Friday, May 31, 2019
Victims Rights: Why Do Laws Protect the Criminal More than the Victim?
The woeful laws of the United States be more objective on protecting the rights of criminals than penalizing them. directlys inmates live better off than most American citizens who be often working two jobs just to meet paying their taxes. A criminal can literally get away with murder because of a technicality, police can barely interrogate suspects without the suspects lawyers stating some legal issues that prevent further investigations. It close seems that the very people who do not respect the law are above it.A criminal is obviously an individual who commits a wickedness, but what is crime? A crime is any act or omission of an act in violation of a public law. Though most laws are super C throughout America, some laws are also established by local and state governments as well. Criminal laws and penalties vary from state to state. Crimes include both felonies and misdemeanors. Felonies are serious crimes like murder or rape and are penal by imprisonment for a yea r or more. The consequence for felonies such as murder and treason can be the death penalty. Misdemeanors are less serious crimes like petty theft or speeding and are punishable by less than a year in prison. Fines are also punishments of both misdemeanors and felonies. The fines amount is determined by the seriousness of the case. However, no act is a crime unless it has been stated as such by an American law or statute. Why do criminals have rights in the first off place? The laws of the United States were created to protect the rights of all individuals, even the ones that break the laws. Many of these laws are made in order to uphold the rights established in the summit of Rights. When the United States was still developing, many states refused ... ...t to aid their client. Lawyers are by no means evil. They are simply doing their job. Unfortunately, the majority of them do it very well. And so wide as criminals break the law, there will be lawyers to fight for t hem and defend them.It is very interesting to see that even though when someone breaks the law in the United States, they will still be protected by that very law. Even as one violates the rights of others, the law will make sure that their rights are protected. It almost seems that has more rights by breaking the law instead of following it. Police are prevented from using extreme force against them and lawyers are at the fake to serve these criminals. Criminals have forfeited their rights when they have violated the rights of others. Why should the law be so intent on protecting their rights, when they have no intent on following the law?
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Is Government Interference Right? Essay -- essays research papers
Should government have the right to interfere in our private functions? Does being part of a representative democracy guess that we abdicate our emancipation to make our own choices in the name of the good of all?Should the government have the right to interfere in our private lives? body politic guarantees freedom. One might then argue that a government should allow people to act according to their own free will. But there ar two sides to every coin. Absolute independence might not lead to anything productive in an interdependent society as ours. There needs to be a basic framework of rules and guidelines to which all participants in that society agree to.According to Hobbes, human nature is such that if there were no rules or a law enforcing institution in the government, it would be a war of every man against every man1. The government regulates the activities of individuals in a manner such that the freedom guaranteed by democracy to everybody is not infringed upon by the s elfish acts of few.Apart from the protection of these basic rights of people, I feel that government interference in our private live is not acceptable. Systems such as welfare and progressive taxes do not seem quite right. The government should definitely work towards the increase in the monetary standard of living of the whole nation but it should not be by snatching well-earned money from the rich in the form of progressive taxes just because they have some extra money whereas some others are not so fortunate enou...
Anna Kingsley Essay -- essays research papers fc
Anna Kingsley, a woman of strength and determination overcame many betting odds not expected of an African American slave. She married a slave owner, owned land, and was once a slave herself. She was well contendn in a plain black community she helped establish.Anna Madgigine Jai Kingsley was the married woman of plantation owner Zephaniah Kingsley. She was the daughter of a man of high status. Her fathers sides were descendants of the well know Njaajan Njaay, the creators of the Jolof Empire. Her father was killed in April 1806, the day she was captured. The tyeddo warriors invaded her village and collected all the villagers to be sold as slaves. That day she not only lost her freedom and her home, plainly also her dignity and her youth (Harvey, 41).Anna and the others were lead to a ship and they sailed from Senegal to Havana, Cuba to be sold as slaves. The Havana Market was the center of commerce of Spains colonies in America (Schafer, 23). Anna arrived in Florida in 1806. Sh e was thirteen years old. Zephaniah Kinglsey Jr was a citizen of Spanish East Florida. He was born in England, but raised in Charleston, southwest Carolina. His father, a merchant, moved his family to Nova Scotia because he was banished from South Carolina for giving support to King George III at time of the American Revolution. In 1808, Kinglsey moved to Florida, where he promise his fidelity to Spain and imported slaves on his plantation (Schafer, 21). Once purchased, Kingsley boarded Anna on the ship Esther and they sailed to Laurel Grove Plantation north and on the west of the St. Johns River. This would be her sensitive home. She did not stay in the slave quarters, but she did stay in his two-story home. He thought of her as his wife and she was carrying his child. A few months before Anna gave let she became manager of Kingsleys household located at Laurel Grove. Most of the slaves came from East and West Africa. The plantation consisted of corn, cotton, mandarin oranges, sugarcane, potatoes and beans. According to Kinglsey burnish ought not be the badge of degrading, only the distinction should be between slaves and free, not between white and colored (Schafer, 32).Anna and Zephaniah were open about their relationship. She was the head wife or woman in a polygamous household. One March 4, 1811 after five years of enslavement, Anna was emancipated by her husband. She was now a free woman again. In 181... ...she once again had to leave the home she created because Florida seceded the union. The Civil War soon followed. After the Civil War, Anna never had the wealth and power that she once had. Her personal wealth was acquired through with(predicate) ownership of her slaves. There is no true documentation as to when Anna died, but it is thought to be between 1860 and 1870. Anna Madgigine Jai Kingsley was buried in a peaceful grove off the St. Johns River in Florida. She is surrounded by many family members including her daughters. She rests peaceful ly in an unmarked grave sheltered from the violence that followed her through a life marked by danger, courage, tenacious defense of family, flight, and triumphant return (Schafer, 121). She was a remarkable and determined black woman who achieved many accomplishments that be extraordinary. She became a well known figure in a free black community.Works CitedHarvey, Karen. Daring daughters St. Augustines feisty females. Virginia Beach, VA, 2002Schafer, Daniel. Anna Madgigine Jai Kingsley. Florida, 2003Tilford, Kathy, Anna Kingsley A free woman. OAH pickup of history 12, 1997http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Assisted Suicides :: essays research papers
Assisted SuicidesThe Washington Post September 2-8, 1996Picture yourself in this situation. You go to the doctor for a r go forthinephysical. You look fine. You feel good. All those exhausting workouts at thegym are finally starting to pay sour and you actually stuck to that low fat, highvitamin diet youre doctor recommended. You stool never felt better. You areessentially the epitome of a healthy, fit human being. Then, out of nowhere,you are diagnosed with a disorder of the nervous system accompanied by chronicfatigue syndrome. The illness is permanent and there is no cure. It will howeverprogress and worsen with time, and all you can do is wait. What would you do?If you were 42-year-old Judith Curren, a nurse and mother of two smallchildren, youd be in close come home with the infamous suicide assessor, Dr. JackKevorkian, a.k.a. "Doctor Death," discussing your "options." However, accordingto an editorial published in The Washington Post, entitled "38 Assis tedSuicides," many people gestate that when it comes to matters such as life anddeath, there are no options. The decision to live or die is made by God.Judith Curren didnt agree. With the assistance of Dr. Kevorkian, she died andthe retired pathologist presided at his 38th assisted suicide, fairly confidentthat he will not be prosecuted or even suffer public disapproval.Many of the people who have sought out Dr. Kevorkian have been terribly illand suffering, with no hope of long-term survival. Their stories offeredexamples that built public sympathy for this cause. But from the beginning,even among observers who believe that the desperately sick should be given helpto die, there have been questionable cases. For example, a adult female in her fiftiesallegedly suffering from early Alzheimers affection was fit enough to play tenniswith her adult son shortly before dying. Another-said to have had a painful,progressive illness-was found to be free of infirmity by the county med icalexaminer.The article argued this point, "Is it in any way merciful, compassionate,or healing (a favorite word of Kevorkian fans) to assist in the suicide of amiddle-aged woman who is tired and depressed and married to a man whom sherecently accused of attacking her and who then delivers her to Dr. Kevorkian?Pain is controllable. Depression and fatigue can be ameliorated by drugs.Violent husbands can be prosecuted and divorced. Suicide in such a case isunreasonable. A doctors help in that course is unconscionable."I had mixed feelings on this editorial because I take into considerationboth sides of the argument.
Formalistic Approach to Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat (Favourite)
Formalistic Approach to Ode on the Death of a ducky Cat (Favourite) Formal analysis of poetry helps to unfold the underlying meaning of a poem. This technique does not focus on the author of the poem, or what was hazard in history during the time when the poem was written, but instead puts emphasis on the actual mean of the process. Formal analysis breaths life into the literary work and allows the poem to speak for itself. For example, in Thomas Grays poem Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes, paying next attention to word choice, structure, and rhyme scheme illuminates the actions of the prowling cat. The most important aspect in writing poetry is word choice. Thomas Gray did an excellent blood line in using descriptive words, along with using assonance and alliteration, throughout this poem to enhance imagery. For example, in the first stanza Gray describes the cat as cosmos pensive(5) as it watches the fish below. This is followed in the second stanza as Gray uses alliteration and assonance to describe t...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Crime News Analysis Essay -- Communication, Media, Newspaper
IntroductionIn this crime news analysis I will be focusing on the right annex tabloid newspaper The Sun and the left wing broadsheet The protector. I will be analysing the condition of the student riots in some(prenominal) newspapers, and seeing whether at that place argon similarities or differences in the way in which the event is presented. The incident occurred when a demonstration against higher tuitions fees got out of hand whereby some protesters used scarlet tactics to voice their opinions. Quantitative and Qualitative Within a news article, the qualitative aspect is usually the images and the quantitative is the amount of text used. Quantitative information is usually seen as more favourable and it is common within broadsheets like The Guardian, whereas tabloids such as The Sun tend to use more qualitative entropy (Ericson et al, 1991). Tabloids usually target the working class who are stereotypically deemed to be less educated, therefore using numerous pictures almo st makes it equivalent to a childs story book, whereas The Guardian is richer in text and aimed at the middle class thus has more of a debate (Schlesinger et all, 1991) . The Sun uses 3 pages, has 8 images and uses or so 20% of text. Whereas, The Guardian uses 5 pages, 3 images and has about 65% as text. The journalist tend to be specific on what they believe make an article appealed to their readers. News valueThere are many criminal events that occur every day, however only a few are selected as they are deemed to be newsworthy. Chibnall (1977) claimed that a story is classed as newsworthy if it is dramatized, immediate and involves structured access. The Sun could be seen to use all these elements, for example they over emphasize on the violence that occurred and ... ...labelled them as such (Hayward, 2006). In this case, if the label is accepted there could be more protests and riots because the individuals may believe that this is the quickest way to get the centre across, UKUncuts activist also claimed within The Guardian that more high profiled campaigns could be expected. Conclusion Overall, it is clear that there is a contrast between both of the newspapers. It could be argued that the production of newspapers is mainly to fulfil the readers expectations, for example, the readers of The Sun expect to read a dramatic story which is why the editors select specific words and images, whereas the The Guardian readers may prefer more of an intellectual debate (Schlesinger et all, 2010). They both tell the same story but in different ways, consequently it is up to the reader to decide which they believe or prefer.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Small scale embedded generation
Small gradational remit snap current energySmall graduated table embedded propagation is defined as any beginning of galvanising energy rated up to, and including, 16 A per stage, individual or multi-phase, 230/400V AC 1 . In the instance of style travel current energy it is rather crude to see little graduated table oxygenize current turbines as those rated slight than 100kW. Small scale charge current turbines offer several advantages oer their large-scale opposite numbers although as a general regulation of pollex the entire cost of reason coevals decreases with the size of the turbine. Large graduated table air current energy cropion requires a large capital investing non merely callable to the equipment cost but at any rate due to the truly big windy sites undeniable for installing. This makes smaller air current turbines more suited for applications such as stray islands, individual homes, remote cabins, and bridle-path visible radiations necessitating mu ch little capital investing although the cost of per generated W additions 2 .The low forefinger evaluation of little air current turbines allows the utilisation of technologically advanced solutions which would be hard to implement in the instance of e.g. a 5MW air current turbine. This makes the practise of a figure of smaller air current turbines with important cumulative end product power much more attractive. Furthermore, the power evaluation of a air current turbine additions with size doing environmental jobs and important noise. This makes the installing of high power rated wind turbines unsuitable for urban countries but largely suited for distant countries where the connexion to the grid is weak 3 .In the White Paper on Energy published by the UK authorities it was estimated that at 2007, in UK entirely, there were 20000 installed little graduated table air current turbines with a entire end product power of 7MW. This shows the important proportion of little gradua ted table air current power coevals in the renewable sector compared to the estimated 1300 photovoltaic UK installings. Furthermore, the compressed cost of 7p/kWh makes little wind engineering much more attractive than solar PV energy with an mean cost of 24p/kWh but still considerable expensive compared to big graduated table systems holding an mean cost of 3p/kWh 4 .Wind turbine typesThere are two underlying types of little graduated table air current turbines depending on the place of the rotor horizontal axis and perpendicular axis turbines. The advantage of the perpendicular axis, in any event called Savonius or Darrieus rotor, over the horizontal type is the fact that it operates irrespective of the way of the air current. Although most big graduated table air current turbines presents use horizontal type air current turbines, in little graduated table systems the perpendicular axis orientation is still rather common. The horizontal types fag be subdivided into axial and cross depending on their orientation with opine to the way of the air current. Axial air current turbines are wide utilise in twain little and big graduated table systems. Small air current turbines are offered with 2, 3 or more blades. Orientation is provided via either a tail or shaped blades 5 .The large dissimilarity of little graduated table air current turbines compared to big scale systems is that the blades are rigid and protection is offered through the aeromechanicss of the rotor. This is frequently referred to as stall control since the rotor stalls at high air current velocities offering the advantages of simpleness and less power fluctuations. The disadvantages over the pitch control method employed in big scale systems, where the locomote of onslaught is controlled by altering the pitch angle of the blades, are that less power is extracted from the air current at low air current velocities while no aid is offered at start-up. Further, fluctuations in air dense ness and the frequence of the grid slew do fluctuations in the end product power 6 .In rural countries little graduated table air current turbines are normally mounted on a mast stopping point to a home. and in urban environments where non much non-finite is available, they can be installed on the roof of a edifice. The disadvantage of this installing is the turbulency of the air created by the orientation of the infinite environing the edifice. This can be vote out by modifying the construction of the edifice in pronounce to steer the air to flux through the turbine blades. Very little air current turbines are besides mounted on sailing boats. Finally note that with little graduated table air current turbines no connexion in the grid substation is required the turbine can straight be affiliated in the local distribution system 5 .Another categorization of air current turbines is made with regard to the swiftness of the rotor. Most little graduated table systems nowadays use variable hurrying turbines in which the rotational amphetamine of the generator alterations in order to maximize the power extracted from the air current. As a consequence, blasts of air current are largely absorbed by fluctuations of the rotational velocity of the generator maintaining the torsion, and indeed the end product power, comparatively changeless. In contrast, fixed velocity turbines maintain the rotational velocity of the rotor changeless irrespective of the air current velocity while commanding the extracted power by changing the weaving sets. Fixed velocity turbines use initiation generators and offer simpleness, dependability, hardiness and low cost at the disbursal of reactive power ingestion for the exhilaration of the generator and increased mechanical emphasis and line losingss. These losingss are caused by electromotive force fluctuations that may happen due to alterations in power as a consequence of air current velocity fluctuations. On the other manus variable velocity air current turbines use either synchronal or initiation generators and are connected to the grid via a convertor which controls the velocity of the generator. Although fluctuations in end product power are smaller and mechanical emphasis in the aerodynamic system is less than in the instance of fixed velocity turbines, the debut of power electronic devices increases the complexness and cost of the system while extra losingss occur in the convertor 6 .GeneratorsIn general two types of generators are used widely in air current turbines initiation and synchronal generators each with its relevant advantages and disadvantages. Initiation generators have governed the industry particularly in big scale air current systems. However little graduated table air current turbines have started to be dominated by lasting magnet synchronal machines. The biggest difference of a synchronal and an initiation generator is that the former operates at the frequence of the grid while the latter at a higher frequence. In both generators the stator is made of a laminated Fe nucleus fitted with a three stage weaving bring forthing a revolving magnetic field with changeless velocity. However the rotors in the two machines are different. In a synchronal generator the field tress of the rotor is cater with a DC current reservation a magnetic field. The interaction between the two Fieldss causes the rotor to revolve in synchrony with the stator field. In an initiation generator the rotor is non fed with current but the currents are induced due to the comparative motion of the rotor with regard to the magnetic field of the stator. The difference between the synchronal velocity and the rotational velocity of the rotor is called faux pas 7 .Initiation generators can be either squirrel coop or lesion rotor type. Squirrel coop generators are really efficient and require small care but a gear box between rotor and generator must be used since they dislocate at differ ent velocities. Their ability to somewhat alter their rotational velocity for big fluctuations of air current velocities makes them ideal for usage in fixed velocity air current turbines. However their steep torque-speed characteristic together with the high inpouring currents can do terrible electromotive force depressions and do necessary the usage of a soft starting motor. The torsion velocity characteristic can be modified with the usage of a lesion rotor where the opposition of the rotor twist can alter but the overall cost of the rotor increases 5 page66 . If for illustration the generator has high inpouring currents, the opposition of the twist can be increased at start-up therefore bring forthing high get downing torsion with low current. However this opposition must be decreased at high velocities to forestall big fluctuations of velocity with relevant torsion alterations caused by the alteration of the torsion velocity characteristic. Wound rotor generators are normally used with variable velocity air current turbines and in concurrence with an optically controlled convertor that modifies the opposition of the rotor twist.In general initiation generators are efficient, although less efficient than synchronal generators, and robust while there are minimal demands for care. Furthermore their big production has dropped down the cost of industry. Another advantage is that they can merely be connected to the grid either by conveying the rotor to rated velocity and so link the generator to the grid or by linking the generator to the grid and utilize it as a motor to convey the rotor in the rated velocity 9 page 229 . Either instance synchrony is non required. The large disadvantage of initiation generators it the demand for reactive power to excite the stator nucleus which must be provided either by the grid or a power convertor. The corresponding decrease in burden power factor can be compensated with the usage of capacitance Bankss 6 page67 . coeta neous generators are expensive and require care but they are really efficient and have the large advantage of control over reactive power flow through control of the field weaving 8 p121 . This gives full control over the electromotive force at the terminuss of the generator. A disadvantage of synchronal machines is that when connected to the grid particular synchronism equipment is needed to fit the electrical angle of the AC power with the angular place of the rotor. Another disadvantage is that they are comparatively stiff machines compared to initiation generators due to their changeless velocity feature. As a consequence they respond to sudden blasts of air current or mistakes in an oscillatory manner by changing merely the burden angle which can do instability and loss of synchrony.Permanent magnet Synchronous machinesPower electronicsOpen circuit mistakesAC and DC assemblage effects of small-scale air current generators p.124Suitable design p.1Comparison of power converto r topologies p.2359the feasibleness of edifice p.11little air current turbines in the built.. p.1air current power in power systems p.55air current energy engineering toilet f. Walker page 46Renewable energy in power systemsair current energy explained
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Augustus: Establishment of the Principate
Establishment of the Principate Booklet 1 Impact of the oddment of Caesar government of capital of Italy, under the republic ?Senate governed capital of Italy ?Corsus Honorum- political ladder of offices Consul Praetor Political offices voted for by public Aedile Quaestor Army services- 10 years Impact on Octavian do by him like a countersign, groomed him as heir, military experience Danger to O after death, assassinated for his dictatorial behaviour When he found out, he didnt go to Rome straight away (danger) wen to Italy In will, O had been named heir A. H. M jones- no danger to Oct only wanted to loose Rome of Caesar Return to Rome for inheritance Reinforced localize by raising two legions (5000 each)- veterans of retired Caesar, loyalty and closeness. Needs to match to C and show why C made him heir (prove himself) We dont know how he was feeling, but though that a furious hatred for the murderers of his beloved great uncle. When he was heir must have a duty of vengean ce Felt robbed of the hopes of a career under C patronage As Caesars son he commanded support from soldiers and veterans Frosty reception from Antony, who denied access to C fortune. O borrowed cash to pay off C bequest to the Roman people and honor games increase pop. Filial piety = loyalty to father, family and ancestors The games coinage with image of comet which confirms Caesars divine status made Oct divus filius son of god Impact on Rome Upset, C was pop by Rome Initially calm, C assassins expected normal government to resume. Antony and Marcus Lepidus remained untouched Assassins perceived him as dictator and threat to republic. afterward Rome was sent into turmoil for murdered, who had no future plans and though death would lead to restorations of the republic David Shotter- meant little more than the nobility would be free to resume their self- easy lifestyle Left a power vacuum in Rome Political support- situation was unstable one side there were the supporters of th e conspirators against Caesar, on the other(a) side there were Caesars men (M+A) who had the people and the majority of the tribunes behind them. The question remained- what was to be done about murderers of Julius Caesar? Early Career of Octavian Gaius Octavian was born on the 24th September 63BC into a wealthy and respected family Mother Atia, niece of Julius Caesar She later married th aristocratic L. Marcius Philippus who proved to be a good gait father to Oct providing the young boy with a solid if rather old-fashioned education When 11 he gave a speech at his grandmothers, Julia, funeral Caesar was strike with the boys abilities had him elected to the college of pontiffs and allowed him to take part in his African triumph when Oct was only 16 He was a dedicated boy who suffered bouts of indisposition throughout his life. Sickness prevented him from going to Spain in 46, accompanying Caesar Although he soon followed even though still not feeling well Caesar was impressed an d was from so made his will in favour of Oct In preparation of his planning for the campaign against the Parthians, Caesar appointed Oct to his staff and sent him to Macedonia to complete his education and also collect military training O alsok with him a friend, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, who until his death in 12BC was to remain Os loyal friend and supporter Oct attempts to secure is inheritance Didnt know that he was heir until returning from Italy Parents suggested that he shouldnt accept but he not only accepted, but changed hi name to Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus He now had to aims Avenge his fathers death Prove himself worthy of such a father As he moved around Italy, C veterans and friends received him he would have to be cautious to meet his ends Cicero did not trust him, he wrote in a letter to Atticus there are too many around him.They threatened death to our friends and call the present state of affairs intolerable O received a cold and hostile welcome from his fat hers friend Marc Antony when he arrived Antony blocked O attempt to have his adoption legalised and would not hand over Caesars money Oct borrowed money in order to honour fathers legacy gained him pop. and has games at his own expense Antony probably didnt perceive O as a serious political rival Jones Octavians temporary collaboration with the Republicans Two broad categories republicans and CaesariansRepublicans Brutus and Cassius left for the eastern hemisphere to raise troops, Cicero returned to R to lead the senate against Antony Caesarians Antony laid a siege to Brutus at Mutina, Oc rebuffed by Antony, appealed to Caesars veterans and seduced 2 of Antonys legions 43BC Cicero decided to use Oct for a republican cause in doing so speaks favourably of him procreation an army like O did was illegal, however Cicero decided to look past this Oct first consulship Defeated A in Gaul he was now an resistance (with republicans) Senate tried to discard Oct O realised that now th e republicans were in command, his fathers murderers that he would have to take vengeance He was consulship so that allowed him to gain leading position of the Caesarion party Senate and Cicero continued to reject O demands used 400 centurions to march to Gaul and demand that their commander be given the consulship When this was resisted, O marched with Romes legions He was elected in 43BC with his cousin Quintus Pedius they revoked the decree outlawing Antony and legalised the adoption Oct had achieved his immediate objectives Now planned to meet B+C in battle The reciprocal ohm Triumvirate Members Antony, Lepidus, Octavian Five years- length of appointment Purpose of alliance to set the state in order and to attack the republican armies of B+C in the east Power of T Absolute- pwers of a dictator without the name The right to nominate all magistrates in advance Territory controlled A- Transalpine & Cisalpine Gaul, L-Narbonese Gaul & Spain, O- Africa, Sicily & Sardinia first of a ll task underinterpreted campaign of proscription ?Purpose? Confiscate estates in order to have money and land for the troops ? Destroy their enemies ?Results? ?Death of 300 senators ?Inc. death of Cicero ?Escape republicans Further activities Julius Caesar fully deified, Lepidus appointed consul for 42, preparations made for A+O to face B+C in Macedonia genteel War Battle of Philippi, 42BC After proscriptions, a campaign made to avenge murder The Caesarion faction finally completes the avenging of the murder of Caesar Faction found itself in control of 60 legions Path to Civil War At first it seemed that A to control of the east. = rich in resources O received Italy (heart of the empire) Sextus based in Sicily Interfered with the trading in Italy grain supplies and insane asylum for opponents of the the T. Defeted Lucius Antonius, 41BC and Sextus Pompeius, 36BC Make an example of his control Argued that A was succumbing in relationship with his mistress Cleopatra Republicans tak en refuge with S, allowed them to return to Italy Showed the Roman virtues(merciful) Claimed credit for their rehabilitation Events provided material for O propaganda Undesirability of the union- A and chief victim was A wife and Os sister, Octavia Shotter says that Os marriage to Livia Drusilla was one of the most important decisions of his life Oct, draw of Caesarion faction was now the Champion of the republicans The west were being prepared for a war that was not portrayed as the civil war Battle of Actium- Consequences and moment Significance -O was now supreme ruler of the Roman world -Egypt added to a new province of the Roman Empire Wealth was added -Victories lead the civil wars to a decisive end -29BC O closed the doors of the Temple of Janus in Rome new era of peace was brought to the empire Source 1- coin Proclaiming E has been taken Croc means that -Creation of financial stability -No acceptance of exceptional honurs or powers -Use of propaganda to promote a new era of peace -No vengeance in the form of proscriptions exacted against enemies -Emphasis on interest in traditional and conservative activities -Provision of diversions and employment for the people
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Return: Nightfall Chapter 31
Let us at least have the dignity of walking bug out of your trap on our hold feet or should I conjecture, using your own key?Damon thought to Shinichi. To Elena, he said, Yes, were looking for whats-his-face. But you took a bad fall. I wish I would uniform to ask you that you stay present and recuperate whileI go look for him.You think you k today where Matt is? That was the entire sentence distilled for her. That was all she heard.Yes.Can we go without delay ?Wont you let me go al wholeness?No, Elena said simply. I have to find him. I wouldnt sleep at all if you went out alone. Please, flockt we go now?Damon sighed. All right. at that place were close to (there will be now) clothes that will fit you in the clo flock. Jeans and things. Ill get them, he said. As long as I really, really cant convince you to lie megabucks and rest while I look for him.I can make it, Elena promised. And if you go without me, Ill just jump out a window and maintain you.She was serious. He went and got the promised pile of clothes and wherefore turned his hold while Elena put on an identical version of the jeans and Pendleton shirt she had been wearing, full-length and un-bloodstained. indeed they odd the house, Elena brushing her hair vigorously, simply glancing put up every step or so.What be you doing? Damon asked, just when he had headstrong to carry her.Waiting for the house to disappear. And when he gave her his bestwhatre you talking intimately? look, she said, Armani jeans, just my size? La Perla camisoles, same? Pendleton shirts, two sizes too big, just like the one I was wearing? That egress is all a warehouse or its magic. My bets on magic.Damon picked her up as a way to shut her up, and walked to the passengers door of the Ferrari. He wondered if they were in the real world now or in other of Shinichis globes.Did it disappear? he asked.Yup.What a pity, he thought. Hed have liked to keep it.He could try to renegotiate the bargain with Shinichi , moreover there were other, more important things to think of. He gave Elena a slight squeeze, thinking, other,much, much more important things.In the car he made authorized of third small facts. First, that click which his brain automatically registered as passenger buckled up really did mean that Elena had her seat buckle properly fastened. Second, that the doors were locked fromhis master control. And third, that he drove quite slowly. He didnt think that eachone in Elenas shape would be throwing themselves out of cars again in the near future, but he wasnt taking all chances.He had no idea how long this spell was going to work. Elena must eventually come out of her amnesia. It was only logical, since he seemed to be, and hed been awake much lengthy than she had. Pretty soon she would rememberwhat? That hed taken her in the Ferrari against her will (bad but forgivable he couldnt know shed launch herself out)? That hed been teasing Mike or Mitch or whoever and her in the clearing? He himself had a vague picture of this or was it another dream.He wished he k impertinent what the truth was. When wouldhe remember everything? Hed be in a much stronger bargaining position once he did.And it was hardly possible that Mac was getting hypothermia in a midsummer snowstorm even if he were still in that clearing right now. It was a chilly night, but the worst the boy could expect was a twinge of rheumatism when he was round eighty.The vital thing was that theydidnt find him. He capability have some unpleasant truths to tell.Damon noticed Elena making the same move again. A touch to her throat, a grimace, a deep breath.Are you carsick?No, Im In the moonlight he could see her blush come and go could sense her heat with detectors in his face. She flush deeply. I explained, she said, about feelingtoo full. Thats what it is now.What was a vampire to do?Say,Im sorry Ive given it up for Moonspire ?Say, Im sorry youll hate me in the morning?Say,To fossa with t he morning this seat reclines two inches ?But what if they got to the clearing and engraft that something really had happened to Mutt Gnat the boy? Damon would regret it for the rest of the remaining twenty seconds of his life. Elena would call battalions of switch spirits down on his head. Even if no one else believed in her, Damon did.He found himself saying, as smoothly as ever hed spoken to a Page or a Damaris, Will you trust me?What?Will you trust me for another fifteen or twenty minutes, to go to a certain place I think whats his name might be?If he is my bet is that you remember everything and you never want to see me again in your life accordingly youll be spared a long search. If he isnt and the car isnt each its my lucky day and Mutt wins the prize of a lifetime and then we go on looking.Elena was watching him intently. Damon, do youknow where Matt is?No. Well, that was true enough. But she was a bright little trinket, a pretty little pink, and more than all that , she was sly. Damon broke off his polyrhythmic contemplations on Elenas intelligence. Why was he thinking in poetry? Was he really going crazy? Hed wondered that before hadnt he? Didnt it ratify you werent crazy if you wondered if you were? The truly insane never doubted their sanity, right? Right. Or did they? And surely all this talking to himself couldnt be good foranyone .Merda.All right, then. Ill trust you.Damon let out a breath he didnt need and headed the car toward the clearing.It was one of the more exciting gambles of his life. On one hand, therewas his life Elena would find some way or other of killing him if hed killed Mark, he was certain. And on the other handa taste of paradise. With a willing Elena, an eager Elena, an open Elenahe swallowed. He found himself doing the thing closest to praying that hed done in half a millennium.As they rounded the corner on the road to the little lane, he kept himself in hyper-alertness, the engine a bare hum, the night air brin ging all kinds of information to vampire senses. He was thoroughly aware that an ambush could have been set up for him. But the lane was deserted. And as he suddenly hit the accelerator to reveal the little clearing, he found it b littleedly, bleakly, blankly empty of either cars or of college-aged young men whose names started with M.He relaxed against the seatback.Elena had been watching him.You thought he might be here.Yes. And now was the time for the real question. Without a pareg her this, the whole thing was a sham, a fraud. Doyou remember this place?She glanced around. No. Should I?Damon smiled.But he took the precaution of driving on up another three hundred yards, into a different clearing, just in case she should have a sudden attack of memory.There were malach in the other clearing, he explained easily. This one is guaranteed monster-free. Oh, what a liar, I am, I am, he rejoiced. Have I still got it or what?Hed beendisturbed ever since Elena had come back from the Other Side. But if that graduation night it had discomfited him into literally giving her the shirt off his back sanitary, there were still no words for how hed felt when shed stood before him newly returned from the afterlife, her skin glowing in the dark clearing, naked without shame or the concept of shame. And during her massage, where veins traced out lines of blue comet fire against an inverse sky. Damon was feeling something he hadnt felt for cardinal hundred years.He was feeling desire.Human desire. Vampires didnt feel that. It was all sublimated into the need for the blood, always the blood.But he was feeling it.He knew why, too. Elenas aura. Elenas blood. Shed brought back with her something more substantial than wings. And while the wings had faded, this new talent seemed to be permanent.He realized that it was a very long time since hed felt this, and that then he might be quite wrong. But he didnt think so. He thought that Elenas aura would make the most fossilized of v ampires stand up and blossom into virile young men once again.He leaned away as far as the crowded confines of the Ferrari would allow. Elena, theres something I should tell you. almost Matt? She gave him a straightforward, intelligent glance.Nat? No, no. Its about you. I know you were surprised that Stefan would leave you in the care of somebody likeme .There was no manner for privacy in the Ferrari and he was sharing her body warmth already.Yes, I was, she said simply.Well, it may have something to do with It may have had something to do with how we decided that my aura would give even old vampires the jigsies. From now on, Ill need strong protection because of that, Stefan said.Damon didnt know what the jigsies were, but he was prepared to bless them for getting a delicate point across to a lady. I think, he said carefully, that of all things, Stefan would want you to have protection from the evil folk drawn here from all over the globe, and above all other things that you not be forced to to, um, jigsy if it was not your wish.And now hesleft me like a selfish, stupid, idealistic idiot, considering all the good deal in the world who might want to jigsy me.I agree, Damon said, careful of keeping the lie of Stefans willing departure intact. And Ive already promised what protection I can offer. I really will do my best, Elena, to see that no one gets near you.Yes, said Elena, but then something like this she made a little gesture probably to indicate Shinichi and all the problems brought about by his arrival comes up and nobody knows how to deal with it.True, said Damon. He had to keep shaking himself and reminding himself of his real usage here. He was here towell, he wasnt on St. Stefans side. And the thing was, it was easy enough.There she was, brushing her hair outa fair pretty maidservant sat brushing her hair outthe sun in the sky was none such so gold. Damon shook himselfhard . Since when had he gotten into ye Olde English folksongs? What wasw rong with him?To have something to say, he asked, How are you feeling? just, as it happened, as she lifted her hand to her throat.She grimaced. Not bad.And that made them look at each other. And then Elena smiled and he had to smile back, at first just a quirk of the lip, and then a full smile.She wasdamn it, she waseverything . Witty, enchanting, brave, smartand beautiful. And he knew that his look were saying all that and that she wasnt turning away.We might take a little walk, he said, and bells rang and trumpets played fanfares, and confetti came raining down and there was a release of doves.In other words, she said, All right.They picked a little path off the clearing that looked easy to Damons night-acquainted vampire eyes. Damon didnt want her on her feet too much. He knew that she still hurt and that she didnt want him to know it or to pamper her. Something inside him said, Well, then, wait until she says shes tired and help her to sit down.And something else beyond his c ontrol, sprang out at the first little hesitation of her foot, and he picked her up, apologizing in a dozen different languages, and generally acting the fool until he had her seated on a comfortably carved wooden bench with a back to it and a very light traveling blanket over her knees. He kept adding, Youll tell me if theres something anything else you want? He accidentally sent to her a clipping of his thoughts of possible contenders, which were, a glass of water, him sitting beside her, and a baby elephant, which he had earlier seen in her mind that she admired very much.Im very sorry, but I dont think I do elephants, he said, on his knees, making the footstool more comfortable for her, when he caught a random thought of hers that he was not so different from Stefan as he seemed.No other name could have caused him to do what he did then. No other word, or concept, could have such effect on him. In an instant the blanket was off, the footstool had disappeared, and he was safe keeping Elena bent backward with the slender column of her neck fully clear to him.The difference,he told her,between me and my brother is that he is still hoping somehow to slip in through some side door into heaven. Im not such a moaning ninny about my fate. I know where Im going.And I dont he gave her a smile with all canines fully extended give a damn about it.Her eyes were extensive hed startled her. And startled her into an unintentional, thoroughly honest response. Her thoughts were projected toward him, easy to read.I know and, Im like that, too. I want what I want. Im not as good as Stefan. And I dont know He was enthralled.What dont you know, sweetheart?She just shook her head, eyes shut.To break the abruptlylock, he whispered into her ear, What about this, thenSay Im boldAnd say Im badSay you vanities Im vainer.But you Erinyes, just addI kissed Elena.Her eyes flew open. Oh, no Please, Damon. She was whispering. Please Please not now And she swallowed miserably. Be sides, you asked me if Id like a drink, and then suddenly its no drink. I wouldnt mindbeing a drink if youd like, but first, Imso thirsty as thirsty as you are, possibly?She did the little tap-tap-tap under her chin again.Damons insides melted.He held out his hand and it closed around the stem of a delicate crystal glass. He swirled the splash of liquid in it expertly, tested it for bouquet ah, bewitching then gently rolled it on his tongue. It was the real thing.Black Magic wine, magnanimous from Clarion Loess Black Magic grapes. It was the only wine most vampires would drink and there were questionable stories of how it had kept them on their feet when their other thirst could not be assuaged.Elena was drinking hers, her blue eyes wide above the deep violet of the wine as he told her some of its story. He loved to watch her when she was like this investigating with all her senses fully aroused. He shut his eyes and remembered some choice moments from the past. Then he open ed them again to find Elena, looking very much the thirsty child, eagerly gulping down Yoursecond glass? Hed discovered the first chalice at her feet. Elena, where did you get another one?I just did what you did. Held out my hand. Its not as if it were hard liquor, is it? It tastes like grape juice, and I was dying for a drink.Could she really be that naive? True, Black Magic wine didnt have the sharp odor or taste of most alcohol. It was subtle, created for the fastidious vampire palate. Damon knew that the grapes were grown in the soil, loess, that a grinding glacier leaves behind. Of course, that process was only for the long-lived vampires, as it took ages to build up enough loess. And when the soil was ready, the grapes were grown and processed, from graft to foot-stomped pulp in ironwood vats, without ever seeing the sun. That was what gave it its black velvet, dark, delicate taste. And nowElena had a grape juice mustache. Damon wanted very much to kiss it away.Well, someday y ou can tell people you drank two glasses of Black Magic in under a minute, and impress them, he said.But she was doing the tap-tap-tapping again under her chin.Elena, do you want to have some of your blood drawn?Yes She said it in the ringing-bell tones of someone who has finally been asked the right question.She was drunk.She flung both arms backward, draping them against the bench, which conformed to accept her bodys every new motion. It had become a black suede couch with a high back a divan, and just now, Elenas slender neck was resting on the highest point of that back, her throat exposed to the air. Damon turned away with a little moan. He wanted to get Elena to civilization. He was worried about her health, mildly concerned aboutMutts and nowhe couldnt haveanything he wanted. He could hardly bleed her when she was drunk.Elena made a different sort of sound that might have been his name. Dmn? she mumbled. Her eyes had filled with tears. notwithstanding about anything that a nu rse might have to do for a patient, Damon had done for Elena. But it seemed she didnt want to unswallow two glasses of Black Magic in front of him.Mshick, Elena got out, with a dangerous hiccup at the end. She gripped Damons wrist.Yes, this is not the kind of wine to guzzle. Wait, just sit up straight and let me try And maybe because he said the words without thinking, without thinking of being rude, without thinking of manipulating her one way or another, it was all right. Elena obeyed him and he put two fingers on either side of her temples and pressed slightly. For a split second there was a near disaster, and then Elena was breathing slowly and calmly. She was still affected by the wine, but she wasnt drunk any longer.And the time was now. He had to tell her the truth at last.But first, he needed to wake up.A triple espresso, please, he said, holding out his hand. It appeared instantly, aromatic and black as his soul. Shinichi says espresso alone is an excuse for the human race. Whoever Shinichi is, I agree with him or her. A triple espresso, please, Elena said to the magic that was this forest, this eccentric person globe, this universe. Nothing happened.Maybe its only attuned to my voice right now, Damon said, flashing her a reassuring smile, and then he fetched her espresso with a wave.To his surprise, Elena was frowning.You said Shinichi. Whos that?Damon wanted nothing less than for Elena to get involved with the kitsune, but if he was really going to tell all she was going to have to. Hes akitsune , a fox spirit, he said. And the person who gave me that network address that sent Stefan running.Elenas expression froze over.Actually, Damon said, I find that I would rather get you home before taking the next step.Elena lifted exasperated eyes to the sky, but let him pick her up and carry her back to the car.He had just realized where the best place to tell her was.It was just as well that they didnt urgently need to get to any place that was out of the O ld Wood right now. They didnt find any road that did not lead to dead ends, little clearings, or trees. Elena seemed so unsurprised at finding the little lane that led to their small but perfectly appointed house that he said nothing as they entered and he took new inventory of what they had.They had one bedroom with one large, luxurious bed. They had a kitchen. And a living area. But any of these rooms could become any kind of room you chose simply by thinking of it before opening the door. Moreover, there were the keys left behind by what Damon was realizing was a seriously shaken Shinichi that allowed the doors to do more. Insert a key in a door and announce what you wanted and there you were even, it seemed, if it should be outside Shinichis soil in spacetime. In other words, theyseemed to link to the real outside world, but Damon wasnt entirely sure about that.Was it the real world or just another of Shinichis play-traps?What they had right now was a long spiraling stairway to an open-air observatory with a widows walk around it, just like the roof of the boardinghouse. There was even a room just like Stefans, Damon noted as he carried Elena up the stairs.Were going all the way up? Elena sounded bewildered.All the way.And what are wedoing up here? Elena asked, when he had her settled in a chair with a footstool and a light blanket on the roof.Damon sat down on a rocker, rocking a little, his arms wrapped around one knee, his face tilted to the clouded sky.He rocked once more, stopped, and turned to face her. I suppose were here, he said, in the light self-mocking tone that meant he was very serious, so that I can tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Childhood Nostalgia Essay
Childhood memories never fade easily, and I long for the life I had as a child, as many others do. Nostalgia will always be a part of me, as my childhood was simply unforgettable and wonderful. When I was a child, I lived with my grandparents for a while, as my parents are both busy with work in their company. I still have a clear visual memory about my grandparents traditional Chinese house. The old wooden gate with black rings on both sides displays the typical Asian atmosphere.When I open the gate, I immediately smell the toilet of burning wood use to heat the house. The split firewood is stacked on the side wall of the house, enough for several winters. The front yard is cove cerise in green fresh grass which turns into yellow dry grass as winter approaches. Some stones are imbedded in the grass like a distich to the house from the gate. It was truly a view few other places can compete, and its a break from the concrete urban jungle I was used to in the cities.A medium-sized po megranate tree is planted in the corner of the yard, and its sweet sour fruits are picked and eaten. These fruits are some of the most delicious Id ever had, and I still long for them every single day. As a child, I was always amazed how the tree bore the red delicious fruit every year. It was then I realized how food always tastes better when you grow them yourself. Finally, there is a titanic rectangular build that seems simple in shape but complex in other aspects.The black tiled roof, in my opinion, is the most appealing strength of the house as those hundreds of tiles are engraved with delicate patterns, making the tiles bumpy and coarse. Under the roof, there is a tiny nest of swallows which symbolize peace and happiness in China. The sunup at my grandparents house is welcomed everyday with the harmonic songs that the birds provide. These fine details of the house always linger in my head, persuading me to visit my grandparents, as these memories are simply timeless.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Example of informative speech outline Essay
I. IntroductionA. Attention GetterToday, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep their lives moving by means of periodical activities like work, education, health c atomic number 18, leisure activities, entertainment, travelling, personal relationships, and the other stuff with which we are involved. So what? We need to be cognisant that the values we hold, the beliefs we harbour and the decisions we wangle are based on our assumptions, our experiences, our education and what we know for a fact. We rely on mass media for the current give-and-take and facts about what is important and what we should be aware of.B. Reason to ListenMedia Effects and Society provides an in-depth look at media effects and is one of the most unresolved issues in our high society, and it is necessary to be knowledgeable to its effect.C. thesis narrativeSocial media websites are round of the most customary haunts on the Internet. They take in revolutionized the counse l people communicate and socialize on the Web.D. Credibility Statement1. I have been seen the think issues of mass media in the news. 2. I have read and studied about the effects of mass media in a related book news paper and, and have done research on the Internet.E. Preview of Main Points1. First, I will discuss the influence of social media in the society. 2. Finally, I will discuss the effects of social media and the advert to the society and to the individual.II. Social media websites are some of the most popular haunts on the Internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web.A. Social Media is one of the most influential issues in the society. 1. There are three basic functions of mass media.a. Providing news and informationb. Entertainmentc. Education2. How media influence usa. According to Victoria Sherrow, in her book Violence the question of stupefy and effect and the Media There are positive and negative influences of mass media, wh ich we must understand as a responsible person of a society.b. New and influential media-distribution channels have appeared in the 21st century. Delivered via the World Wide Web across the Internet, we are influenced daily by blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds and myriad forms of content sharing.c. Radio and then picture were very influential. As the 20th century closed, TV exposed us to untold numbers of images of advertising and marketing, suffering and relief, sexuality and violence, celebrity, and much more.Transition without delay that I have discussed the influence of social media, I will now discuss the effects of social media and the impact to the society and to the individual. B. The impact of Media on the society1. Social impacta. Couldry states that Mass media generally are considered a prime candidate given the on-line profusion of information and entertainment services. This article compares the daily mass media habits of heavy, light, and nonusers of pers onal computers and on-line services based on 1994 and 1995 national surveys conducted by the Times-Mirror Center for the People and the Press.b. On a social level, media has its greatest impact. Viewpoints have been shaped due to the representation of different cultures, races, genders, religions, and sexual orientations.c. Graham noted that social media usage by teens and younger kids sparks a greater fear for some in society.d. Social media has made it possible for like minded individuals to discuss important topics, widen their personal knowledge and discover things they never knew before.2. Political impacta. The rise of a networked information economy (Benkler, 2006) has revolutionized the media political economy. b. As the Internet plays a larger role in governance, campaigns and activism, the debate continues about how social and digital media are changing politics. c. Social media therefore introduce new informational capabilities for producing, recording and spreading infor mation through networks (Norris, 2002). III. ConclusionA. Review Main Points1. Today I discussed the influence of social media in the society. 2. Finally, I discussed the effects of social media and the impact to the society and to the individual.B. Research thesisSocial media websites are some of the most popular hauntson the Internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web.C. ClosureIn conclusion, social media has politically and socially made an impact to our society. each individual have there negative and positive effects thus we must knowledgeably know the basic elements and its fundamentals to avoid violence.ReferencesSherr, V. (2005).Violence the question of cause and effect anAlcoholics Anonymous Meeting Experiencd the Media. Article Kohut, A. (2007). Social Impact Research Personal Computer, Man Made, Use of Time Journal, 243-248Couldry, N. (2000).Media, Society World Social supposition and Digital Media Practice. uPublish.comGraham, R. (2014). Social Media Causing a Distancing Phenomena To Take Place. New York, New York Readers Digest.http//
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Hitler Was a Bad Leader
One of the most controversial topics in history is whether or not Hitler was a good draw to this I say he wasnt. During Hitlers reign of power, more like reign of terror, he may open brought success to the world but none of it can undo his damage none can ever compensate for the lives he took. Hitler was a terrible leader in that he human worldsipulated the young, he was very hypocritical, and he caused the Jewish Holocaust. Hitler may have done more damage than good however, he did know what he was doing. Hitler knew he needed supporters, and so he went to the people who would be the easiest to bring to his side.According to Hitler himself in his speech at Reichsparteitag in 1935, He alone, who owns the y turn uph, gains the Future Hitlers manipulation of the youth succeeded into misleading an entire generation of idealistic German boys with the idea of racial and national superiority. Hitler strongly believed that any race or appearance diametric from what he claimed perfect , which was to be blonde with blue eyes, were to be destroyed. He used these perfection of people to become his base of support to help him carry out his barbaric attacks and later the holocaust.The young children did not know any better than to listen to their leader, so they acted without question, basically willingly helping him commit his sickening slew murder. The fact that he chose to manipulate younger children shows how pathetic he really was in that he wanted them because they were easier. Aside from his manipulating of innocent children to become his personal slaves, another(prenominal) reason he was a horrific leader was that he was a hypocrite. Hitler is most known for his act of murdering thousands of Jews because they were not blonde with blue eyes, but in reality, who is he to judge?Last time I checked, Hitler wasnt even German but Austrian with black hair. This shows that he was an extremely racist man in that he attempted to take out an entire race because they wer e not his preferred ethnicity. This also shows that he was not fit to be a leader in that leaders are supposed to practice equality of all people, and are supposed to be of exemplary character. Seeing how he allow his racist ways control him into committing much(prenominal) horrendous crimes just adds to how bad of a leader he really was.When someone first hears the name Hitler, on that point is usually a strong negative connotation that comes with it in that most people relate him directly to being the cause of the holocaust. The first reason he should never have been leader was that any person with such a sick and compulsive mind should never be in power. Already having such a fixed mindset, it should have been known that he would only do damage with his power. According to those around him, Hitlers reasoning for the killing was that Jews were the cause of Germanys problems.First of all, with no actual proof, it shows that Hitler acted on feeling instead of reason which obvious ly would only lead to downfalls. It also shows that he was a liar, and never should a estate have such a ruler. Even if it is what he believed, it also shows he acted on impulse and simply what he believed instead of what was for the good of everyone. However, if he would equable try to persuade people that he believed it really was for the good of all, it then just shows how he had the spank judgment and should not have been named ruler.Hitler was one of the worst rulers in our history because of his lack of good judgment and because of his wrong doings. Hitler gained support through the manipulation of innocent minds, which shows he was weak. He lived and spoke through hypocrisy, particularly when he acted in killing thousands of Jews because of something they could not change. Hitler may have had some minimal success in adding to the world, but his injustices will forever shame him into being a horrible leader.
Monday, May 20, 2019
African-American History Since 1877
Film Analysis Gregory Hamlin HIST 222. African-American business relationship Since 1877 Professor Alli Chambers American Military University October 14, 2012 Documentary Film Analysis Worksheet History 222 African American History Since 1877 Instructions You will find the list of charges you can choose from in the assignment component of the course. Go to the list and pick your germinate. You must view the entire withdraw. If you cant access charges because of deployment, geographical location, or other reasons, please let your instructor know so they can give you an change over assignment. Please type you answers into this sheet. You must submit the worksheet two ways 1) upload the worksheet as a give-and-take document 2) cut and paste your answers into the student response box for the assignment. You must answer in discern sentences, using a short answer/paragraph format. 1. What is the title of the film you picked? The title of the film I picked was A physique Divi ded. 2. Why did you pick this film over the others offered? The reason I picked this film was because of the heart it offered. The means was brought to the highest degree at a time where most people who agreed with the message were a minority.This message changed the individuals lives that were part of the documentary. 3. What is/are the central message(s) of this documentary/fictional film? Be specific. Use examples from the film to support your choice. The central message of this documentary was to never part. Discrimination is the intervention or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or social occasion based on the radical, row, or category to which that person or social occasion belongs rather than on individual merit (Discrimination).Discrimination can come in a variety of ways, such as racial or sexual discrimination. The discrimination that was most talked about in this film was racial discrimination. In 1968 a disciplineer by th e name of Jane Elliot asked her students what they thought of other racial groups such as African Americans and Native Americans. They stated that they were dumb and explained the different obscenities that were thrown at them. In response, the teacher from the film set up a scenario where she divided her class into two groups according to center of attention comment.There was a dark-brown eye alter group and a blue eye color group. She told the class that the blue eye color group was to a greater extent superior to the brown eye color group. The brown eye color group was not as smart, they could not use the water fountain, and the blue eye color group had extra time for recess. This caused the brown eye color group to be unfocused, unhappy, and humiliated. The next day the teacher switched the groups around so that the blue eye color group was the more superior. This caused the blue eye color group to feel the same as the blue eye color group the previous day.At the polish off of this scenario she asked both groups how it felt when they were the less superior group. They stated that they did not like it and they hated being stranded from their peers. hence she asked them should they perform people with a different color differently and they stated no. Then she asked should they treat people of a different skin color different, they gave the same response (Peters). This taught the children not to discriminate against anyone and they learned not to discriminate by playing those scenarios.This message was incredibly strong. 4. Consider the effectiveness of the film for this history class. What are its strengths and weaknesses of this film in documenting history? The effectiveness of this film is very strong because of the point it shows that we all deserve to be treated equally. This is important to this history class because in the lessons we learn during this class deal with Civil or Equal rights of all Americans. The film was a documentary about the lessons a classroom of children and adults learned from a teacher about discrimination.No one should be discriminated against. The only weakness I saw in this film was that the studies that were done transpired in a prominently washrag community where they do not deal with other minorities on a day to day basis. Due to this fact, the study is not as realistic as it could have been if it were to transpire in a community where at that place is more diversity. 5. How do you think the filmmakers want the audience to respond? Is there a social justice message? If so, what is it? I think the filmmakers wanted the audience to respond to this film positively.The documentary had to be a snorkel of fresh air during the time frame it was produced. It was created during a time were discrimination and prejudice was very park among whites and minorities. The social justice message is to treat everyone equally and do not discriminate based on the color of ones skin. 6. Did the documentary leav e you with any unanswered questions? If so, what were they? An unanswered question I had about this documentary was whether or not the teacher experienced seeing minorities treated a certain way that made her want to teach others to never discriminate against one another?Did her parents raise her to treat everyone equally or is this something she wanted to do on her own? 7. How did this film change any misconceptions or stereotypes you had about the subject matter? If so, what were they? This film did not change any misconceptions or stereotypes I had about the subject of discrimination. I was raised in the south where I have faced discrimination from white people. I have also become friends with white people who do not discriminate at all and were raised with the same values instilled in them as some of the individuals from this film. 8.What is the most important thing you learned from watching the film? The most important thing I learned from this film is that there are people ou t there who genuinely care for others and how they feel. This teacher from Idaho did not have to teach those children that discrimination was incorrect. She just genuinely cared for these children to grow with good moral values. 9. Why is this film important to concord contemporary African American History? This film is important to understanding contemporary African American History because discrimination was huge issue during the Civil Rights Movement.It took men like Martin Luther King to stand up for minorities and speak out against discrimination and other various issues. As a result the Civil Rights spot of 1964 came about that put an end to lawful discrimination. Bibliography Discrimination. Dictionary. com. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.. http//dictionary. reference. com/browse/discrimination (accessed October 14, 2012). Peters, William. A Class Divided. Recorded March 26 1985. Web, http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=GouGUeB3fYs.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Making Sex Offenders Names Public
Amanda McCloskey fashioning arouse offenders severalizes e trulyday. Making sex offenders names public does give there ups and downs scarce i am totally for it. sex activity offenders tin undersurface be men or women it does not matter about what gender the sex offenders atomic number 18 because either way the adult is the one who is taking the innocents of a child. In most cases the child can know there sex offender.The reasons why i think that sex offenders name should be public atomic number 18, the encourageion of twain genders and children in the area, for the sex offenders names to be out there so they have to live with what they did, so that the people from the community can prevent it from misfortune again. Sex offenders are very dangerous and we really dont know when they are going to do it again. The first reason why i think sex offenders names should be public is for the protection of both genders and children in the area.Men and women can both sexually abus e someone. Sometimes when your walking by someone you never really think to yourself that the somebody you just walked by can actually be a sex offender. Sex offenders names are already public but the reason i am for it is because then people actually can try to prevent it by taking there time and looking through with(predicate) the list of sex offenders and what the person did, who is actually by them and live close to them. Both genders can still be harmful, or even harmed.This whole topic and situation is just scary to picture and talk about but personally it needs to be out there, and the sex offenders website for your state needs to be always updated. When your a child you never think that someone can actually do something that harmful for you and it is just sad. every person has a right to know so that they actually have a chance to protect themselves. Thats one of the reasons why i think that sex offenders name should be public. The second reason why i think a sex offenders name should be public is so sex offenders name to be out there for everyone to see and so they have to live with what they did.Also because they wont be able to report if someone ask them about it, for instants trying to get a job and lying about it. The mind of being sexually offended is scary and i personally dont think anyone would want to go through that. People who are sexually offending shouldnt be afraid to tell on the person, because a percentage of the people who dont tell often who did to them might do it to someone else, and if they talk they can prevent it from happening again. I dont understand how an adult can take avenge of a person knowing that it is wrong.
Tracking & Measuring Crime
In Chapter 3 of our text we learn how active the different tools to track aversion, twist behaviors, mea authoritative crime, and crime ordain. Discuss and define the different types of measuring tools used such as the UCR, study Incident-based cut across carding, victim surveys, and self- describe survey. Discuss both the positives and negative of all(prenominal) of the methods used to measure crime. so respond to at least two peer posts. 1. Discuss and define the different types of measuring tools used such as the UCR.The Uniformed shame Report (UCR) This is a report used by the Federal Bureau of Investigations this report aids the FBI by giving them an indication as to wicked activities her in the United States. The FBI collects its data of instruction from altogether the Law Enforcement Agencies here in the USA. Upon receiving all the current activity throughout the USA, the FBI is satisfactory to leave with almost complete accuracy as to the type of crime, as wel l as what, when, where, and why a type of incident may occur. The (UCR) is based on three parts. (a) The unblemished enumerate of people arrested. b) The number of annoyances reported by Victims, witnesses, or the police themselves. (c) The number of Law Enforcement police officers. Upon the FBI receiving all the required data, the data is thus compiles the information and it is then presented in two important ways 1a. I have read that in according to our learning material, class book. ( abominable Justice in Action). By, Larry K. Gaines, & Roger Leroy Miller if you look discharge at the year 2010, it was composed of people centreing 100,000 individual, the detestation rate was reported to be 3,346 reports over all in the United States.These reports were considered constituent I class offences, as these types of illegal activity ar the more than serious type crimes one(a) can commit, as they range from Murder, Bank robbery, Forcible Rape, aggravate Battery, Robbery, B&E, theft / Theft, Auto Theft, and eve Arson (Fire) not instinctively caused, caused by mankind. 1b. Now there is alike Part II nuisances which consist of all other criminal activity from Loitering all the way to Vagrancy and both other laws that go against one State, County, or Municipal City level.These types of crimes hap playpen often and because of their commonality with every day Society the percentage usually leave usually out way Part I Criminal Offenses. 1C. I genuinely call back that this system was a great way to pinpoint criminal activity for this period of time, when first placed into effect this was an exceptional system for the Law Enforcement Agencies to be able to apply common sense criminal activity, whereas a prediction of what type of crime may occur.Now one must realize that this tool was only effective as the Officers who filed reports willingly and timely, as crime rate would rise reporting would dwindle. This could be due to pride, as each agency and the officer that belonged to its organization. The many topical anaesthetic Law Enforcement Agencies frowned upon the interference of the FBI creating errors in the actual percentage of active crime in any disposed(p) period of time. This was not an error in the Tool reporting, but Human error over green-eyed monster between Local, State, and County Law Officials against Federal direction involvement 2.Discuss and define the National Incident- ground Reporting System. The (NIBRS) has come into do work because the (UCR) was with flaw. The FBI and several State Law Enforcement agencies argon soon operating under the National Incident Based Reporting System as it was introduced since the 1980s. The (NIBRS) was found to be a more productive way in pinpointing Criminal Activity. It was required that each Local Law Enforcement Agency were to call in all Criminal Activity inside twenty-two different offences categories.The (NIBRS) is made up of forty-six specific crimes classifie d as Group Offenses, all these offenses are rendered on a computerized record system on a daily basis which is provided though not fully financed by the Federal Government. The (NIBS) was introduced to the local agencies in 1989 and has coin twenty-two years to reach 36 States, allowing on average of up to 40% of all agencies within those States to utilize the new system. Thought the system is limited, criminologists have acted out enthusiastically because how the new system can provide information.The system provides about for data sets that include Offenses, Victims, Offenders, and daily arrestees. This newer system has unfeignedly outweighed the Uniformed Crime Report, aka (UCR). 3. The NIBRS is a new methodology for the Uniform Crime Report. It is stronger than the UCR because it collects more detailed information about the crimes. hotshot of the strength is the recording of relationships between the victim and offender, another is the use of 22 categories of crime, and anot her is the fact that triune crimes can be reported in one incident. http//wiki. answers. om/Q/Strengths_of_NIBRS (Bing. com Search Web L sign). 4. Discuss and define the victim surveys. The victim survey is moreover what it tell aparts. The survey was performed by our own government in order to attend out who and how many individuals suffered by becoming a victim of a crime. These victims who responded were innocent of crime, as the criminal act was against them by the hand of another. The actual definition of Victim Survey is A method in which gathering information which requires a participant that is anyone willing to open up to Government Law Enforcement whether it be Local or Federal.Participants participants must be willing to reveal in detail any incidents of a criminal activity brought against them or any criminal act they may have pull. I truly believe that if given the opportunity to feel safe, many individuals would come through in order to clean up their community and keep the rest of society thankful. It is truly sad, however I believe that less(prenominal) if not any would want to either testify against another anymore. Since 1989, many have come to timidity sound reflection for opening up to the Law unless they truly feel safe guarded by the chances of world reduced to ash. 5.Discuss and define the self-reported survey. The principles are nearly the same, however it only focuses on offenders. Offenders are individuals who have committed crimes and never were arrested, nor even cited for the crime they have committed in the past. I truly find this to be an informative way to do better laws within a society it is like we use to say in the Marine Corps, Its to keep an honest soulfulness honest. I believe that if in the objurgate situation and at the right time a survey should conducted again just to see what crimes even though they me be petty ones are being conducted by the populous.I also believe that there unintentional crime that every person may be guilty of a good example of a small petty crime that many never catch onto is the taken of a Government ink pen that was purchased with government funds. I was guilty of this numerous times as I would remove the pen from my desk off the base without any knowledge until I was already off the base in travel guidebook to home. 6. Well, I want to show that there are many positive factors when you come right gobble up to it. I believe that both the (UCR), as well as the (NIBRS) re very useful because it truly provides a better means to track crime and one can use this information to create a better means in reducing crime, All it takes is for each officer to make sure that their reports are finished and that everyone that has been detained is placed into the report process. Crime is always going to exist and if tracking each Part one Offense is quickly placed into the system an accurate report can be begind. Now, nothing is ever flawless and there are many factors that bring out the negative position in the failure of these two systems.One each agency needs to share and at time share information between each agency is like telling a deaf dog to fetch. What I am stating is that if an agency is not willing to open up and share information then there will be definite negative accountability in the accuracy in the percentages of these tools they use to generate the percentage of crime. I also believe that News agencies also report thing wrong more often than none, only because of inaccurate reporting due to human error.All Law Enforcement Agencies no matter if they are State or Federal, as each agency needs to operate as a team. all(prenominal) Division when compiling data and criminal trends. Need to reflect and show exactly whether they are Part I, or Part II Offenses. I also believe that as a society we should be given surveys to be answered every eight to ten years like that of the Population Census Report. I honestly believe that if this were a tool used often we could narrow down crime and contradict back to win over a Nation at odds with issues of Law.As I have mentioned earlier, many will willingly open up to self surveys as long as no repercussion is given to the ones who answer honestly. Many feel fear when it comes to reporting crime and this is another factor in misrepresentation of percentage of actual crime committed. 7. Lets take a look at what has been recently placed on world news by Good Morning America about the FBI investigation that has been taking place here in Albuquerque, NM for the first two weeks in March, 2013 an Officer is on trial for the wrongful Shooting conclusion of a Marine Corps Veteran.Now if the individuals mental health status had been placed into a shared system I honestly believe the Officer would not have shot this Marine who had suffered with PTSD and had done Crack Cocaine and was grasp several months ago. I bet this was a Part I level offense, however along the rake this w as never reported properly and when these two had their confrontation well a sadden event had already occurred. This is the flaw that I mentioned and lately well after 911 all the agencies have started to revert back to their previous(a) habits and that keeping one another in the Dark.I honestly find situations like this when listening on a police scanner. It is as if one hand is not aware of the other. Uniform Crime Reports and powerfulness of Crime in Albuquerque in the State of New Mexico enforced by Albuquerque from 1985 to 2005 function of Violent Crimes Reported by Albuquerque by Year and Total Year Population Murder/ Man- slaughter Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Total Violent Crime 2005 490,631 53 285 1,150 3,182 4,670 2004 479,074 44 235 1,238 3,206 4,723 2003 468,764 52 263 1,080 3,045 4,440 2002 457,488 54 293 1,295 3,250 4,892 2001 451,098 36 219 1,610 3,396 5,261 000 448,607 38 239 1,547 3,317 5,141 1995 419,714 56 296 1,623 2,763 4,738 1990 384,736 35 222 1,030 3,83 5 5,122 1985 357,051 43 238 1,247 2,578 4,106 1980 328,837 52 217 914 1,630 2,813 New Mexico Counties In 1930, the FBI assumed responsibility for managing the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, collecting data from 400 cities. By 2006, over 15,000 law enforcement agencies submitted crime reports to the FBI, but since not all jurisdictions provide reports there is a possibility that you wont find complete data on about of our agency crime report pages.In every case where the FBI has assigned a population to a jurisdiction, we are providing a page even though it may be blank. When a city located in a county starts submitting its own reports, the population assigned to the county is reduced to reflect that fact. Number of Property CrimesReported by Albuquerque by Year and Total. UCR Crime Statistics prepared by the The happening Center in association with the Index of the State of New Mexico Uniform Crime Reports Index of United StatesCrime Reports Year Population Burglary thef t Theft Vehicle Theft Total Property Crime 2005 490,631 5,744 20,703 3,796 30,243 004 479,074 5,243 20,469 3,845 29,557 2003 468,764 5,543 19,663 4,088 29,294 2002 457,488 5,452 21,371 4,050 30,873 2001 451,098 6,585 23,535 4,162 34,282 2000 448,607 7,120 22,842 4,349 34,311 1995 419,714 8,362 23,461 4,995 36,818 1990 384,736 9,497 22,130 1,973 33,600 1985 357,051 9,186 17,935 1,932 29,053 1980 328,837 7,469 15,805 1,338 24,612 The UCR can be presented here because of the concentrated work of law enforcement statisticians who must classify and score each crime according to the strict criteria genuine for the UCR.Some agencys crime reports do not have a population associated with them, these may include the highway patrol, state police, a drug enforcement agency, an environmental enforcement agency, transportation utility, colleges, and others. Areas may have many agencies performing the same or different law enforcement functions, and a population can only be assigned once, so it is not possible to formulate a crime rate for every agency. The UCR does not include a record of every crime reported to law enforcement, and every agency does not submit data in the form that the FBI requests.The most accurate number of crimes reported are those involving death. The leastaccurate isthe number of rapes that are reported. The number of case of rape reported does not include attempted rapes. Aggravated Assault does not include cases of simple assault, (which are the largest number of assaults reported to police) and so constitutes only a portion of the total number of reported assaults. The number of Aggravated Assaults used here was arrived at by subtracting the number of dewy-eyed Assaults fromthe Total Assaults reported by each agency.For a few agencies, this process resulted in the generation of a negative number (their UCR report wrongly indicates that there were more simple assaultsthan the total number of reported assaults). The magnitude of a threat/risk is measured by its frequency and effect. By this definition crime may well constitute thesingle greatest risk/threat we face today. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please see ourFAQ pagefirst athttp//www. disastercenter. com/UCR. htmland feel free to post a message toemailprotected com. National Criminal Victimization Survey, 1996 estimate that only 37% of rapes are reported to policeThe Disaster Centerprovides online coverage of disasters in the United States, compiling and providing links to disaster related statistics and studiesUS Crimes data from 1960Tornado,Illnesses, FatalMotor Vehicle Traffic Injury and Fatality Data,Child Nursery Equipment and Toys Accident place by Age,Sports Recreational Equipment Injuries by Age and Sex,Home, Heating, Plumbing, and Appliance Injuries by Cause, Age, and Rate,Furniture, furnishings, household, and personal use items Accident daub rates by Age,Home, Work Tools and Misc.Items Accident Injury rates by Age. US Cause of Death D ata,US Antiterrorism Threat/Risk Policy prior to September 11, 2001,US Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism Policy prior to 911Atlantic Hurricane pages and index. Total student, Number of schoolassociated Violent Deaths and Number of Homicides and Suicides of Youth Ages 519, by Location 19922002Crimes and Indexes for USA Metropolitan statistical Areas Violent Crime Index base upon 100,000 People. Year Population Murder/ Man- slaughter Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Total Violent Crime 2005 490,631 10. 58. 1 234. 4 648. 6 951. 8 2004 479,074 9. 2 49. 1 258. 4 669. 2 985. 9 2003 468,764 11. 1 56. 1 230. 4 649. 6 947. 2 2002 457,488 11. 8 64. 0 283. 1 710. 4 1,069. 3 2001 451,098 8. 0 48. 5 356. 9 752. 8 1,166. 3 2000 448,607 8. 5 53. 3 344. 8 739. 4 1,146. 0 1995 419,714 13. 3 70. 5 386. 7 658. 3 1,128. 9 1990 384,736 9. 1 57. 7 267. 7 996. 8 1,331. 3 1985 357,051 12. 0 66. 7 349. 2 722. 0 1,150. 0 1980 328,837 15. 8 66. 0 277. 9 495. 7 855. 4 Property Crime Index per 100,000 People. Year Population Burglary Larceny Theft Vehicle Theft Total Property Crime 2005 490,631 1,170. 7 4,219. 7 773. 7 6,164. 1 2004 479,074 1,094. 4 4,272. 6 802. 6 6,169. 6 2003 468,764 1,182. 5 4,194. 6 872. 1 6,249. 2 2002 457,488 1,191. 7 4,671. 4 885. 3 6,748. 4 2001 451,098 1,459. 8 5,217. 3 922. 6 7,599. 7 2000 448,607 1,587. 1 5,091. 8 969. 4 7,648. 3 1995 419,714 1,992. 3 5,589. 8 1,190. 1 8,772. 2 1990 384,736 2,468. 4 5,752. 0 512. 8 8,733. 3 1985 357,051 2,572. 7 5,023. 541. 1 8,136. 9 1980 328,837 2,271. 3 4,806. 3 406. 9 7,484. This report was provided by (Google Search (URL) Http//www. disastercenter. com/newmexic/crime/8543. htm). This link will take one to view an actual published (UCR) provided by Albuquerque, New Mexico City Law Enforcement. Now, currently have a much broader reason why this report even though more accurate still is with Flaws as Rape Victims especially Female are more likely to not report their encounter after suffering from unwanted se xual activity that was consensual.Now, as we are aware natural disasters occur around the United States. I find it true that it is actually impossible to provide a true accurate account of class type of crime whether it be Offense I, or Offense II type. This is why during a Disaster it is up to each and every person Moral obligation of duty to report any and all crime, however just because it is the ethical approach, not all in Society would report such crimes. Then there are the crimes that gone not unseen just unreported by the many in Society that believe, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, plow No Evil means safety from the criminal elements as they Reported no wrong against themselves and others. We, as a notion of laws that are governed by both Federal and State need to put the record book out in a manner that truly allows one to be safe of retaliation of others. Then there is the elderly who have and are today being abused as they are an promiscuous target every walk of life. The elderly fear retaliation like any other person who fears the fact that they are unprotected because there are more people committing crime than preventing crime
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Fundamentals of Macroeconomics
Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Lisa Rasch ECO/372 June 18th, 2012 Sigmund Karczewski Fundamental of Macroeconomics Part 1 * Gross domestic Product (GDP)- GDP is the harbor of all goods and function that engage been produced in a country inside a period of time. * Real GDP- Real GDP refers to the value of all goods and work that has been adjusted for fanf atomic number 18 or deflation. * Nominal GDP- Nominal GDP refers to the value of all goods and services that has non been adjusted for pretension or deflation. Unemployment Rate- Unemployment rate refers to the percentage of people in a country who want to work and are able to work but cannot find jobs. * Inflation Rate- Inflation rate is the rate of price increases within a period of time. * Interest Rate- An interest rate is the amount of money a person pay ups in order to borrow money. Part 2 Purchasing Groceries The purchasing of groceries has an effect on the United States economy and its three sectors businesses, hou seholds, and government. Purchasing groceries effects households and businesses the about however government is also effected.Government is responsible for creating the rules and regulations surrounding the production of the groceries (food safety laws, etc. ). Businesses then produce the groceries within the government regulations increasing value for that business. After the businesses bear produced the goods, the goods are then bribed by other businesses to be sold to consumers. Generally, a grocery store (a business) lead purchase the groceries from vendors (other businesses), increasing the value of their business that inventory is then sold to households (consumers).Once the goods are sold to consumers, the value of the goods is then transferred to the consumers. Massive Layoffs of Employees A commodious layoff of employees also has an effect on the three sectors of the U. S. economy. A massive layoff affects households the about although the other two sectors are also alter. Households suffer a loss in income as a result of a layoff and the loss of income leave translate to a reduction of purchasing power for the household.The reduced purchasing power will affect businesses because the households that suffered layoffs will not have the money to purchase goods or services from businesses. The government will also see a reduction in receipts from the layoffs because the households will pay less money in income taxes. The government will also be affect by the lack of sales taxes from purchasing goods and services and the reduction in taxes being paid by the businesses the less sales the business reports the lower the taxes they owe to the government. Still, the hardest hit sector for massive layoffs will be the households.The reduced income for households will have a trickledown effect on the rest of the economy because households are the most powerful economic institution (Colander, 2010). Decrease in Taxes A decrease in taxes will have an ef fect on the three sectors of the U. S. economy as well. The sector that will be affected the most by a decrease in taxes will be the government. A decrease in taxes will reduce the amount of tax revenue collected by the government which will reduce the amount of goods and services the government is able to provide for households and businesses.The government collects taxes in order to have the funds to pay for services much(prenominal) as unemployment insurance and the welfare system as well as infrastructure such as roads and street lights. A decrease in taxes will have a domineering effect on household income however the reduction in government infrastructure and services expertness have a negative effect on households. If the government does not have the money to pay for infrastructure it could result in households having to pay to a greater extent money to maintain their property pot holes not being repaired quickly could cause higher car maintenance costs.Businesses will al so be affected by a decrease in taxes. Lower taxes will mean businesses will have more money to spend on increasing their labor force or making improvements to their businesses. The increased revenue for businesses and households will put more money back into the economy. The decrease in taxes will decrease revenue for the government while increasing revenue for households and businesses. Reference Colander, D. C. (2010). Macroeconomics (8th ed. ). Boston, MA McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
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