revenue models Fee-for-transaction revenue models Fee-for-services revenue models Web catalog revenue models In this revenue model, the sellers print catalog and mail to prospective buyers. Buyers place order by mail or by phone to sellers. It proves to be successful for wide variety of consumer item. It is often called as the mail order or catalog model. When this company wishes to enter the e-commerce market, they transfer their catalog with online version. It is then called the Web Catalog Revenue Models after the catalogue model is expanded in this way. It works best for standardized products with little quality concerns such as (New) Books, music, videos, computers and consumer electronics and also wish to purchases such as gifts and electronics. A personal shopper application is used to create an interface that customer can virtually choose and purchase the products or goods. This is an intelligent program that learns the customers preferences and makes suggestions. Benefits of Web Catalog Revenue Model Such catalog can offer a high degree of configuration flexibility to its customers. To sell products and services such as books, music and videos. Luxury goods are made to provide information to shoppers not to generate revenue. Example: Computer companies such as QQeStore has a great success selling on the Web. FIGURE 1 Advertising-Supported revenue models Most television channel output is allowed by an Advertising-Supported Revenue Models. Broadcasters provide free programming to an audience along with advertising messages. It provides free programming to attract viewers, and then sell ads to marketers based on viewership. Some major problems had stopped the total success of online advertising. First is no proper usage has emerged on how to measure and charge for site visitor views. It is difficult for web advertisers to develop a standard for advertising charges. Stickiness of the website has an ability to retain visitors. Sticky content: e-mail, message boards and chat Non-sticky content: news and search In addition to the number of visitors or page views, stickiness is a critical element in creating a presence that attracts advertisers. If a website is sticky, people will spend more time on it, visit it always and bookmark it. The second problem is that very few websites have a sufficient number of visitors to interest large advertisers. Not very effective: Low CPM rates due to low ad effectiveness. Non-sticky content costs money Example:. Web portal- Site uses as a launching point to enter the web. Almost always includes a Web directory and search engine. FIGURE 2 Advertising-Subscription Mixed Revenue Models It has been used for many years by traditional print newspaper and magazines. Subscribers or visitors have to pay a fee and accept some level of advertising. Subscribers are generally subjected to much less advertising. Subscription fee charged for preferred content (like cable TV) examples like: New York Times (crosswords) Wall Street Journal (special articles) CBS Marketwatch (archived articles) AOL (monthly fee for ISP connection) Pornographic web sites. Usually a combination of free and premium content: Attract customers using free content, and then try to make them pay for premium content. Example: Business Week- Offers some free content at its Business Week online site and requires visitors to buy a subscription to the Business Week print magazine. FIGURE 3 Fee-for-Transaction Revenue Models Businesses offer services or charge a fee based on the number or size of transactions processed. Commission earned based on the volume of the transactions (the higher the volume, the higher the transaction fees will be) or fee per transaction conducted at the website (a fixed fee per trade regardless of the volume). A number of online travel agency began doing business on the web. Stock brokerage firms use a fee-for-transaction model. They charge their consumer a commission for each trade carry out but much cheaper than traditional transaction service providers. E-bay: Listing free + percentage of highest bid (commission). Ameritrade: $8 flat per trade. Expedia: $5 surcharge per ticket. Ticketmaster: Commission per ticker purchased. Plagiarism services: Surcharge per term paper downloaded Disintermediation Removal of an intermediary from a value chain. Reintermediation Introduction of a new intermediary. Online banking and financial services: important feature offered is account aggregation ability to obtain bank, investment, loan and financial account information from many websites and show it all in one location at the banks website. A bill presentment service provides an electronic version of an invoice or billing statement. Benefits of Fee-For-Transaction Revenue Model Automobile Sales- Auto dealers buy cars from the manufacturer and sell them to consumers. Insurance Brokers- Insurance companies have been slow to offer policies and investments for sale on the web. Example E-Bay- earned transaction fees from each successful transaction made by the bidders. FIGURE 4 Fee-for-Service Revenue Models The fee in this model is based on the value of the service provided. These are broker services or based on the number or size of transactions processed. Services range from games and entertainment to financial advice. Channel Conflict and Cannibalization Channel conflict: sales activities on a companys website create with its existing sale outlets-aka cannibalization because the websites sales consume sales that would be made in the companys other channels. Giving customers access to products through coordinated channels-channel cooperation. Benefits of Fee-For-Service Revenue Models Online games- Growing number of sites include premium games in their offerings and site visitors have to pay to play these premium games. Concerts and films- As more households obtain broadband access to the Internet, companies are providing streaming video of concerts and films to paying subscribers Professional services- State laws are one of the main forces preventing U.S professional from extending their practices to the web. Prepaid legal, dental insurance, warranty and others services marketed and sold through the Web. FIGURE 6 Conclusion The best revenue models that suit Cricket Sport E-Zine website are Advertising-Supported Revenue Model, because Cricket Sport E-Zine website services are either free. It also provides free programming to attract viewers and subscribers. Website are present accurate and helpful resources for subscribers. Stickiness of the website have an ability to keep visitors and attract repeat visitors. The publishing company earns money from advertisements and visitors or readers no longer have to pay to access. The content is basically paid for by money from the advertisers who in turn, gain exposure among the readers.
Jack London Square Essay -- Personal Narrative Oakland Essays
Jack London Square The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the Gothic architecture of the University of Chicago, Mardi gras, the Great Wall of China--all are highly visible landmarks, characteristics, or events that are emblematic of a particular place. In a more subtle way, there are other "landmarks" that are less recognizable but nonetheless suggest a specific place. Perhaps it is the local mall, or spring tulips in your garden, or abandoned warehouses, or an annual Fourth of July parade or October pumpkin festival. Write about a landmark, characteristic, or event that suggests to you a specific place. Down around the intersection of Broadway and Embarcadero, between the chimneys and the channel, lies one of the few scenes that Oakland displays with pride to the outside world. It is Jack London Square, a ten-block area occupied by shops and offices, which looks out on the Alameda Channel and, beyond it in an appropriate direction, on San Francisco Bay. It is the site of numerous happenings, from the weekly Farmers’ Market to the Fourth of July fireworks, and for the remaining time it somehow maintains an air of hospitality  even festivity  foreign to most of the city. But to me, the Square is more than a physical location; it has a variety of connotations, all somehow connected to Oakland. It is not accurate to say that Jack London Square is a symbol of Oakland; rather, it is a gathering place for a variety of individual representatives of the intellectual and economic mediocrity on which the city frugally survives. To one side is the Port of Oakland, the heart of the city’s commercial significance; it somehow irritates me that this metropolis of 400,000 functions as a distribution center, a mer... ...ironment, and to find the same sort of indicators of the social and cultural entity that constitutes whatever other city as I have done in Oakland. What I experience is perhaps nothing more than a form of academic interest. Just as I have tried to expand my academic experience  while focusing on mathematics, I have also taken interest in chess, CX debate, and programming, among other things  I want to know other places as well. I am not an inseverable part of Oakland. But it is a part of me, a fragment of my experience and my identity. Years from now, after I have finished college and graduate school, perhaps long after that, it is quite likely that I will return to Oakland. I will make the pilgrimage on foot to Jack London Square. And I will sit at one of the outdoor tables of the Barnes & Noble Cafà ©, sipping an Italian soda, and remember what Oakland is.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Internet Marketing Privacy Issues Essay -- Internet Security
If a random person came over to you on the street, would you give him your personal information? Would you allow him to follow and record your activities? Most certainly not. Although this answer may be obvious in the physical world, the general populations’ behavior on the Internet is strikingly different. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google retain vast amounts of personal information of their users. Although this practice benefits the user as well, unrestricted profiling can be quite unnerving. Since regulation from the government may impede Internet use, and unless the threat to internet users privacy are shown to exceed the benefits, the government will not regulate the internet, rather we should educate the public how to be more responsible themselves. The most lucrative business on the Internet is marketing. Companies have come up with ingenious ways to generate revenue with very targeted advertising. Each company has their unique method to identify their consumers, some more complicated than others. For example, on a website geared to new mothers the advertisements would reflect that by advertising for baby diapers or formula. This type of targeted advertising is understood and acceptable. The consumer benefits by having advertisements in their interests and the vendor has a higher likelihood of making a sale. The Internet has introduced novel ways to track consumer habits and interests thereby creating smarter advertising. Microsoft employs their browser Internet Explorer using â€Å"cookies†to track user habits. Cookies are pieces of text stored by a user’s web browser, they are sent back and forth every time a user accesses a web page. These can be tracked to follow web surfers’ actions. Cookies are us ed to store... ...egulation may not be a solution, history has proven that the power to resolve this glowing lack of privacy lies within the hands of the people themselves. The manner in which similar issues were resolved in the past, elucidate on the present. The now famous company Truste created the Web Privacy Seal, the little icon that tells you the website is secure. Ten years ago users were to afraid to buy anything in the internet with their credit cards for fear of identity theft, now one can just look for that seal. As mentioned before Facebook’s privacy changes prompted 2.2 million Facebook members to form a group protesting these changes. Consumers are recognizing the threat to their control and in the same way in the past have come up with ingenious ways to protect themselves they will continue to stand up for their rights that will ultimately affect company policies.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Low Participation Rates amongst Latino Parents in Education and Metho
One of the most crucial topics in education is the involvement of parents in their child’s school as well as their education. For the past few decades research has been conducted about the involvement of parents in their community schools as well as the influence that is has. However, it has been noted that it is within minority communities and families where there is the least amount of involvement in their child’s school and education, more so in Latino communities. Although the amount of involvement does not necessarily reflect the parents concern of the child’s academic performance, educators have proclaimed that parental involvement does in fact help the student perform academically better: â€Å"Various studies indicate that parental involvement is salient in determining how well children do in school at both the elementary and secondary school levels†(Christian et. al., 1998). Yet, it has come to many educational leaders attention that there has b een a steady decline in parental involvement across the country and Latino and other minority communities seem to have the lowest number of participation in their school. Many researchers have investigated and still do to find the cause of why there is a lack of parents involved in school within these minority communities. â€Å"Parental involvement has become of the centerpieces of educational dialogue among educators, parents, and political leaders. The presence of more parents in the workforce, the fast pace of modern society as a while and the declining role of the family have all been reasons that some social-scientist have pointed to explain an apparent decline in parental involvement in education†(Coleman & Hoffer, 1987). This is one of the growing believed reasons in why there ... ...viting parents no matter the gender, class, or race to become involved in their school. Martinez-Cosio’s case in her article is a perfect example of what occurs daily to parents whom try to get involved, more so Latinos. However, this is not always the case. Researchers are digging deeper into the more emotional aspect of why Latino parents tend to lack in parental involvement in the schools. â€Å"The women felt that the school was an extension of their home, and that the teachers served as surrogate mothers†(Ramirez, 2003). Latino women see school as another home for their child as well as see the teachers as another mother to their child; therefore, it is easy to conclude that mothers do not participate in their child’s school because they believe that the â€Å"surrogate mothers†take care of everything involved within the school while they take care of home issues.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Article analysis for an Economics class Essay
If someone earns a sum of money, and saves it rather than spends it, then, in no way can a person be losing wealth if not for inflation, which prompts the prices of all goods and services to rise. One may see this as a trend among businesses to maximize their profits. In reality, the root cause of the problem is not with businesspeople, but the Federal Reserve System continuously adding more money into the economy. The article I have chosen to summarize examines the U.S. economy of today mainly the food and energy prices that have rose sharply since March 2003, which has prompted the Fed to concern itself with the onset of inflation. In reality, what triggers the rise in prices is an increase of money in circulation, which is a result of the actions performed by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve, being the government agency responsible for printing the nation money supply, determines how many dollar bills are put into circulation. The dilemma arises because, when more money is added into the economy and an individual has not spent any of it, the person is now poorer in relation to everyone else than they once were. Adding more money into the economy dilutes the value of each individual dollar, thereby decreasing its purchasing power. The article states that the price index gained larger than expected .3 percent, which adds to the inflation anxiety on Wall Street (Freilich). Inflation, however, tends to hurt the poor far more than it does the rich. For example, if a woman retires with four thousand dollars saved up, and the cost of a decent living is five thousand, then she only has eighty percent of what she needs to survive. Then, a year later, if there is one hundred percent inflation, then the necessary cost of living becomes ten thousand dollars. Even if that woman still had four thousand dollars, she would now have only forty percent of what she needed. Though they often have been blamed for inflation, businesses themselves are victims of inflation, as each company sees the costs of all of its resources rising. Retailers pay rising costs to distributors, who pay a rising cost to suppliers, who pay a rising cost for their resources. If a businessperson does not raise the prices of the merchandise, while the prices of resources are rising, then he or she will have to reduce profits or cut back on much-needed supplies and services to maintain the company, which, in the end, could mean less business and still result in less revenue. Thus, inflation necessitates that businesses raise prices and employees demand higher wages, which often takes place in a random fashion. The article further states that prices received by farms, factories and refiners gained sharply to 0.8 percent last month, the largest jump since March 2003. Additionally, the Labor Department said first-time filings for state jobless aid fell 15,000 to 336,000 in the week ended June 12, their lowest level since early May. Increase in prices and an improved job market suggests that the U.S. economy’s momentum is likely to build in the coming months. The article adds stating that in addition to the growing economy, the dollar first rose against the euro and prices for U.S. government bonds fell, pushing yields up. Investors are worried about inflation pressure because stocks slipped, in part because of inflation concerns, but also due to news of more deadly bloodshed in Iraq. Inflation is understood that when governments print plenty of money and spend considerably, watch out for rising prices to continue. However, the volatile stock market and with elections coming soon, I believe to expect the unexpected. References Freilich, Ellen. Data Puts Inflation in Focus. Retrieved online Jun 17, 2004 Website:;jsessionid=0RS0105W2AE4ECRBAEKSFEY?type=businessNews&storyID=5450085
Friday, August 16, 2019
How Does the English Language Vary at Individual?
How does the English language vary at individual, societal and international levels? English has become the first `truly global language` (McCrum et al. , 2002, p. 9). As a result of advances in technology and transport, varieties of English have spread throughout the world. This internationalisation has been described by Shreeve as an `identified phenomenon` (1999, p. 1). English now underpins the lives and cultures of a broad spectrum of people, with one in four people in the world now fluent users of English (Crystal, 2002, p. 10).Language involves making meaning and individual identity. It has been defined by Emmit et al. as mediating `between self and society [†¦], a way of representing the world to ourselves and others` (2006, p. 17). There are strong links between how individuals use different varieties of English and the social implications of why they do so. According to Swann: `Language varieties are not simply linguistic phenomena. They carry important social meanings ` (2007, p. 11). Many social factors have affected the English language, leading to the numerous varieties that are recognised and used today.Variety can be seen in the way every individual uses the English language, the interaction between social groups and in the way different countries are utilising the language. The numerous dialects in use in the UK demonstrate the diverse nature of the English language. Dialects include variations in syntax, morphology, lexicon and phonology. It has been argued from a prescriptive perspective, by linguists such as Quirk and Greenbaum, that dialects are not true forms of English and that there needs to be a `common core of English` (Quirk, 1972; in Kachru et al, 2009, p. 513).This is the pure and stringent form known as Standard English, which is traditionally linked to educated society. Standardisation consists of `language determination, codification and stabilisation` (Trudgill, 1992, p. 117). It is a model to be consulted; a unified code to refer to. Standard English is a publicly recognised, fixed form, a mastery of which affords `social and educational advantages` (Eyres, 2007, p. 16). It was formed by a particular social group, the group with the highest degree of social capital (Bourdieu, 1986, pp. 241-258), power and prestige (Rhys, 2007).Rhys, however, perceives that Standard English is a `social dialect` (2007, p. 190) and argues that it is not superior to other dialects (Rhys, 2007). Labov states that: `all languages and dialects should be viewed as equal in terms of their ability to communicate` (1969; in Bell, 1997, p. 241). While a standard form of English can be seen as a social and communicative necessity useful for educational and international affairs, vernacular forms should not be discounted or regarded as inferior. Dialects represent a smaller locality and are therefore more personal.A relevant example is the use of dialects in regional BBC news broadcasting. While the national news is presented in S tandard English, a code with a particular grammar, pronunciation and register, the BBC’s regional programmes showcase a local identity that cannot be found in national broadcasting. Interviewees and `talking heads` often have strong regional accents and speak in the dialectal forms familiar to their viewers. The regional programmes are personal to their audience and emphasise the benefits of language variation. Dialects represent social bonds and form because of linguistic choice.The formation of dialects has been explained by Freeborn: `Different choices were made among the varied speech communities forming the speakers of English in the past. These choices are not conscious or deliberate, but pronunciation is always changing, and leads in time to changes in word form` (1993, p. 43). The English language has fragmented into pockets of dialect due to social difference and geography. This is a microcosm of how international languages form; distance causes change. Freeborn beli eves that `all dialects of a language are rule-governed systems` (1993, p. 0). All vernaculars are consistent, although they may not have the written grammar core (Quirk, 1972; in Kachru et al, 2009, p. 513) that Standard English can boast. There is great variation in dialect throughout the United Kingdom. In 1921, Sapir classified his notion of `dialect drift`. He explained how `language moves down time in a current of its own making. It has a drift` (1921; in Rhys, 2007, p. 2007). This idea relates to how language evolves; lexical and phonological elements are absorbed and new dialects are formed.However, while language is ever-changing, it is apparent in some cases that dialects are actually becoming more similar. This is defined by Rhys as dialect levelling (2007); when `regular contact between speakers of different dialects [causes them to] lose linguistic features of their dialect` (2007, p. 204). In the modern world this levelling process is a consequence of improved transpor t links, migration and the growth of media and broadcasting. The urbanisation of the UK means that rural areas are not as isolated from cities as they were when Sapir wrote of a dialect drift.Advances in technology and industry mean that the boundaries of dialect, known as `isoglosses` (Freeborn, 1993), are being broken down. People within dialect boundaries hear more varieties of English than they used to, so they naturally accommodate words and pronunciations into their speech. This process of change, however, occurs over a long period of time. Therefore, making sweeping statements about the future of dialects is difficult. Major changes to language and dialect will not be visible for decades.Different speech communities will always make different language choices (Freeborn, 1993), so there will always be regional variation. While language varies because of social groupings, there is also great variety within the speech patterns of an individual. Cheshire has found evidence that ` speakers continually reassess the context and adjust their speaking style accordingly` (1982, p. 125). People alter the way that they speak depending on the person or group that they are speaking to, the location that they are in, the type of conversation and the topic being discussed (Swann and Sinka, 2007).Bell is adamant that the `person or people you are speaking to will have the greatest effect on the type of language you will use` (1991; in Swann and Sinka, 2007, p. 230). He believes that the presence of another person or group causes people to change their linguistic code. This is known as the theory of `Audience Design` (Bell, 1997, p. 240). People feel the urge to fit in and adapt their language to meet their social and psychological needs. Audience Design can also be related to the idea of language performance (Hodge and Kress, 1988). People take on a variety of roles in their conversations due to a feeling of being atched and critiqued. Swann and Sinka perceive that `spea kers can be seen as relatively creative designers of language` (2007, p. 255). Language is a creative medium, in which the performer changes their approach depending on the recipient. The way that we utilise language and make choices suits our individual discursive requirements. People improvise with language as they try to adapt to new linguistic codes. Individuals feel the need to inhabit certain conversational personas and to adopt the linguistic features of their interlocutors. This phenomenon is an element of `Communication Accommodation Theory` (Giles, 1971).Giles and Powesland explain that accommodation can be `a device by the speaker to make himself better understood` (1997, p. 234) and that it can also be regarded as: `an attempt on the part of the speaker to modify or disguise his persona in order to make it more acceptable to the person addressed` (1997, p. 234). The concept of disguise is often associated with deception, but the linguistic adaption proposed by Accommodat ion Theory derives from constructive ideals. The ability to alter and weave linguistic codes in different situations is a socially integrative mechanism.Variety in an individual’s use of language exists to meet the expected communicative requirements of society. The English language is forever evolving and is gradually becoming a global language. This is due, in part, to globalisation. Contemporary globalisation is often associated with the ‘shrinking’ of time and space. This has affected international trade and industry and also the way that the English language is used at global level. Rapid developments in technological and digital communications have led to the description of the world as a global village (Hollis, 2008, p. 38). As the world becomes theoretically smaller, the development of English as a global language mirrors how our own standard form has developed in the UK. The world requires a stable and recognisable common code for effective global commun ication in sectors such as business, science, politics and commerce. It could be argued that both Standard English and a new international standard are impersonal varieties of English. These language forms are functional; a means to an end, whereas dialect and variety within a country could be seen as representative of a more personal identity.Crystal perceives that there are the `closest of links between language dominance and economic, technological and cultural power` (2003, p. 7). In the case of English developing into a global language the dominant force is the USA, which holds economic and political power. Due to the global position of the USA, countries which hold a lower international status are driven to adopt the English language. It appears that a universal, international standard is developing from an `urgent need to communicate at world level` (Crystal, 2002, p. 11).An example is Kenya, which holds English as a joint official language with Swahili. While English is `not necessarily welcomed`, it is learnt in Kenyan schools and `enjoys a high status` associated with social and economic success (Heardman, 2009, p. 20). The Kenyan adoption of the English language demonstrates a need for their country to function in an international realm. There are opposing views on the idea that English should become the first global language. Some see it as an encroachment on culture and diversity, while others regard it as imperative to communication in a modern world.In 1994, French legislation was passed in order to halt the advance of English into French language and culture. The `loi Toubon` (named after the Minister for Culture, Jacques Toubon), called for a ban on: `the use of foreign [English] in business or government communications, in broadcasting, and in advertising if â€Å"suitable equivalents†existed in French` (Murphy, 1997, p. 14). This law was a linguistic intervention, an attempt to prevent the fragmentation of the French language and to retain national identity. In this case, the `borrowings` (Dubois et al, 1973; in Swann, 2007, p. 4) that the French language had taken from English were becoming too frequent and were seen as being detrimental to France’s status as a historical and international power. The arrival of the internet, however, led French lawyer Thibaut Verbiest to enquire: `How can the Touban law be applied to internet sites created in languages other than French, that may be needed for the discharge of someone’s duties? ` (2005, in Swann, 2007, p. 37). As France and other countries have discovered, the adoption of the English language for global means is a modern, national necessity.The positive effects of English are apparent in other countries around the world. In India: `English acts as a levelling rather than divisive agent, smoothing out the intra-vernacular conflicts of a multi-lingual nation` (Chakrawarti, 2008, p. 39). While language variety in every country is vital to culture an d national identity, English as an international language offers a common form to be consulted and utilised. Evidence that a global language does not encroach on national identity can be seen in forthcoming changes to the English National Curriculum.Andalo reports that: `from 2010, it will be a compulsory part of the National Curriculum for children from the age of seven to fourteen to study a modern foreign language` (2007). The English government holds foreign languages in high regard and sees them as vital to a rounded education. The English language is a stabilising force, rather than a dominating one. The evolution of global English is linked to linguistic `stabilisation` (Trudgill, 1992, p. 117); a question of international need in a digital age, rather than a means of eliminating international language diversity and national identities.Language helps us to form ideas and process information on an individual level. It gives us our identity and allows us to make meaning within our social groups. Language will develop further as globalisation continues, as we strive to share meaning and communicate internationally. Crystal has suggested the idea of a `universal bidialectism` (2002, p. 294). His perception is that: `We may all need to be in control of two Englishes – the one which gives us our mutual or local identity, and the one which puts us in touch with the rest of the human race` (2002, p. 284).However, it could be suggested that we will be universally tridialectal. There is the descriptive regional variation within our national language, the prescribed standard form required for educational purposes and then the newer globalised form of English with which we communicate with the world. The evolution of the English language will derive from international necessity, but will not eliminate the fact that language always returns to the individual and their place in the world. List of References Andalo, D. (2007) All Primary Schools to Teach Foreign Languages by 2010. Online]. Available at: http://www. guardian. co. uk/education/2007/mar/12/schools. uk [Accessed: 2 November 2009] Bell, A. (1997) ‘Language Style as Audience Design’. pp. 240-257, in Coupland, N. and Jaworski, A. (eds) Sociolinguistics: a Reader and Coursebook. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Bourdieu, P. (1986) ‘The Forms of Capital’. Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. 24 (1) pp. 241-258 Chakrawarti, P. (2008) ‘Decolonising and Globalising English Studies: The Case of English Textbooks in West-Bengal, India’.English in Education. 42 (1) pp. 37-53 Cheshire, J. (1982) Variation in an English Dialect: a Sociolinguistic Study. New York: Cambridge University Press Crystal, D. (2002) The English Language: A Guided Tour of the Language. 2nd edn. London: Penguin Books Ltd Crystal, D. (2003) English as a Global Language. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Emmit et al. (2006) Language and Lear ning: An Introduction to Teaching. 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press Eyres, I. (2007) English for Primary and Early Years: Developing Subject Knowledge. 2nd edn.London: SAGE Freeborn, D. (1993) Varieties of English: An Introduction to the Study of Language. 2nd edn. Basingstoke: Macmillan Giles, H. (1971) ‘Patterns of evaluation in reactions to R. P. , South Welsh and Somerset accented speech’. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 10 (1) pp. 280-281 Giles, H. and Powesland, P. (1997) Accomodation Theory pp. 232-239 in Coupland, N. and Jawowski, A. eds. (1997) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Heardman, K. (2009) An Introduction to Linguistics – The Study of Language. [PowerPoint Presentation].Faculty of Education: University of Plymouth Hodge, R. and Kress, G. (1988) Social Semiotics. Cambridge: Polity Press Hollis, N. (2008) The Global Brand: How to Create and Develop Lasting Brand Value in the World Market. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Kachr u, B. (2009) The Handbook of World Englishes. 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